Rafajafar Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 I don't really have any edits other than there were only a few parts I could pick out the song you were going for. Other than that, it's bloody amazing sounding.
avaris Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 bump! started playin this game again and listening to the ost, just wondering on the status of this one.
sephfire Posted August 4, 2006 Author Posted August 4, 2006 Testing some vocal additions right now. Still trying to make the quality fit properly into the sound I've already put together, but it already makes a big difference. It helps the dynamics of the arrangement a great deal. Rest assured, I'll post it as soon as it's ready.
avaris Posted August 4, 2006 Posted August 4, 2006 nice haha, was wondering wat happened to this. This is one is gonna be nasty can't wait
OceansAndrew Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I think so vocals would finish this off perfectly. Great work capturing the mood on this one, I am ready to hear this one finished. My suggestion for the planned vocals is have them come in only in the second half; I agree witht he earlier comment that once it hits a certain point it doesn't build anymore, and though it doesnt get boring, it could do more. Keep us posted on the status please, this is a great track.
sephfire Posted August 11, 2006 Author Posted August 11, 2006 Sorry the vocals are taking so long. We're having difficulty scheduling recording seesions. It'll get done soon, I promise.
Geoffrey Taucer Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 I always love your stuff. Really pretty soundscape. Strings are a bit faux at the beginning, but not enough to detract from the mix. The organ (if that's what it is) sounds really nice. The delicate crystaline leads are very well done. With the right vocals, this piece could be absolutely amazing.
John Revoredo Posted August 11, 2006 Posted August 11, 2006 Well, it's nice, maybe it lacks of some variation. Reminds me a song of Final Fantasy X, don't remember the name right now. Maybe some rhodes, with a jazz improvisation in the middle could do some good. Nice job, anyway.
ILLiterate Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 I feel like the main drums need to be moving, like in the ending song for Saw http://ezp.icynipple.net/13%20Hello%20Zepp.m4a Something like those
fudgapok Posted September 4, 2006 Posted September 4, 2006 This is great. Is this still being worked upon, or is it finished?
ILLiterate Posted September 5, 2006 Posted September 5, 2006 It's still being worked on, not to mention something I'd like to see fixed is the bells at the intro sound weak/could be better
sephfire Posted September 5, 2006 Author Posted September 5, 2006 Yeah, still in the works. Sorry for such a dry spell in updates. Busy times.
AfroRyan Posted September 8, 2006 Posted September 8, 2006 This is absolutely stellar! Awesome stuff man. Personally, I like it just fine without vocals, but if you can make it work, then go for it!
The Unsung Plumber Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 I feel compelled to apologize for the length of time my own WIP has remained unfinished. We've been procrastinating on the vocal recording. We plan to do it over the holiday break.
sephfire Posted December 12, 2006 Author Posted December 12, 2006 Sad, I know. I originally wanted to have it done for a christmas OCR release, but that deadline came and went some time ago. It'll be finished, I promise.
Sable Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 I remember when you first posted about this. I still love it. Vocals? That's gonna be beautiful.
Robotaki Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Reminds me of the "Evacuating London" song from Chronicles of Narnia. Good vocals will work really well. ^-^ Excited for you!
sephfire Posted December 22, 2006 Author Posted December 22, 2006 Reminds me of the "Evacuating London" song from Chronicles of Narnia. Good vocals will work really well. ^-^ Excited for you! You caught me. That track was my inspiration for the whole mix.
The Unsung Plumber Posted January 18, 2007 Posted January 18, 2007 Bump. God, I need more Sephfirey goodness. Please, just 1 more. What? I don't have a problem! I can quit whenever I want!
sephfire Posted January 25, 2007 Author Posted January 25, 2007 I know, I know. Bad me. I swear this thing will get done. Really. I hate it being left unfinished as much as you do.
sephfire Posted March 4, 2007 Author Posted March 4, 2007 IT'S ALIVE!!! http://www.sephfire.com/music/snowfall.mp3 Now featuring the voice of newcomer Ceili softly contributing to the soundscape. We both apologize for such a lengthy delay on this mix. We put off recording for months out of laziness. But I think we all agree it's tim this sucker was finished and submitted. Before we submit, though, I'd like some feedback on the voice addition. I can't hear it objectively anymore and I want to be sure it's worked in there properly. Sorry again! (I wish I could change the thread title. Oh well.)
avaris Posted March 4, 2007 Posted March 4, 2007 Ooooh right idea with the vocals def worth the wait. Although the first time they come in is a lil loud. On their first entrance IMO they should creap in slowly. The soundscape sounds thicker than before, especially the base and percussion. 2:07 sounds like the vocals appear in the forefront just a second late. Don't know if that's intentional or not. 3:03 was a perfect place for the vocals, that whole section with them sounds awesome. Overall her voice sounds beautiful and the processing fits perfectly with the soundscape. 4:04 the entrance sounds alil off IMO. If I were to change anything it would be in sections where her voice suddenly appears, to have the vocals actually start a lil bit before hand and crescendo up into the main vocal part. Alot of my comments about the timing issues could be due to the fact I've listened to the previous version so many times that anything new or different added to the mix will feel off. One thing I gotta ask is did u play this by ear or did you find a midi of it somewhere? I've been looking everywhere for SotC midis. Thank you for finishing this one.
sephfire Posted March 4, 2007 Author Posted March 4, 2007 I'll listen through the mix again to watch for those sudden/off-time entrances. And I did it by ear. I couldn't find any midis either.
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