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Yes, although I'll be final verdict on all art assets. But he's basically my second in command for all things art, it'll pass through him first then to me. More than likely, I'll approve anything that goes through him first since I've seen his work and I trust his expertise on the matter. (Hope that didn't sound too insulting, not intended I assure you) :) Looking forward to yours, Modus and anyone else to help contribute art. Things are looking up for this album!


I'm already researching the best company to go with for hard copy prints for CDs on this album...price is a huge factor alongside quality. I'm not sure if I should have people on the team pitch in for a copy of their own once the album is complete or out of pocket as thanks for their hard work... :|


EDIT: Also, I just realized, we have 19 tracks claimed! That leaves 16 more to go! That's over halfway done! This is awesome everyone! :D

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I'm almost done with my TDY but things are looking up for this project! We have 17 remixers on board, 19 tracks claimed with 16 more to claim! We also have around 12 remixers who are interested and considering various tracks but none officially signed on with 5 more remixers interested but unable until after the New Year's to sign up due to real life. Not to mention we now have a dedicated art director in Modus with Odai who signed on as an additional artist! I'm really excited with the turnout we've had for this album in a span of nearly a month!


The first WIP from all currently signed on remixers is New Year's. It doesn't have to be expansive or long, just concrete enough to give a solid direction of where the track is headed thematically. After that, I'm probably gunning for March time frame for a second, more extensive WIP from everyone and then we'll see where it goes from there. Looking forward to all these tracks and hoping that the remaining interested remixers sign on! :D

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I'm almost done with my TDY but things are looking up for this project! We have 17 remixers on board, 19 tracks claimed with 16 more to claim! We also have around 12 remixers who are interested and considering various tracks but none officially signed on with 5 more remixers interested but unable until after the New Year's to sign up due to real life. Not to mention we now have a dedicated art director in Modus with Odai who signed on as an additional artist! I'm really excited with the turnout we've had for this album in a span of nearly a month!


The first WIP from all currently signed on remixers is New Year's. It doesn't have to be expansive or long, just concrete enough to give a solid direction of where the track is headed thematically. After that, I'm probably gunning for March time frame for a second, more extensive WIP from everyone and then we'll see where it goes from there. Looking forward to all these tracks and hoping that the remaining interested remixers sign on! :D

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We have 14 more tracks to go! We just recently got Silent Ice and Deedubs signed onto the project and we also got a Sound Designer (someone who can master the tracks) with Sn0wShepherd! We're almost there to having all tracks claimed and remixers working on the entire content of the album! For those who are currently signed up on board, feel free to network out to your remixer friends on the site and see if they'd be interested; same goes for those not involved in the project but still interested in it! :) Remember, outside of Silent Ice and Deedubs (since they signed on later), everyone else's first WIP due date is New Years! Looking forward to a great Christmas this year! :D

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Beginning of December and I'm now working back around the PMs I sent out to see if those who responded are still on the fence with the project or have firmly decided one way or another. However there are quite a few remixers who have yet to even check their PMs and they've logged on several times since I've sent them. So not sure if they just don't check PMs period or don't know they can. Either way, for those who know them personally or just good friends with them, please poke them for me and point them to their PM invitation, they just might be interested! Of the ones I am speaking of, here are some names of those who have been sent PMs but not yet read them: (prepare for long list!)




audio fidelity









The Dual Dragons





Section Nemesis

Level 99


Ethan Rex


Xenon Odyssey


Tyler Heath

Theory of N


The wingless




Sole Signal


Pyro Paper Planes








Jason Covenant



Brandon Strader (he liked this thread even, yet didn't read the invite? lolz :D)

big giant circles

Benjamin Briggs



There are more here that I did not list however if even half of these great artists sign on, that should be more than enough but I think they just need to know before they can decide for themselves. I did all I could by PMing them and I feel awkward outright emailing them to their personal inbox which is why I'm keeping it here at the forums for now. If anyone knows them and can help pimp this album out to them, that would be swell and help this project get that much closer to completion! We already got all but 13 tracks claimed of the 35 and got our first two WIPs in with more expected by New Year's! This project is not dead by any means but we need your help!


If you were not on this list, check your PMs! I might have PM'd you! If you still aren't on the list and didn't get a PM, I didn't ignore you, honest! I probably just didn't know about all the awesome work you've done. That's how Zack Parrish signed on, he PM'd me! As for those folks who DID read my PM yet chose not to give me any response either positive or negative (even if its a polite 'no' or 'can't', I'll accept that), I'm coming back around on New Year's and PM'ing you again about this! Squeaky wheel gets the...or however the saying goes... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although I haven't added him officially yet until he says so, Yoshiblade has submitted a proof of concept for Theme of Reflection. Yes, it isn't on the main core track list and I still WANT those covered first, however he submitted a rather awesome WIP of the track that I couldn't really say no if he's willing to continue with it. This is proof that if you come to me with a great WIP with intent to finish of the tracks left off the album, I am willing to add them back in.....that still leaves us with 13 tracks left to go though! :roll: I'll update the track list in the first post once I get final confirmation from Yoshiblade.


On another, negative note, I will be shutting down my Facebook account and thus my access to my Skies of Arcadia project page for remixer/group members. This is unfortunate and I am sorry. Until I find a good replacement for project work space, I am going to come back and be reusing this thread as update thread and I hope all remixers subscribe/flag/follow this thread so that all updates notify them.


