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OCR02969 - Mega Man 5 & 1 "Walking Weapons Unit"


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I saw a WillRock ReMix called "Walking Weapons Unit" and, justifiably, braced myself for a rad blast of synth shredding. Then I heard this, became momentarily confused, and sat back in my chair as my overactive brain cooled down. The song hits that sweet spot of energy and calm. I reeeeeeaaaaally like it.

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Count me in with the group that enjoys the style being used for this. Napalm Man and ElecMan seem to have extremely mashable themes, so hearing them come together this seamlessly isn't a shock, but it is fun to hear. I, too, was expecting a louder, harder take on the themes from the name and because it's Willrock, but this peacefully rocking arrangement is terrific anyway, so well done.

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02969 - Mega Man 5 & 1 "Walking Weapons Unit"

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