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I think that we'll have the tri-series idea come into play in a couple weeks (probably replacing week 12 or 13).

I'd love to see team-play in action, mainly to see if it would actually work as the normal way of doing things in the OCRCL - a while back I had the idea to split the league up into 4-6 teams of 4-6 players each, and while the idea really didn't fly with a lot of people, I thought it would be a very interesting way of developing the league and might encourage more participation. I'm a team-sports kinda guy first and think that, with team play, everyone gets a legitimate chance at winning a tournament.

And not by pity or butt-kissing (thanks for the hoilday tournament title, everyone :D)

I think that sounds like a lot of fun, but I think the teams should be swapped out once in awhile, rather than being permanent. Maybe we could even do trades, like in pro sports?



okay, Keegan battens down the hatches and nails me in my coffin with two devastating wins, followed by a win over Setz and a perfunctory resignation of game 2. In summary,

Rainman DX vs. Keegan the Fox, 0-2.

Rainman DX vs. Setz, 2-0.

And, uh, anybody know how to get colors on vBulletin?

And, uh, anybody know how to get colors on vBulletin?

There's a colour drop down thingy, unless you need to switch editors (button in the upper right of the reply window)

EDIT: And for those interested

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: keegan_the_fox

;Black: rainmanr2d2

;Date: Mon Jan 08 03:42:42 GMT 2007

1. c2-c4 e7-e5

2. g2-g3 g8-f6

3. f1-g2 d7-d5

4. c4xd5 f6xd5

5. b1-c3 d5xc3

6. b2xc3 f8-c5

7. e2-e3 o-o

8. d2-d4 e5xd4

9. c3xd4 c5-b4+

10. c1-d2 b4xd2+

11. d1xd2 d8-f6

12. g1-e2 b8-c6

13. o-o b7-b6

14. a1-c1 c8-b7

15. e2-f4 a8-b8

16. c1-c4 c6-e7

17. c4xc7 b7xg2

18. g1xg2 a7-a5

19. d2-c2 b8-c8

20. f4-d5 e7xd5

21. c7xc8 g7-g6

22. c8xf8+ g8xf8

23. e3-e4 d5-b4

24. c2-c4 f6-e7

25. f2-f3 f7-f5

26. a2-a3 f5xe4

27. a3xb4 a5-a4

28. f3xe4+ f8-g7

29. g2-f3 e7-f6+

30. f3-e3 f6-g5+

31. e3-d3 b6-b5

32. c4-c7+ g7-h6

33. f1-f7 h6-h5

34. g3-g4+ g5xg4

35. f7xh7+ h5-g5

36. c7-e7+ g5-f4

37. h7-f7+ g4-f5

38. e7-h4+ f4-f3

39. h4-g3++


Week 10 schedules are now posted.

Week 9 business:

KeeganTheFox won the week with 16 points, also the maximum score. This is like the fifth time Keegan has won a week since the league format, and the second time he's gone 100%.

Nemitor_Atimen was charged one point to ~Jessica~ for failure to play a reported match while playing his other opponent. Three points could have been charged but were dropped because Nemo was online enough to answer to a match request, and because the second game between Nemo and Salaxzar went unplayed. A final report point through salaxzar was not charged because of the one game that was actually played.

Bahamut was charged one point to John DerriLLL and LongeBane each for failure to play reported matches. Four points could have been charged but were dropped because Bahamut appeared online and responsive, and JD and Clef could have simply played eachother.

Rainman DX returned in time to play Week 9 games and did so under my supervision. He remains on the active schedule.

Arek The Absolute was bypassed by dPaladin 2-0 Fionn, and was dropped from the active schedule.

Margoute was dropped from the active schedule.

jeff_loves_chess_too_much and ResEvil07 were added to the active schedule.


*bump* wtf i couldnt even find this thread. ooo, i thought i reported nemo for game 2,or maybe not. hmm nvm. gl for week 2.

I dropped your report, since there was ample opportunity to play Nemo, I only gave jessica a point as restitution for not playing one game like you did. I'm very stingy with reports - you're not going to get many report points AT ALL.