Update: Deadline approaching for many of you! New Year's is around the corner and we need those WIPs in by then! Just a gentle reminder and a call to check out that soundcloud link I gave you all. There are already three artist's WIPs up there for listening, let them know how their remixes are and offer advice/critique/praise as necessary. Looking forward to everyone's WIPs! And to piggypack onto the above post, please check out that list of remixers I have yet to hear back from and haven't read my invitation PM, if you know them, poke them and let them know I'm interested in their talents for this project! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! We have about a week left before the first deadline of New Year's for many of you who have claimed tracks. (If your deadline is later in January, you should already know who you are) Please try to get those WIPs in! We already got a few great pieces of music already up for listening on the soundcloud and two that I've already marked down as 'substantial' since they are basically almost finished songs in their own right! With quality like this so early in the project, I can't wait to see how the rest will be. Looking forward to everyone's works and have a happy new year!

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Modus and I's schedules are mismatching this holiday season, however we have set up a Skype session this Jan 9, 2016 where we'll go over the overall scope of the project, the artwork style, pieces required, general direction of the art and more. You are more than welcome to join in on that. Get with Modus for the extra details for the meeting. As for the music, we have been steadily getting WIPs in however, there is still a good chunk unsent that is expected by the end of Dec 31, 2015. So hopefully the rest of the remixers slated for that deadline get one in.

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Cool beans! You are on board then, I'll catch you later this weekend on PM with my Skype name and you can ask Modus for his.

As for everyone else, I'm still awaiting WIPs from these folks for New Years:

Garpocalypse (I've spoken with you, so we're cool)

If for some reason we arranged a deadline in January (which might be the case for Xenonetix, Emunator and fxsnowy), please remind me. Otherwise, I'll PM you again tomorrow about your WIP and if you need a little more time. I'm not asking for much, barely a minute of song but enough solid mixing to give me a concrete idea of where you want to take the mix.

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I actually like the direction its going in. I added my comments on the soundcloud. I have a few suggestions with specific examples to give it some gravity but I'll see what you think. Overall, I like it and I think you should press with it if you still got the inspiration to carry it in this style.


As for the others, I will be PMing them later today. Emunator had to drop out, so the Great Silver Temple is back up for grabs. That is a highly unique piece and I truly want to see that one done for the album.

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A few remixers have dropped out, opening up Military Facility Dungeon, Bombardment1/Bombardment 2 and Great Silver Temple for those who are interested in remixing those. To give an idea of the timelines for each remixer, it will be individually negotiated but, upon signing on, the standard deadline for your first WIP which 'can' even be a minute or more but just enough to give me a concrete idea of where you'll be taking the piece is about 3 months from signing on. The next deadline where you produce something more substantial and possibly almost finished is 5-6 months after that. Finished tracks will vary based on my final approval and OCR Judge comments and evals. So far Timeaus222 has been gracious enough to lend his critiques to the project and seeing if Emunator wants to hop on board that bandwagon. :)

As for a personal request by one of the potential future team remixers: Yoshiblade, he has done an amazing piece on 'Theme of Reflection' to the point I am considering adding it to the main core track list. However, he is at a stalemate on it since he needs some nice vocal work done on it. He has his sights set on LadyWildFire but no response has me pushing this request out a bit more widespread here on the thread. If anyone is interested in helping out Yoshiblade with that vocal part, give him a PM and ask him to see what he needs for the piece! Any bit helps! :D

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On 1/4/2016 at 3:44 PM, Darkflamewolf said:

A few remixers have dropped out, opening up Military Facility Dungeon, Bombardment1/Bombardment 2 and Great Silver Temple for those who are interested in remixing those. To give an idea of the timelines for each remixer, it will be individually negotiated but, upon signing on, the standard deadline for your first WIP which 'can' even be a minute or more but just enough to give me a concrete idea of where you'll be taking the piece is about 3 months from signing on. The next deadline where you produce something more substantial and possibly almost finished is 5-6 months after that. Finished tracks will vary based on my final approval and OCR Judge comments and evals. So far Timeaus222 has been gracious enough to lend his critiques to the project and seeing if Emunator wants to hop on board that bandwagon. :)

As for a personal request by one of the potential future team remixers: Yoshiblade, he has done an amazing piece on 'Theme of Reflection' to the point I am considering adding it to the main core track list. However, he is at a stalemate on it since he needs some nice vocal work done on it. He has his sights set on LadyWildFire but no response has me pushing this request out a bit more widespread here on the thread. If anyone is interested in helping out Yoshiblade with that vocal part, give him a PM and ask him to see what he needs for the piece! Any bit helps! :D

You can count me in for Yoshi's remix. I'll take a look through the source list and see if anything still available jumps out at me.


EDIT: I had meant to listen to all of the remaining themes to see which I liked, but the first one I searched clicked pretty well with me. You can put me down for remixing Drachma's theme.

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Done! You are in for both songs, one for primary and one for secondary with Yoshiblade.

Also, for all remixers, expect a 'state of the album' PM address that'll reiterate a few points about the album and give us all a better, firmer deadline for everything as well as show the fancy progress we've all made! :D This is shaping up to be a successful album and already I can't thank you enough for it! Looking forward to more WIPs!

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Everyone who signed on has been made aware of the Group page and should be going there for the majority of announcements but I did want to post something here just in case no one has made that transition yet:

Faseeh (a relatively new remixer) has expressed definite interest in Military Facility Dungeon but needs assistance. He's currently looking at James Wong to help him collab with it, but should that fall through, I want to gauge the interest out there to see if people would be willing to collab with Faseeh on this track if he can't get James Wong to sign on. I know a lot of people have come and gone on Military Facility Dungeon, so I 'know' there is interest in this track but due to life or other circumstances, people have had to drop the song. I really want Faseeh to get it but he needs that extra push. If anyone knows this James Wong, maybe nudge him in the direction of 'yes?' :D lol If not, hopefully someone will be on standby to fill in and help Faseeh claim this track. :)

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