Sir_NutS Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 3 hours ago, Kat said: Yeah, I believe Blizzard outright said that the kill cam is wrong, which makes me wonder why they included them to begin with. I notice it a lot because I'm always dash-dodging with Genji only to watch myself stand there while Hanzo shoots an arrow with a hitbox the size of a semi-truck at me. You can run a custom game at a higher tickrate, and supposedly they plan to use a 60 tickrate for competitive. Well its not as much as the kill cam being wrong but the tick rate being too low. I've been caught by stuff where in my screen shows that I already had started to dash/speed up away and they get me first anyways, which the kill cam shows. Other times its getting to the point at the last second and losing anyways because the server didn't register it on time. It's pretty bad. csgo runs on 60 and it's VERY rare to get killed behind a solid wall, in ow is pretty common. Quote
AzureZeal Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 GilaMoo#1175 Still getting the hang of it, but I'm finding Zenyatta to be one of my favorite character to play, especially since a lot of the time nobody chooses a support character at the beginning of the match. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 I find interesting how many people are willing to take on the support role compared to other games like dota, lol or even tf2. Blizzard did a good job on making the support role interesting, if you want to be a classic support, you can do Mercy, although her mobility options specially when paired with a pharah make her more fun than your usual support. If you want to be a hybrid dps/support you can do zenyatta and do fine (a debuffed tank goes down surprisingly fast if your aim is good) and if you like running around a lot and not having to babysit anyone you can do Lucio and play almost as a normal dps character. Symmetra is imo kinda boring and clunky atm, but still fills a nice niche of a supporting/zone control character. The rumors are that the next character, Sombra, is going to be a sniper/support, so I'm excited for that. Blizz really broke the mold with supports in this game, and people aren't as reluctant to pick a support as in other games. They will never be as popular as dps characters but at least people don't loathe having to support in this ow, while in other games like LoL or WoW, it's very hard to get anyone to go support. Quote
Kat Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 Nothing but bad games today. First game was defending Anubis. Team decided to sit back and guard the objective that has 20 different flanking points instead of guarding the single chokepoint archway at the start. Next round attacking the enemy team has a Bastion, a Symettra, TWO Torbs, Zenyatta and Reinhardt. Couldn't break their defenses because they were building turrets faster than we could take them out and they only had one passage to worry about. Next match there was an angry Russian guy calling us noobs and telling us to go fuck our mothers all match. I think he was dissatisfied with our performance or something but I couldn't tell with all the insults and his terrible accent. And after he finally left he was replaced with what sounded like an angry white guy calling us whiny little bitches and complaining about how bad his team is. Each of those matches I had astoundingly low eliminations/objective kills(like, 5<) and yet still got a gold medal. So overall a fun day. Quote
Garpocalypse Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 The hype got to me and i just picked this game up. Haven't played any matches yet, and i probably won't until later tonight sometime, but if anyone wants to add me for some games my ID is Garpocalypse#11835 Quote
Bleck Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 On 5/31/2016 at 10:54 AM, Sir_NutS said: The low tick rate is getting noticeable the higher the level I get and the more tryhard opponents I find (and the more tryhard I get). I hope competitive runs on higher tickrate servers because its kinda ridiculous sometimes how different the killview of the opponent is, and also how it completely ignores your clutch dashes. I've died more times from a High Noon after a Genji dash to behind cover more times than I'm comfortable with Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 46 minutes ago, Garpocalypse said: The hype got to me and i just picked this game up. Haven't played any matches yet, and i probably won't until later tonight sometime, but if anyone wants to add me for some games my ID is Garpocalypse. your bnet id should have a # and some numbers in it. Garpocalypse 1 Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 1, 2016 Author Posted June 1, 2016 7 hours ago, Sir_NutS said: I find interesting how many people are willing to take on the support role compared to other games like dota, lol or even tf2. Blizzard did a good job on making the support role interesting, if you want to be a classic support, you can do Mercy, although her mobility options specially when paired with a pharah make her more fun than your usual support. If you want to be a hybrid dps/support you can do zenyatta and do fine (a debuffed tank goes down surprisingly fast if your aim is good) and if you like running around a lot and not having to babysit anyone you can do Lucio and play almost as a normal dps character. Symmetra is imo kinda boring and clunky atm, but still fills a nice niche of a supporting/zone control character. The rumors are that the next character, Sombra, is going to be a sniper/support, so I'm excited for that. Blizz really broke the mold with supports in this game, and people aren't as reluctant to pick a support as in other games. They will never be as popular as dps characters but at least people don't loathe having to support in this ow, while in other games like LoL or WoW, it's very hard to get anyone to go support. Mercy FTW and Symmetra fits the "defense" paradigm a bit better than support imo. I see the appeal of the other supports, but it's been my experience that a Mercy who is really on the ball is more valuable to the team than the other supports simply because her ability to heal and buff doesn't require a cooldown and her Ult can really tip the scales. Though Lucio's speed boost is handy with getting to the objective before the enemy. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 Mercy is my go-to champion when I want to play more relaxed. Playing Tracer, pharah or junkrat for too long is pretty exhausting, if you tryhard. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 2, 2016 Author Posted June 2, 2016 If you follow the Overwatch facebook, you've probably seen these already, but "MonoriRogue" over on Deviantart has been doing some legit artwork of the characters in their down time. ♪ HIIIIIIGHWAAYYYY TOOOOO THE DANGER ZONE ♫ Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 Good Games with @DusK last night, though we got queued with a lot of clueless teams XD I need to carry harder. Dusk's got a killer Widowmaker too. Anyone who added me on bnet don't be afraid to invite me over for some matches if you see me playing. Quote
