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Final Fantasy VII is being remade for PS4


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saga frontieer 2 was not a great game either, but it was WAAAAY better than saga frontier 1. I believe it is in fact you, who is the weinerman. :P



Up yours, weinerman! I'm playing that game these days right now and it's probably the best Sa*Ga game I've played since the first one for Chrust's sakes. Speak only of your experiences, lest ye but for the grace of God go the way of Unllimited Sa*Ga yourself!

(Part of this is based on my pastor's sermon of Advent)

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I think tying ourselves to projected definitions and rules about what we should be doing completely circumvents the point of art in the first place.

Art is about doing what you want and the evaluation of art boils down to who the hell cares what you're doing.

Video games aren't *just art*. They're *software products* and have to meet standards of operation. It's the only medium that requires an insanely heavy amount of mathematical implementation. Ultimately shooting for putting video games on the same level as film and books and trying to evaluate them in a similar manner is silly.


I wouldn't say it's the only one,that require a "Heavy amount of Mathematical implementation" per-se, but the dev kit used should be considered separate from the art that is born of it. The biological pathways that allow a person to contract or release the muscles used in typing a book are complex or the computations required for my computer to run my DAW are complex, but the art that is born of that complexity is what is being judged, not the machinations that allowed it. But I think we've hit an impasse with regards to the concept of a remake and I actually do have some points related to the possible ways FF7 could be made better, I'd love to continue, but maybe under a new thread.


 One thing I would like to see is a more personalized use of summons, I remember the summons being mind blowing the first time you used them and afterwards becoming, more tedious to sit through. Maybe a use outside the battles?


Another would be utilization of the surrounding terrain. Maybe a water move would be more effective near a body of water or when raining? Maybe Fire is less effective during the rain? Or maybe muddy terrain will slow everyone down...They've toyed with it before, but something more substantive.  


Oh and one more thing, Gold Saucer in HD......must...not buy.......must......stick to....beliefs



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the dev kit used should be considered separate from the art that is born of it. The biological pathways that allow a person to contract or release the muscles used in typing a book are complex or the computations required for my computer to run my DAW are complex, but the art that is born of that complexity is what is being judged, not the machinations that allowed it.


You completely do not understand at all what I was saying.

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31 minutes ago, Neblix said:

"it's aeris i don't care if it's canonically aerith"

It's only canon because SE was pressured into turning the mistranslated name into canon.

...by the language dorks.

Aerith is a falsehood and also has pseudo-satanic aspirations. To support canon in this case is to support satanism.   


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2 hours ago, Garpocalypse said:

It's only canon because SE was pressured into turning the mistranslated name into canon.

...by the language dorks.

Aerith is a falsehood and also has pseudo-satanic aspirations. To support canon in this case is to support satanism.   


Aeris is the transliteration. A transliteration =/= translation.

Transliteration has nothing to do with intended meaning; it's simply a conversion of the pronounced sound into a different character set.

"Aerith" pronounced in japanese sounds "Aeris-u" and so Aeris is the transliteration. And because 90's, the dialog writing was super lazy and didn't really aim to account for tiny details like that. The correct translation is "Aerith". That's why literally everywhere else they changed it to Aerith. Because they weren't changing it to Aerith, they were using the correct translation (where the original US release of FFVII was incorrect).


Also fuck off guys there's nothing else in this thread to talk about

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On 12/12/2015 at 6:18 PM, Garpocalypse said:


Seriously this is the question that needs to be answered with the remake.  In fact I hope they make an entire, darkly humored 12 hour quest in the game based around this one discrepancy.


All I know is my launch day copy had Aeris's name as Aeris...


...and I will fight anyone to the death to defend it!  There can be no other!


...even though I know that "su" when either starting or ending a word is commonly translated as a "th" in romanized kana.  


... so really, when/if you think about it, both names are correct at the same time.  


47 minutes ago, Neblix said:

Aeris is the transliteration. A transliteration =/= translation.

Transliteration has nothing to do with intended meaning; it's simply a conversion of the pronounced sound into a different character set.

"Aerith" pronounced in japanese sounds "Aeris-u" and so Aeris is the transliteration. And because 90's, the dialog writing was super lazy and didn't really aim to account for tiny details like that. The correct translation is "Aerith". That's why literally everywhere else they changed it to Aerith. Because they weren't changing it to Aerith, they were using the correct translation (where the original US release of FFVII was incorrect).


Also fuck off guys there's nothing else in this thread to talk about

Already addressed.


BUT!  for the sake of argument: (and since i'm bored out of my mind at work right now why not?)

How does anyone know that "Aerith" is the intended pronunciation?  To say that "Aerith" is the correct and only translation of E-A-Ri-Su is to give in to the non native speaking Japanese translators (i.e. dorks) that think any appearance of a kana "su" should be a distinctly western "th" sound 100% of the time.  This is crap and it should be obvious as to why.  

So with regards to the correct translation/pronunciation of AERIS'S name who do you think would actually know?


Hint: it's not the Japanese.   

Another Hint: It's not the translators either.  

So ANYONE calling "AERIS" a mistranslation/mistransliteration is garbage.

