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OCR03238 - Demon's Souls "Abandoned by God"


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I am now in "Run, Do Not Walk" territory for everything from RoeTaka, a status gained not by nailing one song but consistently providing mixes that truly move the listener. The ability for this song to surge forward and fall back, the beautiful use of background melody and quiet harmonies is truly amazing. 2:22-3:05 are a gorgeous example of how a song can 'lessen' in sound but actually intensify in feel and delivery, allowing the back half to build more strongly than before.

This series and this remixer are well matched like few I have seen. Great stuff here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The Soul's Series tends to consume everything it comes into contact with time, social lives, emotions and it seems that RoeTaka is not immune from the the intrigue and mystic the Soul's series soundtrack, having remixed quite a few tracks from the various games. With such devotion its no wonder S-tier material, such as this, that is produced when you take a talented Remixer, RoeTaka, and combine it with a great soundtrack and spice it up with the sort of insidious devotion this game can instill us with. I'm not one who raves about the more melodramatic remixes, but Sir....your remixes make me want to praises the Sun all over again! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is an amazing piano performance backed by amazing, melodic synth work. It’s so mysterious, and when the violin kicks in, the mood of the track becomes more somber. Then we have the strings build up to a more hopeful mood to counter the somber violin. This truly is an experience of different feelings being invoked through one track.

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR03238 - Demon's Souls "Abandoned by God"
  • 3 weeks later...

This has quite the emotion to it, and I get the sense that this would be something incredible with the right visual picture in mind with how cinematic it was. The amazing build-up in the beginning, the slow-down and the final rebuild to the end made this work so well as an arrangement that makes me think of someone becoming more determined and hopeful while getting towards the top of a mountain or some kind of imagery like that. Anyway, very good ReMix, I'd say.

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