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I wasn't playing my best last night, for some reason. If I'm going to ever give Keegan a run for his money, obviously I need to be at the top of my game. I haven't seen that Jeff guy yet. Actually he signed off just as I came on the other day and that's it. I know I haven't been around much this week, but I'll be home all day today until I have to leave for work.

Jeff! Come online and play me sometime in the next five hours.


Colors are too difficlut for me to make look good.

I don't think that this look to the standings is going to stay for very long, but hopefully it's a little easier to read for everyone.


i gotta put nemo on report. i want a bypass match. who is up for a challenge match?

JD, you can bypass Nemo and play Falchion. If Falchion doesn't respond, you can play jeff, who loves chess too much. If jeff doesn't respond, you get nothin...you can't play damathacus, nor can you just skip him.

Falchion won't respond to any messages. We have too many inactive players.

Agreed. But Falchion should be online tomorrow and be willing to play.

mass reconstruct!

Very nice!

Whats so nice? /curses :@ i cant find my 3rd opponent . Whine, whine whine. Jessica,Rainman, where ARE you guys? =P

metzgerism (3:56:32 AM): if rainman comes online play him

metzgerism (3:56:34 AM): if not...

metzgerism (3:56:40 AM): you'll get some points from jessica

metzgerism (4:48:17 AM): I find my opponents :P

atulkaranth (4:48:19 AM): waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

atulkaranth (4:48:34 AM):IF NEMI had played me , 1st week and i get an opponent now ...

atulkaranth (4:48:36 AM): if only ,

atulkaranth (4:48:48 AM): if...

atulkaranth (4:48:51 AM): ifssssssssss

metzgerism (4:49:01 AM): i think you're a little high and 134340'd yourself too much


Last day of Week 10 everyone. Remember to invite players, I'd love to see more people involved.

I have a little surprise for all of you once DJP has finished making his necessary adjustments to the forums (sometime tonight).

January 13th, 2007

While I wouldn't consider the current setup for the league to be a 'failure,' there are issues that are undebatable that allow the most active good players to simply dominate. I see the 10 weeks of the 'league project' as a great step in the right direction, but older ideas probably would better suit this league. Since OCR members for the most part simply come and go with little commitment, it's difficult to get behind a long-term championship, which is unfortunately the thing I'd like to see the most.

Around August I floated the idea of team play, in order to bring in some more players and allow lower-ranked players to still compete. This was replaced by the two- or three-division tournament plan, which lasted all of six weeks, to finally be replaced by the league project. The thought of having chess teams has been in my mind for a while, and all of you have been fairly responsive to the tri-series idea that I'm promoting, which I intend to be the "test run" for team play.

Ultimately, this morning, I decided that the best idea might be just to let loose and create a team, encouraging others to start their own. I won't start team play unless I am able to get commitments from four teams, and I would likely employ a six-week schedule with a one-week championship, with this schedule rotating constantly. Rules would have to be made on player transfers, drafting, etc., and addressing these is the main concern. Scheduling and strategies for captains are basically already decided, as all players will be assigned to a team, and each team will have to play every player at least once and no more than twice in a schedule (with no more than one "healthy scratch"). All these rules on scoring, scheduling, that's easy, already been decided.

The issue is getting the people. We currently have 24 people on the OCRCL schedule. 6 of those are not on the active schedule. Another 4 are currently no-shows. With not even 16 committed players, how can we get the necessary players for a compelling and competitive league? There will always need to be at least 3 players playing for a team in a week, hopefully I can increase that number to 4 if this idea takes off. Expansion is a hopeful pipe dream, and I'd love to see a semi-permanent six-team league with two-week playoffs, rotating every calendar season.

Anyways, I've got a lot of ideas on this one. If you'd like to be a captain, please IM ME.

Quoted since I think people are otherwise liable to miss this.



Due to reports, absences, and some random people not actually playing matches, and some other stuff, I have decided to remove four players from the active roster.

All reports went through at 2 pts/game, as the bypass rules have gotten complicatedly difficult to assess, and all players reported were simply no-shows.

The tri-series plan will be added in a NEW THREAD shortly, including signups. Captainship applications will be accepted as well.


da da da

dPaladin a.k.a. Fire had me on the ropes for our first game, and I caught a lucky break just before the end had come - the second went mostly my way. Maybe I'm improving as White?

Rainman DX vs. dPaladin, 2-0.


Game 1 caught Kamoh a little off guard. He played well in the second game, though, and had me in quite a bind for some time.

Rainman DX vs. Kamoh, 2-0.

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: rainmanr2d2
;Black: metzgerism
;Date: Tue Jan 16 00:50:38 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 d7-d5
2. c1-f4 e7-e6
3. e2-e3 c7-c5
4. c2-c3 c5xd4
5. c3xd4 d8-a5+
6. b1-c3 b8-c6
7. g1-e2 e6-e5
8. f4xe5 c6xe5
9. d4xe5 c8-f5
10. e2-d4 g8-h6
11. f1-b5+ e8-e7
12. d1-h5 g7-g6
13. h5-g5+ f7-f6
14. g5xf6++

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: metzgerism
;Black: rainmanr2d2
;Date: Tue Jan 16 01:25:33 GMT 2007

1. e2-e4 c7-c5
2. f1-c4 b8-c6
3. d1-f3 e7-e6
4. d2-d4 c6xd4
5. f3-d3 d7-d5
6. c4-b5+ d4xb5
7. d3xb5+ c8-d7
8. b5-e2 g8-f6
9. e4xd5 f6xd5
10. g1-f3 g7-g6
11. f3-e5 f8-g7
12. e5xd7 d8xd7
13. a2-a4 o-o
14. c2-c4 d5-b4
15. b1-a3 b4-d3+
16. e1-d1 d3xf2+
17. d1-e1 f2xh1
18. a3-b5 a8-d8
19. b5xa7 g7-e5
20. c1-h6 f8-e8
21. e2xe5 f7-f6
22. e5-e2 g6-g5
23. a1-d1 d7xa4
24. d1xd8 a4-a1+
25. d8-d1 a1xa7
26. d1-d7 a7-a1+
27. d7-d1 a1-a5+
28. e2-d2 a5xd2+
29. e1xd2 e8-d8+
30. d2-c1 d8xd1+
31. c1xd1 h1-f2+
32. d1-e2 f2-g4
33. h2-h4 g4xh6
34. h4xg5 f6xg5
35. e2-e3 h6-f5+
36. e3-f3 f5-h4+
37. f3-g3 g8-g7
38. g3-g4 h4xg2
39. g4xg5 g2-e3
40. b2-b3 h7-h6+
41. g5-f4 e3xc4
42. b3xc4 g7-f6
43. f4-e4 h6-h5
44. e4-f4 e6-e5+
45. f4-e4 h5-h4
46. e4-d5 b7-b6
47. d5-c6 h4-h3
48. c6xb6 h3-h2
49. b6xc5 h2-h1
50. c5-b4 f6-e6
51. c4-c5 h1-b1+
52. b4-a5 e6-d5
53. c5-c6 d5-c5
54. a5-a6 b1-b6++

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