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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Depends on how you're defining writer's block - short bouts of difficulty coming up with something you're happy with, or longer, extremely frustrating periods of time where you can't make anything work

I get stuck at least once or twice a session when I write, and I'll either take a break or go to sleep and try again later. Sometimes it works, sometimes I'm still fucked.

This week I haven't even started on my Sonic mix because I'm still cramming to get 3 other tracks done by Saturday

I'd hope you make a track!


Posted (edited)
Depends on how you're defining writer's block - short bouts of difficulty coming up with something you're happy with, or longer, extremely frustrating periods of time where you can't make anything work

I get stuck at least once or twice a session when I write, and I'll either take a break or go to sleep and try again later. Sometimes it works, sometimes I'm still fucked.

This week I haven't even started on my Sonic mix because I'm still cramming to get 3 other tracks done by Saturday

I call it "when you don't know how to start because you aren't comfortable writing with the flow and don't know if what you'll write will be good to you or not", rather than "I've been trying and nothing I make is sounding good right now" or "I'm still trying with what I have here and it's not working". Going with the flow is... pretty hard, actually. If you don't think about it and just write what comes to mind, eventually it'll come naturally to bust out an arrangement without turning back. Wouldn't that be a milestone achievement. ;)

Is writer's block really that common? I always thought it was more of a rare event.

Sometimes I have to listen to some songs before my compo week and use those for inspiration. Once you can identify the origins of many sounds (the "how-to-synthesize-this" process), the hard part is differentiating between the original inspiration and the inspired track in as much of an extent as possible.

...Then again, you may just have this random burst of inspiration and the blend of two or more tracks just works. But try not to depend on that, because that's more or less random. :lol:

Edited by timaeus222
Posted (edited)

Just a little over 24 hours till the Robotnik Round 4 tracks are due! I hope TGH and Phonetic Hero are making good progress!! :)

EDIT: also, shameless plug, I worked on a little revision of my round one entry where I addressed some of the issues people brought up in here (mainly that snare sample), in case anyone wants to check it out! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=961123

Edited by SuperiorX

OMG I've been away from this thread for toooo long. I just binge downloaded the last month's worth of songs and I'm gonna have a good listen to them all!! So excited! Also, just thought I'd mention there's a spring party I'm co-hosting next month and the majority of the music being played is of course gonna be OCR, with a large portion of it being from this competition. YEEEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


Voting is CLOSED on the Sonic Bracket Finals: ladyWildfire narrowly advances over Amphibious 9 - 8 to the compo Finals.

Regarding the Robotnik Bracket finals, I have not heard from Pete yet this morning. I talked to him the other day and I know he hadn't started a track yet and was concerned with time cause he was doing a show last night and again today and was prepping for that. I'm going to wait a little longer, but I'm afraid it looks like it's going to be a drop. If that's the case, TheGuitahHeroe will advance by default to the compo finals to face off against ladyWildfire. I'll have TGH's song up soon (assuming Phonetic Hero is a drop) and we'll discuss timing for the final round. Stay tuned.

Posted (edited)

Damn, missed the voting again. So much other stuff to worry about, I keep forgetting. :tomatoface:

I definitely won't to forget to vote in the final round!

Edited by Cash

Well it's been an hour after the deadline and I haven't heard from Pete, so I'm assuming he wasn't able to complete a track. So here is the Robotnik Round 4 track from TheGuitahHeroe! Even though there is nothing to vote on, make sure you still check out his track, it's really good!

So now the finals are set between ladyWildfire and TheGuitahHeroe. Normally we'd be voting this week on the Robotnik Bracket finals, but because of the drop the final match-up is already known. The mixing week for the finals would've been Sunday, March 30th - Sunday, April 6th, but I was thinking about extending the final round to a 2-week mixing period to give the finalists plenty of time to make 2 awesome knock-out tracks. With that in mind...

A question for ladyWildfire and TheGuitahHeroe: do you guys want to start mixing this week and have the final tracks be due 2 weeks from today on Sunday, April 6th, or would you prefer 2 (or just 1) weeks from the original March 30th date? So having tracks due on Sunday, April 13th? Since no one was planning on having to mix this week (since we'd normally be voting), I want to be respectful of each of your time. Let me know your thoughts on what you prefer!

Posted (edited)
Well it's been an hour after the deadline and I haven't heard from Pete, so I'm assuming he wasn't able to complete a track. So here is the Robotnik Round 4 track from TheGuitahHeroe!

Hey, am I allowed to give Pete a bit of extra time to complete his track? I would hate to advance to the finals by default...

As for the time to mix (should Pete not be allowed to finish his track), I'm good for anything.

EDIT: I'd like to give Pete by the end of today or tomorrow to finish his track, and if he doesn't have anything by then we'll start the final round then. Is that alright with you, Beth?

Edited by TheGuitahHeroe
Hey, am I allowed to give Pete a bit of extra time to complete his track? I would hate to advance to the finals by default...

As for the time to mix (should Pete not be allowed to finish his track), I'm good for anything.

Hmmm... I'd be ok with that if you are. We could just bump the timeline out a little. My only concern was when I talked to Pete yesterday, he hadn't even had the chance to start a track yet and then he was doing a show last night and another one tonight. So it might not be a matter of giving him time to 'finish'; in the sense that if he only needed a couple of hours to finish up what he was working on, but more of I don't think he ever got the chance to even start something. So I'm not sure how that would impact the timeline, nor do I know if he'd even have the time these next couple of days to do something. Hopefully he'll hop online here in a bit and share his thoughts.

In the event he's not able to do anything, then I think I'm inclined to let you and ladyWildfire begin working on your tracks this week and have them be due 2 weeks from today on Sunday, April 6th. If you two are both cool with that.

EDIT: I'd like to give Pete by the end of today or tomorrow to finish his track, and if he doesn't have anything by then we'll start the final round then. Is that alright with you, Beth?

Oops, double-post, cause I just saw your EDIT. I like that proposition, as it aligns with what I was just proposing as well.

Like I mentioned in the post below though, I'm not sure if Pete will be able to complete something by the end of today or tomorrow anyway, but we'll see. Once he states his intentions here in the thread (or if I hear from him via Facebook), we'll go from there!

Hmmm... I'd be ok with that if you are. We could just bump the timeline out a little. My only concern was when I talked to Pete yesterday, he hadn't even had the chance to start a track yet and then he was doing a show last night and another one tonight. So it might not be a matter of giving him time to 'finish'; in the sense that if he only needed a couple of hours to finish up what he was working on, but more of I don't think he ever got the chance to even start something. So I'm not sure how that would impact the timeline, nor do I know if he'd even have the time these next couple of days to do something. Hopefully he'll hop online here in a bit and share his thoughts.

In the event he's not able to do anything, then I think I'm inclined to let you and ladyWildfire begin working on your tracks this week and have them be due 2 weeks from today on Sunday, April 6th. If you two are both cool with that.

I'd be cool with that..These next two weeks are gonna be the last two weeks I'm remotely free to do anything haha, so it works for me :P


Hey guys, I just talked to Pete for a minute on Facebook and yeah he unfortunately never got the chance to start on a track. So with that in mind we'll just move ahead with the final round between TheGuitahHeroe and ladyWildfire. Tracks with be due on Sunday, April 6th at 12pm (noon) ET! So you two have roughly two weeks to work on your tracks. Let's end this thing with a bang! Go all out! :)

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