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I want to get into the PvP aspect. Is the sole purpose of war to piss people off and gain a bit of land?

Land is gained through natural growth and purchases made.

And spoils of war.

Ah, you are correct. :o


Just joined up and looking for some trade, sugar and cattle would be good.


R: Mikile

N: Rubberduck

T: Aluminum, Pigs

Already set up in merry old England before reading the forum I'm afraid. A case of more haste, less geography. :oops:


I just realized, I'm going to be computerless next week.

Shit, now I just realized my bills will be fuckin huge when I get back.

EDIT: BTW, if anyone cares, I'm located in the Yucatan Pennisula near Mexico.


hey Mi'kile, I sent you a trade offering cattle and lumber, hope you accept cuz I canceled one of my trades to trade with you instead.

EDIT: Hmm what other religion worships Allah besides Islam and believes in reincarnation?

I think it would be keen if we could take all of Cuba eventually.

Except there's the problems of "location doesn't matter" and "you can only attack within your own rank."

I still need to build up my technology level so I can get tanks, and missiles, and mmany more soldiers.


Ok Eva999, I've accepted your offer.

Still have two slots free and looking for wheat and sugar, I have aluminum and pigs.

Already trading for cattle, lumber, spices and water.

Is building up a big military early a bad idea because I'm losing money on taxes?

Is building up a big military early a bad idea because I'm losing money on taxes?

Soldiers cost money to maintain which will increase your bills, but if you don't have enough soldiers your people won't feel protected and their happiness will decrease which will decrease your income. Your "Private Nation Messages" will tell you if your military size is adequate for your nation's population. I wouldn't worry about building a huge army at the outset. Young nations seem to benefit the most from purchasing infrastructure to get a healthy economy going.


Anyone wanna trade?

I have cattle and Oil

What I really want is Gold and Coal because I have gems and silver and would like to get fine jewlery

But right now I'd be fine with anything


Yes, my people are 'very happy'! Thanks to changing to their desired religion and government, they've very happy Jewish Scandinavians under a totalitarian government in Cuba.

Heh, I'm going to be leaving for a three day vacation tomorrow, after that I'm going to switch to a war nation.

Smedricks, contact me on aim, I have a favor to ask of you before I leave.


Well, I just joined the Orange team.

N: Mariya

R: Mayen

T: Iron, Marble

I kinda got freaked out when I saw that I needed to pay bills. My first thought was "I thought this was free!" My second was "Man, I gotta go to the bathroom." The third and fourth kinda melted together as one unintelligible mass, but the fifth was, after I looked at it, "$18 a day is way too expensive for it to be real." My next four thoughts were how stupid I am.

Speaking of stupid, has the OCA been set up yet? And if so, how does one join an alliance? (When I say I just barely joined up, I mean I just BARELY joined up...)

Edit: when I say "speaking of stupid" I'm referring to myself, not the OCA. I was just reading it, and realized it could easily be taken that way...


If you guys want to start making yourself "part of an alliance" you need to put something in your nation bio that says you're part of it. Of course, other alliances require you to sign up and I suggest the OCA get their forums/irc (I know I keep saying this, but it's very important to become an alliance). So after you guys get more organized, put something like this in your bio: "Member of the OCA" or something.


Since I'm much too lazy to go back through the thread again and read if anyone has any plans to start an alliance, does anyone have any plans to start an alliance? By "plans" I mean "Yeah, I'm getting it set up right now," not "Man, that'd be cool." If not, does anyone mind if I just go ahead and do that? I got nothing to do today anyway.

Since I'm much too lazy to go back through the thread again and read if anyone has any plans to start an alliance, does anyone have any plans to start an alliance? By "plans" I mean "Yeah, I'm getting it set up right now," not "Man, that'd be cool." If not, does anyone mind if I just go ahead and do that? I got nothing to do today anyway.

supremespleen is already on it.

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