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The Legend Of Zelda - Funky Overworld Jam


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This is begging for a jazz brush kit and a live sax or something for the lead. The lead feels a little far back at times, just sorta blending into the keys, but its not all that bad. Pretty smooth sounding chords and such, I dig the general vibe. But yeah a version with some drums and the like would really be cool to hear methinks!

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This is begging for a jazz brush kit and a live sax or something for the lead. The lead feels a little far back at times, just sorta blending into the keys, but its not all that bad. Pretty smooth sounding chords and such, I dig the general vibe. But yeah a version with some drums and the like would really be cool to hear methinks!

^this^ and yeah, possibly the upright bass, but this bass sounds good, just need to bring out the higher frequencies of that bass so we can hear the plucks in addition to the nice lows. Nice arrangement so far! Yeah, soft drums with brushed snare. :-)

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Thanks for the replies!

Yes I agree, it needs some drums and i'm already working on a drum part.

I actually like the E-Bass, it fits with the funky style of the arrangement IMO. But yeah, I will try how it sounds with the upright. I think it just depends a bit on the quality of my acoustic bass samples, i'm afraid that it will sound too fake.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The drums sound like they have potential, but aren't there yet. Hearing this might help you on the drum compression.

To be honest, drum compression and compression in general is something that I still have to learn. Regarding your soundcloud link I suppose it's the snare that needs to be compressed, I guess. Or are there other parts of the drums that should be compressed as well, like the kick drum?

Edited by Nostalvania
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To be honest, Drum compression and compression in general is something that I still have to learn. Regarding your soundcloud link I suppose it's the snare that needs to be compressed, I guess. Or are there other parts of the drums that should be compressed as well, like the kick drum?

The kick drum too, but I figured doing it on the snare could help you apply that idea to the kick. Currently the kick is a bit quiet. Everything else sounds awesome, though.

Edited by timaeus222
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