Keegan and i had 2 tough games. 1.5-0.5

Game # 1,[Me as white] he kept the position quite closed and came up with Nb6 on the blacks side of the catalan on move 9. Game went along and the struggle for space ensued. Im not quite sure yet where he went wrong.Im too tired to fully analyze it from move #46 although i can say for sure that i think black missed Bxh4 on move 50 followed by 2 menacing passed pawns on the king side.IF someone has a powerful chess program like fritz 9 or 10 and is willing to analyze this game with me, ill be real happy.Too tired right now. After forcing a queen exchange,i was quite confident then.

Game #2,[as black]an 'atypical' kings indian position. He never quite let me realize blacks plan to attack on the king side. I made careless positional errors of developing quite strangely i think and never quite breaking the center early on.I had no counterplay whatsoever and barely managed to hold onto a draw.Funny thing was my knight on d5 looked nice but was infact quite dormant,almost all my play in the midgame was centered around my pawns on c6 & b6.lol. Very well played.gg

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: uranus_4444

;Black: keegan_the_fox

;Date: Mon Jan 08 18:12:44 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 g8-f6

2. g2-g3 d7-d5

3. f1-g2 c8-f5

4. c2-c4 e7-e6

5. b1-c3 f8-b4

6. g1-f3 o-o

7. o-o b8-c6

8. c4xd5 f6xd5

9. c1-d2 d5-b6

10. a2-a3 b4-e7

11. e2-e4 f5-g4

12. d2-e3 g4-h5

13. a1-c1 f7-f5

14. e4-e5 d8-d7

15. c3-e2 b6-d5

16. d1-d2 a8-b8

17. f1-d1 f8-d8

18. h2-h3 b7-b5

19. d2-c2 b8-b6

20. e2-f4 d5xf4

21. g3xf4 b6-a6

22. c2-d3 c6-a5

23. a3-a4 c7-c6

24. a4xb5 c6xb5

25. c1-a1 d7-b7

26. f3-g5 b7-c8

27. d1-c1 a5-c4

28. a1xa6 c8xa6

29. b2-b3 c4xe3

30. f2xe3 h7-h6

31. g5-f3 e7-b4

32. d3-c2 a6-a5

33. c2-c6 a5-a3

34. c1-b1 d8-e8

35. c6-c2 a3-a6

36. b1-c1 a6-a5

37. g1-f2 e8-d8

38. g2-f1 a7-a6

39. f1-e2 h5-e8

40. f3-e1 b4-d2

41. c1-d1 d2-c3

42. e1-d3 d8-c8

43. d3-c5 c3-b4

44. e2-f3 a5-b6

45. d1-c1 a6-a5

46. c2-b2 c8-c7

47. h3-h4 c7-c8

48. c5-d3 c8xc1

49. b2xc1 b4-e7

50. c1-c8 g8-f8

51. h4-h5 a5-a4

52. b3-b4 e7-h4+

53. f2-e2 f8-e7

54. d3-c5 a4-a3

55. c8-a8 h4-g3

56. a8xa3 g3-h4

57. a3-a5 b6xa5

58. b4xa5 b5-b4

59. a5-a6 e8-b5+

60. e2-d2 b5xa6

61. c5xa6 b4-b3

62. d2-c3 h4-f2

63. a6-c5 f2xe3

64. c5xb3 e3xf4

65. c3-c4 f4-h2

66. b3-c5 h2-g3

67. f3-c6 g3-h4

68. c5-d3 h4-g5

69. d4-d5 e6xd5+

70. c4xd5 g5-d2

71. e5-e6 d2-c3

72. c6-d7 c3-f6