EDIT:...and by that logic why are we not calling Cloud's name Claude.  Which it just as easily could have been mistranslated as.  Though i think Star Ocean 2 might have a part to play in that choice.



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Except there's no reason that Square would have ever changed it to Aerith in literally every other appearance of the name were it not that Aeris was indeed a mistranslation

You're saying things like "not 100% of the time" and speculating about who gets to decide; this isn't subjective or a mystery here. Canon is law. That's how IP works. It's canonically Aerith, decided by Square, who owns the character, and so it is Aerith, and nothing you say will ever change it.

They didn't "give in" to pressure from "language dorks". Square doesn't give in to pressure from tiny subsets of its fanbase. :P Her name is Aerith because they said so.

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yes how do these people know how to pronounce the name of the character they created, the character whose backstory is that she has a special magical connection with the earth, and whose name is literally a near-anagram of earth 
how can they possibly know that it's Aerith

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9 hours ago, Bleck said:

yes how do these people know how to pronounce the name of the character they created, the character whose backstory is that she has a special magical connection with the earth, and whose name is literally a near-anagram of earth 
how can they possibly know that it's Aerith

Nah man, why would japanese people know how to speak english

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12 hours ago, Neblix said:

Except there's no reason that Square would have ever changed it to Aerith in literally every other appearance of the name were it not that Aeris was indeed a mistranslation

You're saying things like "not 100% of the time" and speculating about who gets to decide; this isn't subjective or a mystery here. Canon is law. That's how IP works. It's canonically Aerith, decided by Square, who owns the character, and so it is Aerith, and nothing you say will ever change it.

They didn't "give in" to pressure from "language dorks". Square doesn't give in to pressure from tiny subsets of its fanbase. :P Her name is Aerith because they said so.


10 hours ago, Brandon Strader said:

Actually the PS4 version of FF7 has Aeris, despite fixing the other translation issues, so checkmate nerds

Looks like strader beat me to it but yea.  Every re release of the game I am aware of SE has picked the version with Aeris's name spelled the correct way. So who exactly is paying attention to the supposed canon here?   The fact is the majority of players who have played the game have played through it with "Aeris" as the party healing, spell slinging savior of the world and not the succubus sounding faux-satanic "Aerith".  Now, if SE wanted to incorportate Zombie Aeris as canon, and really they can do that at anytime because it's not like it means anything, I am all for calling her Aerith in that case.  


10 hours ago, Bleck said:

yes how do these people know how to pronounce the name of the character they created, the character whose backstory is that she has a special magical connection with the earth, and whose name is literally a near-anagram of earth 
how can they possibly know that it's Aerith

The planet is "The Planet".  No where in the entire game is Earth ever even mentioned. So Aeris's name could not be an anagram of "earth" because earth does not exist obviously. You gotta look at things as they are, not as people wish they were.


Let's entertain the notion that maybe Aeris's name was originally conceived as Aerith.  But, since the person who created the character was concerned about the Japanese market and wanted Japanese players to understand the name he most likely wrote the name in Japanese right?   That name he decided would be best represented as Earisu in katakana. (Looks sort of like earth doesn't it?  It does only if you look past the notable exception that IT DOESN'T!!!)

So, this game then gets shipped to hundreds of thousands of Japanese homes where every player sees the name as Earisu, thinks Earisu, and SAYS Earisu every time the character comes up even in situations no matter how unwelcome. AND! Since Japan is a non-violent society where disagreements over trivial things are not allowed, the original creator, realizing that he can not go against the majority of japanese people who are pronouncing her name this way agrees that the name is pronounced Earisu.  Majority wins, everyone is happy, our planet is indirectly renamed, and no disagreements exist. 

Then the game releases over seas where some language dork decides to second guess someone else's work and creates a rift between hundreds of thousands of players for 2 decades.  

Logic people. you gotta see the entire picture here or your arguments aren't going to pan out for you. and just so everyone realizes,  YES this is a HUGE issue. Wars killing thousands and thousands of people have been fought for MUCH more ridiculous reasons than this. Don't believe me? look it up. 



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10 minutes ago, Garpocalypse said:

The planet is "The Planet".  Now where in the entire game is Earth ever even mentioned. So Aeris's name could not be an anagram of "earth" because earth does not exist obviously. You gotta look at things as they are, not as people wish they were.

At this point I'm genuinely unsure of whether you're trolling or not.

But it amuses me either way.

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13 hours ago, Brandon Strader said:


1 hour ago, Neblix said:

He's truthing. No one's obviously so multi talented and all around a great guy with such worldly interests. :P

2 hours ago, Native Jovian said:

At this point I'm genuinely unsure of whether you're trolling or truthing.

But it amuses me either way. But not in the way that you might expect. or anyone else for that matter.


Truthing.  Truthing hard.  

2 hours ago, Garpocalypse said:

 Logic people. you gotta see the entire picture here or your arguments aren't going to pan out for you. and just so everyone realizes,  YES this is a HUGE issue. Wars killing thousands and thousands of people have been fought for MUCH more ridiculous reasons than this. Don't believe me? look it up. 



...and getting carried away about a fictitious line that was drawn for no reason.



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