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Is it okay to add a sound effect from somewhere else (from a videogame or a movie) into a remix?


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For a new remix I want to begin this track with a natural diving or submerging sound.

So I just wanted to ask if there's a problem if I would use it from a movie, a videogame or a record of a natural phenomenon?

(such as a falling stone into water - but since I have no underwater cam for recording this phenomenon under the water surface I could not create the effect that is in right my head)

As I remember there was such a cool sound in the PS-One version of the very first Final Fantasy (from Final Fantasy: Origins) when the 4 Heroes were diving to the Underwater Temple.

It sounds like this (at 9:45):

Unfortunately this sound effect has another layer of music/piano - not sure if I can separate the sound effect layer from the music layer.

But this would be a kind of a sound effect I'm looking for.

Maybe you have some other helpful ideas?

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You can use whatever you want for your remixes... but if you want it to become an ocremix, it can't contain sound effects from Square-Enix games - which includes Final Fantasy.

Submissions must not include any sampled audio, including sound effects, from material owned by Square Enix or its subsidiaries.

As long as this requirement is met, sound effects shouldn't be a problem. Judges (and other listeners) can have different opinions of what constitutes good sound effect usage in remixes, but they can't reject it on stuff like that. If the remix meets the submission standards, it gets posted.

As for other listeners, I'm generally opposed to sound effects in remixes. Generally.

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Thank's for the hints.

(I just wanted to use this sound effect for a lil introduction of the track anyway.)

Is there a special reason (or special contracts between Square Enix and Ocremix) why Square Enix has some kind of prerogatives and using content of other video game companies seems to be tolerated?

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Thank's for the hints.

(I just wanted to use this sound effect for a lil introduction of the track anyway.)

Is there a special reason (or special contracts between Square Enix and Ocremix) why Square Enix has some kind of prerogatives and using content of other video game companies seems to be tolerated?

Because they're a bunch of douche canoes.

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