73. d3-f4 e7-d8

74. d5-d6 f6-e7+

75. d6-e5 e7-c5

76. e5xf5 d8-e7

77. f5-g6 c5-d6

78. f4-d5+ e7-f8

79. d5-e3 d6-e7

80. e3-f5 e7-f6

81. f5xh6 f6-d8

82. h6-f5 d8-e7

83. f5xe7 f8xe7

84. g6xg7 e7-d6

85. h5-h6 d6-e7

86. h6-h7 e7-d6

87. h7-h8 d6-d5

88. h8-h5+ d5-e4

89. d7-c6+ e4-d3

90. h5-g4 d3-c2

91. g4-g3 c2-b1

92. g3-f2 b1-c1

93. c6-e4 c1-d1

94. e4-f3+ d1-c1

95. f2-e2 c1-b1

96. f3-e4+ b1-a1

97. e4-d5 a1-b1

98. e2-h2 b1-c1

99. g7-f6 c1-b1

100. d5-f3 b1-a1

101. h2-e2 a1-b1

102. e2-d2 b1-a1

103. f3-d5 a1-b1

104. f6-f5 b1-a1

105. d2-a2++

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: keegan_the_fox

;Black: uranus_4444

;Date: Mon Jan 08 19:31:22 GMT 2007

1. g1-f3 g7-g6

2. c2-c4 f8-g7

3. b1-c3 g8-f6

4. e2-e4 d7-d6

5. d2-d4 b8-d7

6. f1-e2 o-o

7. o-o c7-c6

8. h2-h3 h7-h6

9. e4-e5 f6-e8

10. c1-f4 g8-h7

11. d1-d2 d6xe5

12. d4xe5 e8-c7

13. f4-g3 b7-b6

14. f1-d1 c7-e6

15. c3-e4 d8-c7

16. d2-e3 c8-b7

17. e4-f6+ e7xf6

18. e5xf6 c7-c8

19. f6xg7 e6xg7

20. e3-d2 d7-f6

21. g3-e5 c8-e6

22. b2-b4 g7-f5

23. g2-g4 f5-g7

24. d2-b2 g7-e8

25. c4-c5 f6-d5

26. e2-d3 a8-d8

27. a1-c1 e6-d7

28. c5xb6 a7xb6

29. e5-g3 d7-e7

30. a2-a3 e7-f6

31. b2xf6 e8xf6

32. f3-e5 d8-a8

33. e5-c4 a8-a7

34. d3-b1 f8-d8

35. g3-h2 d8-d7

36. b1-d3 a7-a8

37. h2-e5 d7-e7

38. e5-b2 e7-e6

39. d1-e1 a8-e8

40. e1xe6 e8xe6

41. c1-d1 h7-g7

42. b2-d4 c6-c5

43. b4xc5 b6xc5

44. d4xc5 d5-f4

45. d3-f1 e6-c6

46. c5-d4 f4xh3+

47. f1xh3 c6xc4

48. f2-f4 b7-f3

49. d1-d3 f3-e4

50. d3-d2 c4-c1+

51. h3-f1 g6-g5

52. d2-f2 c1-d1

53. d4-c3 g7-g6

54. f4-f5+ g6-g7

55. a3-a4 d1-c1

56. c3-b2 c1-b1

57. a4-a5 e4-d3

58. b2-c3 b1-c1

59. c3-e5 c1-e1



Loss, Win vs. Grayfox9996 - he got me with a sly little move in Game 1 after I got disconnected, but I had him with sheer material advantage in Game 2.

LongeBane's report on Bahamut has been removed - apparently they tried playing last week.

Snerrak has left the active roster, which, in tandem with the above, has little effect.



C'mon guys, I'm feeling very insecure about the future of the league!

Well, don't. This thread already has, in its 3 month history, 1/10 the number of views as The Coop's 4+ year old thread, "All time hardest boss..."

We're just taking some downtime. I'll have my games finished up at the end of the week...

/looks at scheduled opponents

Er... never mind. Maybe not. In the meantime, thirdgame anyone?


Reporting 2-0 half match results against Fire.

