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You might wanna color-code them.
Based on team? That sounds good, though I think most of us are orange. I'll do that later tonight.

Well if you color-code them then it'll make it even more clear which team to join, not to mention tricking a bunch of people into trying to click on the links. :P

You might wanna color-code them.
Based on team? That sounds good, though I think most of us are orange. I'll do that later tonight.

Well if you color-code them then it'll make it even more clear which team to join, not to mention tricking a bunch of people into trying to click on the links. :P

Roger. I'm going to assume those that didn't mention a specific team just joined orange when I do this tonight.

edit: We should add in our nation info: Proud member of the OCR Alliance to stave off would be attackers. Also, if we're going to have the OCR Alliance, we won't be able to join IRON.


By the way, I'm non-affiliated right now because I want to build up my strength without any scrutiny on me (it also helps that there's only 3 other nations on Iceland at the moment).

I think I'm going to get in touch with some of my neighboring countries and try and starta little informal Icelandic alliance, since we're a rather weak bunch.

In all the hustle and bustle of building a nation, I forgot to thank you for starting this thread and giving us a heads up. Thanks. 8)
Welcome! I think I have everyone on the list in the right color. Let me know if I forgot to add you, have you in the wrong color, etc

You guys in the OCR Alliance should make/register an IRC channel on the Espernet servers. Make sure to make a private and public channels.


Oh, and make sure to announce your official creation on the CN forums. You'll probably have to RP to some extent, since a lot of that is done by every alliance, except for LUE. Make sure to open your own forums before doing so.

Should I reg us an IF forum? Or should I just reg an IRC channel?
I guess a forum. I almost never ever use IRC for anything.

Well, you guys should elect a leader first, then have that person reg the forum, and the irc channel. Even if you hardly use the irc channel, all CN alliances use them, even the small dinky ones.

Elections! I will run to lead us. Anyone else interested?

I'd run for you guys, but I'm too loyal to the NPO to quit and join you guys. >_> After elections or assigning a leader, draft a charter/constitution that sets your alliance policies and present it to the CN world in your introduction thread.


Oh wow, I posted with my alt a lot in this thread.

Oops, heh.

Anyway, I'd be happy to run and take the time for this. I should be able to reg us a forum and channel sometime tomorrow.

supremespleen for leader of the OCR Alliance!


If you guys go democratic, make sure to have elections every month or so, that timeframe seems to be the best. The NPO is an empire, so our leader is always the same. Our Alliance and War Councils, however, are elected positions.

EDIT: No need for the quote.


supremespleen has taken an informal leadership role as the creator of this thread, and I support him as Provisional Leader of the OverClocked Alliance.

I would suggest that we concentrate on building our own nations up first and garnering some political clout before we dive into active recruitment. CyberNations is literally swarming with alliances, so I think our first priority should be to justify our own existence. Basically, a OCA should be for the mutual protection and advancement of OCR members first and foremost.

I've taken a look at the charters for some of the major alliances, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to see in ours, if/when it comes to that; however, I will give it some more thought as time permits.

By the way, I'm non-affiliated right now because I want to build up my strength without any scrutiny on me (it also helps that there's only 3 other nations on Iceland at the moment).

I think I'm going to get in touch with some of my neighboring countries and try and starta little informal Icelandic alliance, since we're a rather weak bunch.

Well, location doesn't really matter in the game except that your map shows you everyone in your "rank" who's within 500 miles of you. That number will certainly fluctuate as you get more powerful and you realize that there's been then uber-powerful dude right next to you the whole time. :)

So I"m guessing tha alliances are not really part of your national profile, just an extra thing one does outside the game?

Essentially, yes - Unless you're a member of one of the top alliances, in which case the alliance gets a stats page if you go to View My Nation > Ranking (top right corner).


By the way, the best way to manage taxes seems to be to try all the rates between 19% and 28% until you find the most profitable rate since it works on a curve with more than one maximum.

Don't bother, use this instead. http://robocracy.net/taxtest/

That doesn't work correctly for me though (and yes I punched in the right info). It says the best tax rate for me is 16% ($9.06) when it's really 23% (~$10). There's some "hidden" factors apparently, perhaps including resources. I'd suggest doing it manually.

That doesn't work correctly for me though (and yes I punched in the right info). It says the best tax rate for me is 16% ($9.06) when it's really 23% (~$10). There's some "hidden" factors apparently, perhaps including resources. I'd suggest doing it manually.

Hmm I noticed it doesn't work for low stats for some reason. It stopped working when I was in anarchy. When you start earning more income, it works better. Anyway, test around 16%-28%.


I rarely post but I saw this thread and someone had mentioned like Nation States but more indepth, so I decided to sign up.

Nation: Aldin

Ruler: Eva999

Trade: Cattle, Lumber

On the orange team.

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