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Sorry for the non-update...

Keegan now with a strong lead at 39 points (8-7-1-0)

I'll catch up =D. Dama, im or pm me when u have time to play. I'll finish up my game with Margy soon enough. Anyone up for a half-match?



Keegan - 39

salaxzar - 26

Rainman DX - 23

damathacus - 21

dPaladin - 20

kamoh - 18 (3-0-9-4)

Grayfox9996 - 18 (3-0-7-2)

John Derrilll - 18 (2-3-1-0)

LongeBane - 9 (reportedly quitting?)

Fionn - 8

Setz - 2

Bahamut - -1

All others - 0


Note to Salaxzar: I haven't been around much this week, and when I have been around, you haven't (last night and Wednesday night). I'll be on or near the computer for possibly a few hours this afternoon, but I'll be going out with my girlfriend for her birthday tonight, and I'm staying over, then heading straight to work in the morning, so I won't be online again until tomorrow night, after nine (central). So if you see this and wanna pop on and send me a message, we can play today. If not, try to be on tomorrow night so we can get this done.


I'll be on waiting for u tonite.its 7 pm EST-ill be here till 2-3 am mostly workin on my report. Pm me if u logon to AIM.

Edit: 2 wins each against dama and margy. ( yea, finally got to play him! )

+ 2 half wins against jd.

Had an interesting 2nd game with dama

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

;White: damathacus

;Black: uranus_4444

;Date: Mon Jan 22 04:09:47 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 g7-g6

2. e2-e4 f8-g7

3. g1-f3 d7-d6

4. c2-c3 g8-f6

5. f1-b5+ c7-c6

6. b5-d3 o-o

7. o-o h7-h6

8. c1-f4 b8-d7

9. b1-d2 g8-h8

10. d3-c4 g6-g5

11. f4-g3 d6-d5

12. c4-d3 d5xe4

13. d2xe4 f6-g8

14. d1-b3 f7-f5

15. e4xg5 h6xg5

16. f3xg5 f5-f4

17. g3-h4 d7-c5

18. g5-f7+ f8xf7

19. b3xf7 c5xd3

20. f7-h5+ g7-h6

21. h5-e2 c8-f5

22. g2-g4 f4-g3

23. h2xg3 d8-d5

24. h4xe7 f5-h3

25. f2-f3 h3xf1

26. a1xf1 g8xe7

27. e2xe7 a8-g8

28. e7-h4 d5-d6

29. g1-h2 g8xg3

30. f3-f4 g3-g6

31. f1-g1 d6xf4+

32. h4xf4 h6xf4+


Not everyone has a clean bypass match ready, and I'm sorry. I made it so that my opponents aren't going to have to worry about bypasses with me or them (dama and rainman), so that should be an easy one, but I was having a really hard time with this. I originally had removed three of the players below for inactivity, but found I needed them just to fill out the schedule fairly properly.

Anyways, here you go.

The WINNER will be the player with the most points at the end of the week, so it's basically Keegan vs. Uranus. Good luck you two!


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