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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Hmmm, it looks like a lot less people voted this round, unless everyone is waiting for the last minute :razz: I'm in a bit of a dilemma, because between my work schedule and family commitments next week, I'm legitimately worried about my ability to make a track. I've talked to Amphibious about possibly moving on regardless of how voting ends, because I don't want the Sonic Bracket to go out with a whimper. But we'll see how things go this last hour and then I gotta make a decision.

I understand, but you won that matchup fair and square; there's no reason for you to just back away now even if there are other commitments involved.

And even if you do give Amphibious a free pass, what happens then? If he becomes the champion again, then because of you bowing out that'll rob a fair contest win out of Wildfire or whoever's left in the Robotnik Bracket. No disrespect to Jordan here, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the only person that'll be disappointed if that happens, regardless of the outcome for this particular match.

[EDIT: ...well. Damnit. Commented way too late.]


I dunno. We've had so many bow-out rounds thus far that it'd be a shame to have it happen at the very end like that. I like this decision, especially since it means YET MORE great music. I don't see how this is a bad thing.

also I strongly believe that Jordan's track was better overall but y'know what do I know.

I dunno. We've had so many bow-out rounds thus far that it'd be a shame to have it happen at the very end like that. I like this decision, especially since it means YET MORE great music. I don't see how this is a bad thing.

The way I saw it as a bad thing is more in regards to fairplay - making sure everyone works hard on equal footing and abiding by the rules.

But come to think of it, the Sonic Bracket in particular never had a full roster chip in at this point. It's taken me a while to just absorb this, but I can see where this is coming from.

I had a talk about this privately with Matt on Facebook (sorry for not finishing earlier, the chat box just BROKE); and having understood his situation much clearer, it's one that I will at least comprehend.

And even if you do give Amphibious a free pass, what happens then? If he becomes the champion again, then because of you bowing out that'll rob a fair contest win out of Wildfire or whoever's left in the Robotnik Bracket. No disrespect to Jordan here, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the only person that'll be disappointed if that happens, regardless of the outcome for this particular match.

I think any of us left would rather have an actual matchup than the equivalent of a musical a straw man. I know Beth was probably a little irked about her last matchup, I know NutS was with ALL of his matches, and I know I was a bit upset when my opponent dropped the first round, not to mention worried when Flex said he might have to drop. I was also a little iffy at first, but I say more good music hurts no one, especially if it relieves some additional stress from the guy *running* the compo :P

Posted (edited)
I think any of us left would rather have an actual matchup than the equivalent of a musical a straw man. I know Beth was probably a little irked about her last matchup, I know NutS was with ALL of his matches, and I know I was a bit upset when my opponent dropped the first round, not to mention worried when Flex said he might have to drop. I was also a little iffy at first, but I say more good music hurts no one, especially if it relieves some additional stress from the guy *running* the compo :P

Aye. And FWIW, if I do manage to squeak past Mr. Hero in this round, then I pledge to BRING IT for the next round. I've leveled up in terms of being able to use old or WIP project files as ready-made soundsets, thanks to this round. I mean, I started the song on Tuesday night, and it was basically complete by Friday night, with most of my work being complete by Thursday morning. BOOYAH!

Seriously, I learn something new in every competition I participate in. Love this stuff! (also WHERE ARE THE NEW SONGS? I WANNA HEAR THEM BEFORE I HAVE TO SHUT OFF MY SOUND AGAIN FOR THE NEXT HOUR AND A HALF! ALKSDJFSDFAIOWJEROISNDFSLDIGAJSDGSDGA) #impatientcow #mooooo

Edited by Flexstyle

Yea I'd prefer to go up against someone who I know will submit something, because pulling an all-nighter and busting ass to turn something in when your opponent doesn't submit something is so anticlimactic.

Plus, Marble Garden > Metropolis for me to work with. :-)

Posted (edited)

Oh hey also full disclosure, my track was heavily inspired/modeled after another Lapfox track (shouldn't be too hard to find on the site, considering my naming choice heh), and I had a lot of fun emulating some of the sounds and learned a TON. But it's also pretty chippy, because I needed an opener for my first show (through the chiptune community) I'm playing on the 22nd :D

Oh and hey my Alberto Gonzalez influence even shows itself in a few spots. THAT makes me really happy

Edited by Phonetic Hero

Next you'll be telling me that art can be made with more than one person contributing.

I mean it's not like I got like 5 stems of awesome rhythm and clean guitars from Level99, a badass lead guitar from OA, and then a solid bassline from DragonAvenger. No sir, not me. :lol:

I understand, but you won that matchup fair and square; there's no reason for you to just back away now even if there are other commitments involved.

And even if you do give Amphibious a free pass, what happens then? If he becomes the champion again, then because of you bowing out that'll rob a fair contest win out of Wildfire or whoever's left in the Robotnik Bracket. No disrespect to Jordan here, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the only person that'll be disappointed if that happens, regardless of the outcome for this particular match.

I know we already talked about this via Facebook, but just so everyone understands, I completely get where that sentiment may come from. I like to believe these compos are for fun and people don't overly concern themselves with the ultra-competitiveness of them (nothing wrong with some friendly competition for sure). I do feel really bad about bowing out like this, but like I mentioned earlier, things have gotten exponentially more busy/stressful for me at work these past couple weeks and will remain so for the considerable future. Plus on top of family commitments this upcoming week, I was legitimately questioning the amount of time (if any) I'd be able to spend on a mix this week. I don't think it devalues the fairness of the competition at all though, because any subsequent opponents would still have needed to beat me or Jordan; if anything this seems more fair than me potentially giving Beth a 'free pass' if I wasn't able to turn in a track.

I dunno. We've had so many bow-out rounds thus far that it'd be a shame to have it happen at the very end like that. I like this decision, especially since it means YET MORE great music. I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Exactly. The last thing I wanted to happen was to turn in a half-ass track or no track at all for the Sonic Bracket finals. I assumed Beth would prefer to go up against an opponent who will certainly submit something (and submit something more substantial than I would have been able to). And I assumed the listeners/followers of the compo would prefer this as well. Not to mention, the matchup between Amphibious and I was neck-and-neck regardless, so either one of us deserved to move on, in my opinion at least.

But yeah, enough jibber-jabber. I'm not going anywhere and will still be 100% dedicated to finishing up hosting the competition, I just know I wouldn't have had the time to make any more complete arrangements within the timeframe of the compo. Thanks everyone for understanding! Let's get back to the music now ;-)


So I guess to get this back on track, now that we're at the final, we aught to checklist the secondary criterion on Wildfire's matches 'til now:

* R1: Vocal dance song - CHECK

* R2: Rap song w/ a few pingas jokes - CHECK

* R3: Just make a goddamn song - CHECK but at the expense of her sleep schedule

Any idea what's gonna be seen as the draw for her vs Amph? :razz:

So I guess to get this back on track, now that we're at the final, we aught to checklist the secondary criterion on Wildfire's matches 'til now:

* R1: Vocal dance song - CHECK

* R2: Rap song w/ a few pingas jokes - CHECK

* R3: Just make a goddamn song - CHECK but at the expense of her sleep schedule

Any idea what's gonna be seen as the draw for her vs Amph? :razz:

Something spicy.

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