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One Hot Slut (Metroid Kraid remix made with ONLY FL Studio demo version sounds)

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Posted (edited)


I wrote this remix this week for the FL Studio Remix Gauntlet going on here on our very own beloved OCR forum. It features only the synths and samples which are included with the FL Studio demo version as per the limitations of the competition. That being the case, every synth was made with 3xosc, and all the drums came from those truly godawful samples in the Packs folder. The "one hot slut" vocals even came from Packs (reverse "don't stop now" and enjoy).

As it is, the snare is too loud and the high end is a little sizzly.

Other than that, what do you folks think? I sorta think it'd be cool to get a mix posted using only the most basic tools FL Studio has to offer. Think this could make it with a little production cleanup?

If you enjoy it, please follow me on facebook and soundcloud for updates on my originals and arrangements! Links are in my sig.

Edited by ectogemia

Doing all of this with demo sounds is very very cool. I messed around with fruity loops back around 2003/2004 and i did not have the best time doing anything with it. I'm not the biggest dubstep fan in the world but I was able to listen to the whole thing no problem. Tasteful use of wobbles and wubs and what not is what i'm trying to say. By the way what oscillators did you use? I have no oscillator plugins and want to know which ones are good to be playing around with.

Any chance of this thing getting a name change though ? :) Let me tell you, I'm a pretty mild mannered proud member of the opposite sex with 28 years of Nintendo avoision which has left me with maybe a total of 10 minutes of Metroid playtime across the whole series and i'm sort of offended by the title. Somehow. I can't imagine what some Metroid fans are going to think.

I am all for the subliminal messaging if you want to keep that in there but putting it right in the title is too overt me thinks. Otherwise sounds good!

It was cool meeting you at magfest too!

Posted (edited)
By the way what oscillators did you use? I have no oscillator plugins and want to know which ones are good to be playing around with.

You can actually look directly at my project file if you want! As long as you have the demo version of FL Studio 10, it will open without error. Here's a link.

In case you don't want to look at the project file, though, I'll go ahead and tell you.

I used 3xOsc for all the wubz. The primary bass you hear throughout is two sine waves, one tuned down an octave, playing in the 2nd octave range.

There's a shit-ton of processing (~20 effects) on each bass except the YAHYAHYAH one (a very simple sound to recreate) which is what occupied the bulk of my time while writing this remix.

The basic effects I exploited were as follows:

1. Lots of distortion (waveshapers and overdrive)

2. Some light stereo chorusing to simulate unison voices and spread/panning to add width and meat,

3. SO MUCH selective EQing to scoop out unnecessary frequencies and shape the sound I wanted

4. Lots of hand-recorded automation of EQ bands for some of the sort of watery and mouthy effects

5. Band-pass/low-cut filters via the piano roll event editor LFO (Alt+O) for the WUBWUBWUBWUBZ.

Additionally, I used a lot of pitch sliding and occasionally some light phasing and flanging. Compression sidechaining, compression, and limiting each bass is critical to ensure that it's both huge, yet able to blend into the mix. A little reverb and delay helped them blend, too.

Any chance of this thing getting a name change though ?
Nope! :D
It was cool meeting you at magfest too!


Edited by ectogemia
  • 1 month later...

Lots of cool reverse effects, and a pretty brutal distorted soundscape. My biggest concern is strictly the mix, and mostly the bass. Yes, it's supposed to be big and dominating, but pushing the compression like this, it really screws up the rest of the sounds, especially when it just comes in. I don't think it'd need that much adjusting, just a dB or two less from the bass. There are also instruments that are bright and clear like they're supposed to be foreground elements, but too soft for that. The 2:28 part has vocals, chippy/bubbly fake guitar things, piano and a slew of things all fighting for attention, some of those could be pushed a bit further back.

Arrangement is overall pretty conservative, with a break in the middle. There's some creepy alterations to the melody. Bass writing is pretty cool, good choice of notes there.

Hard to say how it'd fare on the panel. I'm too bothered by the messy mixing to really enjoy it, but there's some really cool stuff in there.


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