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OCR02937 - Secret of Mana "Mother"


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It's so hard to tell if there's been any copy+paste since this arrangement asks for one to listen for how the pads and atmospherics develop (it's a good thing). Dunno if the heaviest drums here meld into the soundscape as much as I would like, but otherwise, this is a really good ambient arrangement with an organic soundscape that doesn't actually feel long. Nice vinyl effects. :)

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This track, to me, was more than just relaxation; it feels like a walk through a forest, where you notice little bits of life and movement everywhere that you look, if you are willing to look around as you move through. The arrangement has notes for the breaths of wind, the steps on the ground, and the sway of the grasses. Truly evocative, and something worth turning off the lights and just listening.

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Oh, gorgeous soundscape. This is perfect to relax to and let it just wash over you with it's atmosphere of peace. It really doesn't seem like a five minute song when you shut your mind off and just listen, because it flows so smoothly. Love the layered vocals as well. Very nice, a really beautiful ReMix, man.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02937 - Secret of Mana "Mother"

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