DarkeSword Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 Symmetra really is more of a support/defense hybrid than pure support IMO. The shields and teleporter definitely fit "support" but setting up a defense matrix with all of her turrets can really be effective defense. It also helps to move turrets around so that the other team is constantly caught off-guard. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 7 hours ago, DarkeSword said: Symmetra really is more of a support/defense hybrid than pure support IMO. The shields and teleporter definitely fit "support" but setting up a defense matrix with all of her turrets can really be effective defense. It also helps to move turrets around so that the other team is constantly caught off-guard. Mercy is the only pure support. The other three are hybrids, as they can do offense/defense and support at the same time. Mercy can only support. Quote
OCR Podcast Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 I haven't had too much time to play it so far, but-- I REALLY LIKE Overwatch. Pharah, Lucio, and Winston are my go-to characters so far. I want to add Tracer and D. Va to that list, but I'm honestly pretty bad with those two. Feel free to add me as well: Emblem180#1675 Any interest in putting together a game night or two? I'd be into playing with some OCR folks, even if our skills levels vary wildly. I'm on PC. - Stephen Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 3, 2016 Author Posted June 3, 2016 7 hours ago, Sir_NutS said: Mercy is the only pure support. The other three are hybrids, as they can do offense/defense and support at the same time. Mercy can only support. I've scored some pretty sick kills with that pistol of hers. Quote
Bleck Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 overwatch will be really fun once they nerf mccree and buff Quote
Kat Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 I'd love to play with some OCR people but I'm over here on PS4. I have trouble playing Mercy. I'm used to the style thanks to TF2's medic, but I feel too reliant on my team to not do stupid crap, like clustering together - which makes it easier for them to all take damage, hard to target the person who needs healing and also gives me no escape route. Also not fun watching them constantly charge out of sight/around walls/etc in a way that prevents me from healing/buffing, or worse: Deciding to retreat and hiding behind me. Quote
Garpocalypse Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Enjoying the game quite a lot so far and i'm finding it tough to take more than a few hours away from it. Been having some great games with Torbjorn and Agent 76 who seem to be my go to characters at the moment. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 3 hours ago, Bleck said: overwatch will be really fun once they nerf mccree and buff You don't want a buffed D.Va. before they nerfed her it was common to see 3-man teams in the beta. Also McRee is strong, but not op. All the other dps classes are still used plenty, if mcree was op we would be seeing triple mcree comps everywhere (though we do see double mcrees in some maps on defense at pro level, but then again we also see double tracers in some others too) Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 3, 2016 Author Posted June 3, 2016 3 hours ago, Bleck said: overwatch will be really fun once they nerf mccree and buff I really don't see why he needs to be nerfed. Also, LET THE BAN-HAMMER FALL! Quote
Sir_NutS Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 4 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said: I really don't see why he needs to be nerfed. Also, LET THE BAN-HAMMER FALL! Yeah I saw that yesterday. was wondering if there were already hacks in the game because I met one sniper whose every shot was a snap flick directly to the character from even 90 degrees away. I hope this continues so we don't end up like csgo. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted June 3, 2016 Author Posted June 3, 2016 17 hours ago, Kat said: I have trouble playing Mercy. I'm used to the style thanks to TF2's medic, but I feel too reliant on my team to not do stupid crap, like clustering together - which makes it easier for them to all take damage, hard to target the person who needs healing and also gives me no escape route. Also not fun watching them constantly charge out of sight/around walls/etc in a way that prevents me from healing/buffing, or worse: Deciding to retreat and hiding behind me. Clustering together, for the most part, is exactly what you want. There is a special place in hell for those who don't push the objective or worse, run away from it at the start of the match. Anyway, if you stay in the back, you can quickly switch who needs healing without having to fly. Alternatively, you can just "pocket" your team's tank or Pharah. I truly believe that as long as your team is keeping an eye out for snipers, a good Pharah-Mercy combo is one of the best pairings in the game. Quote
DJ A.H. Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Lovin' the music & the game it self ofc... I might remix one or two of its music some day Quote
Bleck Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 18 hours ago, Sir_NutS said: You don't want a buffed D.Va. I don't, actually, but I'm tired of losing because some footsucking sperglord insists on playing as his underpowered starcraft waifu 18 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said: I really don't see why he needs to be nerfed. his pinpoint accurate gun and flashbang and burst damage and extreme burst mobility means a good mccree invalidates over half the cast - not to mention his efficiency at killing charges high noon so fast that it happens at least twice as much as any other ult they just need to nerf Fan The Hammer and/or make his roll move more slowly and he'll be fine Quote
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