Didnt save the 1st game. Heres the 2nd.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: cpt1337

;Black: uranus_4444

;Date: Wed Jan 10 23:43:47 GMT 2007

1. g1-f3 d7-d5

2. d2-d4 c7-c5

3. d4xc5 e7-e6

4. b2-b4 a7-a5

5. c2-c3 a5xb4

6. c3xb4 d8-f6

7. d1-d4 f6xd4

8. f3xd4 b7-b6

9. e2-e4 b6xc5

10. b4xc5 f8xc5

11. d4-b5 b8-a6

12. e4-e5 c8-d7

13. b5-d6+ c5xd6

14. e5xd6 a6-b4

15. e1-d1 g8-f6

16. b1-c3 o-o

17. c3-b5 f6-e4

18. c1-e3 d7xb5

19. f1xb5 e4xd6

20. a1-b1 b4xa2

21. e3-d2 d6xb5

22. b1xb5 f8-c8

23. d1-e2 a2-c3+

24. d2xc3 c8xc3

25. h1-b1 a8-a2+

26. e2-e1 g7-g6

27. b5-b2 c3-c1+

28. b1xc1 a2xb2

29. g2-g4 g8-g7

30. h2-h4 b2-b4

31. f2-f3 h7-h5

32. e1-f2 h5xg4

33. f3xg4 b4xg4

34. c1-h1 e6-e5

35. h4-h5 g6xh5

36. h1xh5 g7-f6

37. f2-f3 g4-g5

38. h5-h6+ f6-f5

39. f3-e3 f7-f6

40. h6-h4 d5-d4+

41. e3-f3 e5-e4+

42. h4xe4 g5-g3+

43. f3xg3 f5xe4

44. g3-f2 f6-f5

45. f2-e2 f5-f4

46. e2-d1 e4-e3

47. d1-e1 d4-d3

48. e1-f1 f4-f3

49. f1-e1 f3-f2+

50. e1-f1 d3-d2

51. f1-g2 e3-e2

52. g2-g3 f2-f1

53. g3-g4 d2-d1

54. g4-g5 d1-a4

55. g5-h5 f1-f4

56. h5-g6 a4-a5

57. g6-g7 f4-d6

58. g7-g8 a5-c7

59. g8-h8 d6-d8++

Well, don't. This thread already has, in its 3 month history, 1/10 the number of views as The Coop's 4+ year old thread, "All time hardest boss..."

We're just taking some downtime. I'll have my games finished up at the end of the week...

/looks at scheduled opponents

Er... never mind. Maybe not. In the meantime, thirdgame anyone?

im or pm me raindrop


Clef dealt with me for 1 session, maybe I will find time to finish up real late tonight?

Rainman DX vs. Clef, 0-1.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: longebane
;Black: rainmanr2d2
;Date: Thu Jan 11 23:05:47 GMT 2007

1. c2-c4 e7-e5
2. g2-g3 g8-f6
3. f1-g2 f8-c5
4. b1-c3 b8-c6
5. d2-d3 o-o
6. g1-f3 d7-d6
7. o-o c8-g4
8. h2-h3 g4xf3
9. g2xf3 d8-d7
10. f3-g2 f8-e8
11. d1-a4 a8-b8
12. c1-d2 c6-d4
13. a4xd7 f6xd7
14. e2-e3 d4-e6
15. c3-e2 b7-b5
16. g2-c6 e8-d8
17. c4xb5 d7-f6
18. b2-b4 c5-b6
19. a2-a4 a7-a5
20. b4xa5 b6-c5
21. d2-c3 d6-d5
22. c3xe5 d5-d4
23. e3xd4 c5xd4
24. e2xd4 d8xd4
25. b5-b6 c7xb6
26. e5xb8 b6xa5
27. a1-a3 d4-d8
28. f1-b1 e6-d4
29. b8-c7 d8-c8
30. c6-g2 h7-h6
31. c7xa5 d4-e2+
32. g1-f1 c8-c2
33. a3-b3 g7-g5
34. b3-b2 c2-c5
35. a5-b4 e2xg3+
36. f2xg3 c5-f5+
37. b2-f2 f5xf2+
38. f1xf2 f6-d5
39. g2xd5

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