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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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ladywildfire: I'm absolutely loving the vocals on this mix. It really captures the dreamy feeling :).

Awesome guitars by mr.n00b by the way!

Awesome, glad you liked it!

Do I detect a reference for all us Sonic Fans about Michael Jackson's possible involvement with the soundtrack ;-)

His involvement was actually confirmed a few years ago:


SuperiorX: Do I detect a reference for all us Sonic Fans about Michael Jackson's possible involvement with the soundtrack ;-).

Nice vocals as well, "slickless-ahh" is going to be stuck in my head for a while lol. Definitely sub this one.

Definitely! That was my intent! ;-) I forgot where exactly I read it, but I think Marble Garden is one of the Sonic 3 tracks that MJ did work on. I always thought it sounded like an MJ song, so Jive and I wanted to take that and exponentially make it even more Michael Jackson-esque hahaha. Joel did all the vox; that particular line is actually "frictionless-ahh" heh. The lyrics are in the mp3 tag and the text file too, just FYI! thanks!

Definitely! That was my intent! ;-) I forgot where exactly I read it, but I think Marble Garden is one of the Sonic 3 tracks that MJ did work on. I always thought it sounded like an MJ song, so Jive and I wanted to take that and exponentially make it even more Michael Jackson-esque hahaha. Joel did all the vox; that particular line is actually "frictionless-ahh" heh. The lyrics are in the mp3 tag and the text file too, just FYI! thanks!

That was my mistake (Nova Science Now lol). I was reading about Physics, Slick and Slippery materials, and High-Temperature Superconductors.....and it carried over to what I was typing here :lol:.

"Frictionless-ahh" will be stuck in my head for a while lol.

You and Jive did great!

Awesome, glad you liked it!

You're welcome! Those guitars are also icing on the cake, definitely looking forward to those possible future collabs that was mentioned!

His involvement was actually confirmed a few years ago:


I completely forgot about that confirmation :)!

Yes, Michael Jackson did help with the soundtrack......in all its epic awesomeness :).


About 2 more days left until the deadline this Sunday! So far I got TGH's track. I'm looking forward to two action-packed Robotnik Round 3 match-ups! ;-)

There is still plenty of time to vote on the Sonic Round 3 match-up between Amphibious and me too! Right now it is neck-and-neck!


DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!! :-o I'm hoping the champ moves on to the next round to fight for everlasting sanic :razz:

Legit scared.

This will be a good round if all pans out though. :DDDD

Good luck to you dude!

I'm so pumped for both the Robotnik Round 3 match-ups! From what I've heard, they're gonna be goooooooooooood :-)


My song is mostly finished, and definitely "submit-able" at this point. Just a few more finishing touches, and I'm ready to rock out!

Also, I had two nights in a row where the thing I thought I was going to be doing got cancelled, so I had a lot more time to work than I thought I would. :-D

Posted (edited)

Got up from my nap about an hour and a half ago, on the final push. Got about 4:15 and still going. Gotta sub an hour earlier this week because I have to be at work at 10:30 (central time), but the fact that I've been working pretty well throughout the week and am still having to cram should say something ;)

The DAW fuzzing out and glitching means you're doing good, right...?

Edited by Phonetic Hero
Got up from my nap about an hour and a half ago, on the final push. Got about 4:15 and still going. Gotta sub an hour earlier this week because I have to be at work at 10:30 (central time), but the fact that I've been working pretty well throughout the week and am still having to cram should say something ;)

The DAW fuzzing out and glitching means you're doing good, right...?

That's what was happening to me so...yes?


Hmmm, it looks like a lot less people voted this round, unless everyone is waiting for the last minute :razz: I'm in a bit of a dilemma, because between my work schedule and family commitments next week, I'm legitimately worried about my ability to make a track. I've talked to Amphibious about possibly moving on regardless of how voting ends, because I don't want the Sonic Bracket to go out with a whimper. But we'll see how things go this last hour and then I gotta make a decision.

I've got all the Robotnik Round 3 mixes so far except Pete's, which I know he's finishing up ;-)


Ok, I finished tallying up the Sonic Round 3 votes. I edged out Amphibious by 3 votes, but I'm going to let him move on in my place. I'm sorry to bow out like this, but above all I want a solid match-up for the Sonic Bracket finals and I'd hate to have to drop out altogether or turn in a half-ass track this week due to my time constraints. The compo (and ladyWildfire) deserves better than that. Like I mentioned earlier, I already talked to Amphibious and he was cool with whatever I decided and he'll be much more likely to turn in a solid track for this round than I would have if I advanced. With that said the Sonic Bracket finals will be ladyWildfire vs. Amphibious!

Preparing the Robotnik Round 3 tracks right now. All 4 submissions are awesome!!! :smile:

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