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This melted my face.

So good! Starts off with possibly my favorite Zelda song ever, and then mixes in other stuff so well that I had to turn my head and go "Dafuq? Is that x' theme?"

On the technical side, it did sound like there was almost some distortion on some parts early on and near 1:50 or so going into 2 minutes.

As far as sequencing, yeah, especially the original backing for the piano in the source Midna parts is very unrealistic, and like the MP mentions, very quantized sounding in some respects.

Some tips for sequencing by hand, turn off snap by grid, draw by hand if your sequencer allows, then stop to think about the instrument you are trying to mimmick and think about how the hands would be moving and how you would be playing it with your own hands and the limitations and where one finger might let go vs another based on how that hand moves and etc. It can be very in depth and sounds daunting, but ease into it and take it one step at a time.

But it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of the song at all!

Edited by BONKERS

This melted my face.

Wow, thanks so much, that may be the best compliment I've ever received on a piece of music I've made! (although doesn't "face melting" usually result from some kind of "shredding?") :wink:

I wrote this in one day. It just flowed out. I then spent the next two weeks trying to get the sequencing flowing right. I did get some great advice. I worked with the velocities a lot. I didn't change any start times, that failed VERY hard haha. I am actually taking piano lessons but I'm just one step above N00B so the only thing that sounded less natural than this sequencing was my nooby playing. But I'll get there. As for distortion, Larry heard it, I actually don't... I wonder if it is resonance from the piano? (I used The Giant)

My focus here was the arrangement. These themes go together like puzzle pieces. I'm glad you liked it, thanks for your words! :)


Really beautiful and peaceful piece. BTW, upon hearing the piano part, I didn't wish that it had been played live rather than sequenced. Actually, the word that came to mind was "hypnotic," in a good way -- before I even read the writeup and saw that DJP had described it the same way. I also liked what you did with Saria's song, changing up the rhythm and completely changing the chords and everything that happens around it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Chimpazilla: almost single-handedly keeping the memory of Twilight Princess alive! This is a really lovely piece of music that I can definitely see helping in times of sadness. I didn't notice the sequenced nature and still don't think it detracts from the overall mood. I've already listened to the song several times and can safely say it's great. :D

Chimpazilla: almost single-handedly keeping the memory of Twilight Princess alive!

Haha yes! Guilty as charged. TP and OoT are my two favorite games for so many reasons. There's just nothing like Zelda.

I also liked what you did with Saria's song, changing up the rhythm and completely changing the chords and everything that happens around it.

I was amazed too at how much different it sounded in 3/4 and with the Midna backing, while still playing the exact notes from the Saria source. The sources I used really do interweave very easily.

Thanks you guys for your kind words on this! I'm glad it resonates with people. :)


I actually find it interesting how well Saria's theme can weave in and out of the other Zelda sources like that, especially Midna. Very beautiful together and the sources blended into one ReMix in a fantastic way. Mood fits the description and title very well. Chimpazilla knocks another one out of the park. Nice work.

  • 5 months later...

wow, this song is awsome. You don't have to play piano to make a good song.


At first I didn't notice sarias theme mixed in with MIndas theme. I actually had to listen to it a few times before I heard it, it is very subtile but it is there.


If anyone is interested there is actually a musical term for this, it is called "Counterpoint".


A perfect example of this technique can be heard, if you pop in your Skyward Sword DVD, start a new file, and go outside to SkyLoft, the skyloft theme is a perfect example of "Counterpoint".


Anyway nice job with the song, I really enjoyed it.

  • 6 months later...

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