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jQuery is literally a JavaScript library. :roll:


If people are choosing to disable JavaScript, then they're operating under the assumption that a lot of client-side functionality on the web is going to be unavailable to them. Let's not get into the weeds here, guys.


If people are choosing to disable JavaScript

I didn't. Any other ideas? Anyone else have this problem on Android?

Were member titles (e.g. "For Everlasting Peace Director", "Mascot Bio Project Co-Editor & Director") clickable in the past? That would be a useful feature (click "For Everlasting Peace" or "Mascot Bio Project" to go to their respective threads/project pages).

Also, I still can't edit the title of a thread I started, currently residing in the Projects forum, and I still don't understand why.

Btw, what are the little gray bullets that pretty much everyone seems to have above their postcount?


I didn't. Any other ideas? Anyone else have this problem on Android?

Wasn't referring to you, just where timaeus was taking the discussion.

WYSIWIG editor isn't working in mobile browsers for some reason. Chrome and Safari on iOS don't provide WYSIWYG controls either. Could be an issue.


Were member titles (e.g. "For Everlasting Peace Director", "Mascot Bio Project Co-Editor & Director") clickable in the past? That would be a useful feature (click "For Everlasting Peace" or "Mascot Bio Project" to go to their respective threads/project pages).

They were! User-title fields allow less characters in Invision, so HTML links in titles isn't something we can do all-the-time/easily.


Also, I still can't edit the title of a thread I started, currently residing in the Projects forum, and I still don't understand why.

How are you trying to rename your thread? Double-clicking? Because that doesn't work anymore. You need to click the grey-gear on the topic's mouseover and click 'Edit title.'


Btw, what are the little gray bullets that pretty much everyone seems to have above their postcount?

The "banner" for regular users.

3 things:

- I got the message "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text" when trying to make a post with 11 of them. I removed one (it was part of a 2-quote pyramid) and the problem went away. Guess I'll have to more frugally pick and choose what I want to nitpick in the Mascot Bio thread.

- Signature images that aren't also links require two right-clicks to View, Save As, etc.

- I see new post rankings I haven't before (e.g. Meat Boy (250+), Roll (+350), Mr. X (+23000)...). Is there a list of them somewhere?


I can't find any setting to make threads display in reverse chronological order (newest post first, oldest post on last page). Halp!


This is not possible in Invision out of the box. Discussions on Invision's site indicate no options availble on the per-user level that enables this. We'll keep an eye out for plugins in the future that provide this functionality, but I recommend getting used to first-post-first.


I can't find any setting to make threads display in reverse chronological order (newest post first, oldest post on last page). Halp!


A bit of digging says that it's an ACP setting instead of a UCP setting.  So it's either chronological or reverse chronological for everyone or nobody.


Kinda silly, things like that should be UCP since it's a users preference.


A bit of digging says that it's an ACP setting instead of a UCP setting.  So it's either chronological or reverse chronological for everyone or nobody.


Kinda silly, things like that should be UCP since it's a users preference.


Yep. I agree it's silly, but it has to do with how Invision does a page numbers thing in URLs for specific posts. A per-user setting makes page numbers for posts inconsistent across the board. It's the same reason you can't set a custom number of posts per page.


I don't really agree with Invision's stance on the whole thing but that's part of their design philosophy. There are obviously ways of doing it that work in other forum software, but we're not interested in getting into heavy modifications and rewrites of Invision. The majority of forum users use chronological post order. All I can really tell people at this point is try to adjust to it.


The "preview" and the actual post don't match up with certain types of tag. For instance, the [ color ] tag shows the correct color in the preview but not in the post (it's black), and the [ post ] tag just shows code in the preview but creates the correct link in the post.

Edit: OK, the color thing is because Invision doesn't support the full range of color names. The hex values work.


Yes yes, give us mulligans on the warning point thing! Now that they're actually a visible part of the forum and they actually mean something because we can see them etc... the warnings of which they had concerned are now ancient history!


Where's the "Dislike" button too?? I thought that was going to be a thing. It's cool to be able to like something, but unless everyone likes stuff, then there's no indication of something being unliked, and meanwhile people may like an unliked thing just to be ironic. It's too early to give an example of what I mean but you'll know it when you see it one day. (killer studio chops etc)


Yes yes, give us mulligans on the warning point thing! Now that they're actually a visible part of the forum and they actually mean something because we can see them etc... the warnings of which they had concerned are now ancient history!


Where's the "Dislike" button too?? I thought that was going to be a thing. It's cool to be able to like something, but unless everyone likes stuff, then there's no indication of something being unliked, and meanwhile people may like an unliked thing just to be ironic. It's too early to give an example of what I mean but you'll know it when you see it one day. (killer studio chops etc)


No, it never was going to "be a thing." If you don't like something, ignore it and don't reply to it.


We're never going to choose to aggregate negativity. All that does is foster hostility in the community.


Nope. Everyone has a warning level. Yours is zero, which means you haven't gotten any warnings. vBulletin had a warning system too but we never used it and it was never exposed to the general populace.

So I'm guessing everyone has a warning level visible, but only on their own posts? e.g. Timaeus should see a warning level on his posts, Brandon on his, etc.?

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