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It is strongly encouraged that you limit material being ReMixed to a single game for each submission.
-DJP, the FAQ, right here.

I guess I misread that one. I guess not too many remixes with 2+ games are out there, most different games might be hard to mix like that. They'd have to be similar in style, or from the same series to really make it work.

... or someone could prove me wrong?

It is strongly encouraged that you limit material being ReMixed to a single game for each submission.
-DJP, the FAQ, right here.

I guess I misread that one. I guess not too many remixes with 2+ games are out there, most different games might be hard to mix like that. They'd have to be similar in style, or from the same series to really make it work.

... or someone could prove me wrong?

I've heard some medleys of wildly different songs from different series that work just fine, for example. It just takes some ingenuity and thought on the part of the remixer.


I've got to be honest here, I think we've hit a wall. The discusion is barely helping the project at most times, and no news concerning the tracks or artists themselves has come up in a while.

So, whats the next step? Its too early to ask for a move to general. I can't think of any other artists to contact, for the most part. And it isn't like there is anything I can personally do to help along the mixes to move faster.

I don't know what to do next. Any suggestions, or should we just sit and wait?


Sure, anything constructive.

We were talking about new character designs earlier, maybe there are some suggestions?

Also, I was thinking about bundling some wallpaper into the Torrent when the whole thing was done. The only one I can think of so far is parodying the "Dogs Playing Poker" art, with five or six of the villians not featured on the album art. Gary Oak, Wolf O'Donnel, you get it.

So, yeah. Go ahead, post away.


if we could have some place to post our WIP's to get feedback from those involved in the project would be nice. Also on my WIP the samples and synths I used are being updated with some wicked nice sounds from the Komplete 3 setup I just got on saturday.




Ok I just took a picture out of my old comic books. Sorry I can't get any better ones up now. My scanner is broken and i can't scan anything right now. I tried to take a picture of a colored one:


it's blurry.

Some of the more recent stuff i've done is not so cartoony. I should have my scanner fixed soon and i'll upload some of my better, colored, non-blurry work! :wink:


You know, there was a point where I cared about stuff.

We were gonna do some stuff first, but I need this project to move faster. Here you go. Go nuts, folks, you earned it.

I ONLY want this forum to post WIPs. I dont want to rely on it for now. JUST WIPS!!!

ed]You know, there was a point where I cared about stuff.

We were gonna do some stuff first, but I need this project to move faster. Here you go. Go nuts, folks, you earned it.

I ONLY want this forum to post WIPs. I dont want to rely on it for now. JUST WIPS!!!

Nice little logo thingy for the forums. Where'd you get that from? :P


Well, the least we can do is show some appreciatiion to those who have contributed.

And, I take back something I saiid earlier about only WIPs. Go ahead and post art, too! [sarcasm] w00t, and all that... [/sarcasm]

No Streets of Rage? BOOOOOOOOOOO

Hey, buddy. You had your chance months ago. Now isn't the time to be complaining. Although, I can say thanks for a milestone. After months of time here in ReQuests, building up, and getting done what we need to get done, we finally have our first negative comment, aimed directly at the project itself.

There you have it, folks. We're officially a project. Thanks, ambient01.


You know, I really, REALLY wish someone had told me about this before we started. It's a shame, really. Over 100 bosses too chose from, and we're stuck with... well, you see what we have up there. I'm thinking, when we make it into General, of re-doing the vote, excluding who we've already got assigned.

...And you know what? Exactly what I thought would happen, has happened. We made those forums, for WIPs and art... we have 4 users signed up. One being me, one being POCKETMAN, and he isn't even doing any music! Wheres the spirit, the enthusiasm? Or maybe we can just sit here and rot.

Everyone has said so far this is a good idea, that it was a great concept, and... what do we have to show for it? A stagnating forum, and I'm getting sick of it. Seriously, has anyone else noticed this? Here's DarkeSwords guidelines:

:arrow: "Come up with a concept". Check

:arrow: "Contact artists you want on the project... at least 5". Check

:arrow: "Create a recruitment/interest generation thread in the ReQuests... to tell people about what you want to do and to find people to join". Check

:arrow: When you have around 2/3s of your total tracks assigned to artists, create a new thread in General to officially begin the organization of your project and contact me (DarkeSword). [To] give your project some front page exposure, and potentially attract artists who may not have seen your initial recruitment thread.


11/[25-30]. Thats half to a third of it, but I don't think sitting here is going to get much more done. Tell me, loyal fans, do you think the time is right? To let the world know of our existence, and break the chains of conventional Site Projects? To.. aw, whatever...

And, two things I noticed on the front page. V___ and watkinzez both expressed interest, but never chose tracks. Are either of you listening? Where have you been the past three months?

Humans and Gears. Now, I don't have anything against them. We have our way of doing things, they have theirs. But, I know someone who started to call them sister projects, because we were the last two projects before about 5 others decided to start something up. If they over there are listening, I would be honored to have a sister project, and with that, the knowledge that, at any given time, we both have a place to lean on if our projects ever run into trouble, be it with the mixes, the art, the OCR community, or whatever. Are you listening, rpggamer180? Avaris? What do you think?

*sigh*... wow, that took a lot outta me. Anyone who says TLDR gets a kick in the ass.


Well you gotta hand it to those project leaders who suddenlly snap.At least they can be quite amusing when they do.

But look at it this way,if your project is succesful,you can eaventually do a cressendo to chaos 2 which would include other boss arrangements that you missed like, say streets of rage :roll:

All projects experience a slow-mo state at some point, but I'm fairly confident yours will pick back up in time

just keep-on truckin bro.

Anywho goodluck.


Thanks. I guess there much better than a nervous breakdown to bring in some interesting conversation. And as much as this is jumping the gun, I was considering a CtC2, but as some sort of manager who stays there the whole time, but doesn't really do much. What I really want to see is a Jazz album. In the same style as this one, but with good guys, not bosses. Same style of art, too. The album cover would be Sonic, Mario, and Link playing in a club, maybe the Lon Lon "Milk Bar", in Zelda.

Of course, if anyone steals this idea, I'll hunt you down, disembowel you, and feed on your entrails. I just had a mental breakdown, if you've forgotten.

ed]And, two things I noticed on the front page. V___ and watkinzez both expressed interest, but never chose tracks. Are either of you listening? Where have you been the past three months?

I'm.. not a musician. I was just giving my blessings, if you will.

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