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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Posted (edited)

Here's some notes for this week...

ladyWildfire - Nice vibe! I really don’t have anything majorly negative on this one. Maybe the guitar was a bit forward in some places but that’s really it. Nice jorb!

Amphlabulous - Another one with a nice vibe! There’s nothing over the top. Just a straight forward good tune. I like it!

SuperiorX - Some funkiness going on here. A bit of the P-funk thing maybe? Vocals are decent but I think I’d have preferred something a bit more raw. Hrm. Maybe it’s got more of an 80s pop thing. Still, it’s quite nice.

Edited by theshaggyfreak

Amphibious: I love the intro. The high-pass filtered percussion elements (at least they sound that way) on top of the electric piano bits sounds sublime. I'm really digging the authentic Genesis sounding bass around 0:45 too. I've been really impressed by the synth and bass processing on all your tracks in the compo, but this one really seems to take the cake. This is such a killer arrangement too: a really clever and fresh use of Marble Garden and the Metropolis B melody bits at 1:45 were just perfect IMO. Sweet Marble Garden synth noodling afterward too :) Transitions are good and I think the whole song actually flows together great, and that ending really caps it off. This is probably my favorite track of yours from the compo, nice job! As much fun as I had making my MJ track, I'm honestly hoping you win our match-up cause I think you hands-down had the better & more complex arrangement and I want to hear at least one more Amphibious tune this compo ;-) Plus I'm kinda running out of Metropolis mix ideas at this point, hehe.

Haha, running out of Marble Garden ideas myself :P Though I'm sure I could muster some more up. I'm getting a little busy over the next couple of weeks myself so I wouldn't be mad if you won over me :P But thanks for the comments! Your mix was super smooth, very funky! The snare is practically perfect for that MJ vibe. I can dig it.

Man, I dunno guys....this might be the week I drop. We'll see. School and work are both stupid-crazy right now, and I've got several obligations over the weekend as well.

Noooooooooooo! :'(

Amphlabulous - Another one with a nice vibe! There’s over the top. Just a straight forward good tune. I like it!

I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

Man, I dunno guys....this might be the week I drop. We'll see. School and work are both stupid-crazy right now, and I've got several obligations over the weekend as well.

It would be terrible news indeed if you were to withdraw from this most delightful competition.

Man, I dunno guys....this might be the week I drop. We'll see. School and work are both stupid-crazy right now, and I've got several obligations over the weekend as well.

Sounds like you're going through some

Hard Times


Sounds like you're going through some

Hard Times


ahahahaa YES.

And if it's not this week that kills me, it'll almost certainly be the week after that. I'm travelling out of town that weekend to play at a convention, leaving me with EVEN LESS TIME THAN THIS WEEK to do anything. :banghead:

Posted (edited)
See, now, that means I can't just bow out for this round. Them's fighting words, boy.


FLEXSTYLE is angry!

EDIT: God you guys don't even know the lengths I went to to make that joke. I've been trying to find the appropriate text for like 10 minutes because I couldn't remember the Safari Zone battle text. You're welcome, everyone

Edited by Phonetic Hero

FLEXSTYLE is angry!

EDIT: God you guys don't even know the lengths I went to to make that joke. I've been trying to find the appropriate text for like 10 minutes because I couldn't remember the Safari Zone battle text. You're welcome, everyone

Time well spent


FLEXSTYLE is angry!

EDIT: God you guys don't even know the lengths I went to to make that joke. I've been trying to find the appropriate text for like 10 minutes because I couldn't remember the Safari Zone battle text. You're welcome, everyone

+1 for effort

+2 for proper caps

+5000 for GUTS

-9000 for taking 10 minutes.

And if it's not this week that kills me, it'll almost certainly be the week after that.
Don't worry, it'll be this week ;)

heh heh, I'm glad you guys sound like you're going to bring it this week ;-) I know the feeling though; the proverbial shit has hit the fan for me at work, so if I do manage to advance this round I'm not sure I'll have any time to work on something next week. It's too early to call that though, my battle with Amph is neck and neck!

I hope things are going well in the Tuberz vs. TGH match-up this week as well!

Posted (edited)

ladywildfire: I'm absolutely loving the vocals on this mix. It really captures the dreamy feeling :).

Awesome guitars by mr.n00b by the way!

Amphibious: Nice melody, and use of Metropolis Zone coupled with Marble Garden Zone.

Absolutely one of my favorites :-D.

SuperiorX: Do I detect a reference for all us Sonic Fans about Michael Jackson's possible involvement with the soundtrack ;-).

Nice vocals as well, "slickless-ahh" is going to be stuck in my head for a while lol. Definitely sub this one.

Edited by Cosmic Sounds

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