Chimpazilla Posted May 20, 2016 Posted May 20, 2016 RebeccaETripp Rebecca Tripp ID: 48262 Game: A Link Between Worlds Song's Remixed: Witch's Hut Song Title: "Mystic Hut" I've attached the file. Here is a YouTube link as well:
Gario Posted June 20, 2016 Posted June 20, 2016 This is a pretty solid arrangement with the proper levels of humanization for the instruments used (nice work on that), but first and foremost this is a very conservative mix. Not only does it follow the structure quite close, it also uses nearly the same instrumentation, as well. It's a very well done remake of the source, but there's not quite enough interpretation of the source for OCReMix to accept it. The mix also was very quiet - I could push 4.5 dB just by maxing the amplify option on Audacity, and could easily double that using basic limiting and a lowpass. For future arrangements, don't be afraid to get as much volume as you can without clipping. It's a solid (if quiet) mix, but it's a very conservative arrangement. While that's not a bad thing on its own, it does conflict with the ambitions of the site. While good, it doesn't belong on OCR. I hope to hear more from you, though! NO
Sir_NutS Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 Gotta disagree with Gario here, I think there's a lot in both the main motif and the background accompaniments to set this apart as its own arrangement. The percussion was very well handled as well as the mix of different instruments, which flow in and out of the arrangement naturally. I loved the droning instrument in the background, a didgeridoo perhaps? very cool nonetheless. The use of bells really emphasizes the mystical nature of the arrangement, it does feel very thematic and it gave me images of being in a mystical place where a primitive ceremony was taking place. The instruments seemed well humanized enough to me, and the mix balance, while a bit muddy in the low-mids, worked for this track. As I said previously the arrangement is fine imo, the only issue I had with this remix was repetition, as for such a short track it feels like it repeats the main motif one too many times, but it's a short track based on a very short loop, so I don't think the repetition drags along that much to be a bother. If this had an intermediate section with some exploration of the basic progression but with more original riffs and melodies this would've been a sure yes, but I do think this is just above the bar for a pass. YES (Borderline)
Chimpazilla Posted July 5, 2016 Author Posted July 5, 2016 There's something so unique and mystical about your style, Rebecca! Your songs just keep getting better and more interesting. You really capture the vibe in the remixes you're doing, with all the bells and mysterious plucks and stuff. I like it. I would have liked some kind of original intro before the main motif dropped, even just some sfx to slowly set the mood, but this is just an opinion. I love the way these timbres have been used, the soundscape is similar to the original but with more bells and details going on. The instruments have been humanized very well and I like how the melodies have been sort of haphazardly tossed one on top of the other, it feels very relaxed and natural and it works well for this source. The mix has a ton of reverb which works for this soundscape. It doesn't sound too muddled to me. The track appears not to have been mastered though, coming in at -4.5db peak and -19.4db RMS, some more volume would have been nice, it doesn't have to be super loud but a little louder would be good. Ultimately though, I'm not sold on this particular arrangement for OCR. The motif is played pretty conservatively five times, and the writing in between is very loose and noodley. I think this arrangement is perfect for a "let's play" or similar on Youtube, but I don't find it to be a workable arrangement for a standalone OCR track. I feel like one or two of the motif sections could be replaced with something original that has a little more structure, maybe in a different key or something, to break things up. That said, I am really enjoying this track. NO Sir_NutS 1
Liontamer Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 There's certainly notable additive writing going on here, but on the whole it feels too similar in tone and structure to the original song without ENOUGH additive components. The wholly original stuff from 1:36-1:50 was nice albeit very brief. At only 2:18-long, there needs to be much, much more demonstrated in the way of development and interpretation for a piece this short. It's a cool sound upgrade approach, and Rebecca's tracks are well-made and enjoyable whether they follow OCR standards or not, but this doesn't pass on arrangement grounds. NO
DragonAvenger Posted September 28, 2016 Posted September 28, 2016 Yeah, in the end I'm agreeing with the NO side here; there is some added parts and it is and interesting track that expands on the original soundscape a bit, but it isn't enough overall to fit the standards. Outside of said standards this is a really nice listen and could easily be considered a nice remaster of the original. NO
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