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Hey guys, I should be online almost all day today. If I don't respond to an IM right away... it probably means I'm catching a nap. I'll be sure to respond shortly.

Also, Margoute, you up for a thirdmatch this week?

EDIT: Keegs and I trade ma... ha ha, just kidding. I think I played more maturely today than usual, but I haven't improved that much. I've still got a ways to go before I can play on his level.

Rainman DX vs. Keegan the Fox, 0-2.

O RLY i got 1-1 vs. Rainman DX like first win ever gainst him

's true - I was there. A strong showing by Kamoh all around today. Even the second game was no pushover, in fact he had a really good couple of chances that time too.

Rainman DX vs. Kamoh, 1-1[34340].

EDIT: Played Bahamut a very short series, in which he beat me in less than 30 moves initially, and then proceeded to resign (perhaps prematurely?) after 11 moves in the second. So I came out of this week poor, bruised and battered, but breathing.

Sorry, Margoute, we'll have to play next week. Alright?

Rainman DX vs. Bahamut, 1-1.

Decide for yourself if Bahamut should've kept on playing:

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: rainmanr2d2
;Black: ilovepsi84
;Date: Tue Jan 23 03:32:38 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 d7-d5
2. c1-f4 e7-e6
3. e2-e3 c7-c5
4. c2-c3 d8-b6
5. b2-b3 b8-c6
6. g1-f3 g8-f6
7. b1-a3 f6-e4
8. a3-b5 a7-a6
9. b5-c7+ e8-d8
10. c7xa8 b6-a7
11. f4-c7+ Resign


I lost twice to damathacus. Both games were tight for maybe 20-25 moves, and I had a nice checkmate threat in the game I played as white, but two unused opportunities later and the sacrifices I made for it were gone.

Fire leads on JD and myself for better 3-2-1-0 record.



I'd like to point out that Week 13 is going to be the team tournament, instead of regular OCRCL play. We will crown a champion for January, and then probably I'd like to do something very different from what we have been doing...

...possibly reverting back to tournaments. I'm sorry to confuse you guys with so much shit but it's just gotten to the point where I like the mystique of the tournament action that we used to have. Something will likely be fundamentally changed about it, but not necessarily - I just want to ensure that more people will be more interested in the league. We have 24 people with matches logged in OCRCL play since October, and I had difficulty including just half of them in the active roster for this week.

EDIT: I'm also looking at an idea called "Merit League," used in Rugby League competitions in England in order to attract as many low-grade teams as possible, even halfway through the season. Ultimately your points percentage is used in calculations, but I'm looking at a way to make it benefit players to play games (partial points/game added for every game played, possibly).


Margoute, if you and Keegan play tonight, he can get the league title for January. He's actually reported you but he was A) beyond the semi-arbitrary deadline, and B) You've been online way too much.

Does this thread need a bump? What's in store for the near future, Kamoh, or am I being redundant in asking?



Nice little bump, I love the pic :)

Anyways, the future of the league is questionable. There's a part of me that says to keep going AND to keep using this thread (to make it so massive that, well, meh). I think I will continue to use the thread but alter the first post and get Bahamut to change the title as well.

However, I think that the days of the free-for-all league are over. Team play is turning out to be great-but-not-perfect. 4 to 6 teams really is the key, and for that another few players really need to commit - four-on-four battles would really be nice, but I'd consider 6 teams if we got at least 20 players COMMITTED to the league - currently I think it's hovering around 15.

Anyways, I've got a hockey game to go to and I'll be online later tonight. TTYL.

BTW, wins are always critical, but you can't just coast through with a small team of strong players - the wins won't be worth much, and you won't collect that many game points either.

??? I guess I'm curious to see how that pans out.


I changed the scoring up a little, so that it's a more familiar system to a lot of you. I may affect more change to it later but I think this is a good starting point for how to credit team victolies.


For great justice!

I think that the idea of bonus-points by augmentation is a good one, although I'm still not sure exactly how I want it to work...I'm looking at the following:

1) 3-2-1 base scoring, with 4-2-1 if your team wins the round.

2) 3-2-1 base scoring, with 5-3-1 if your team wins the round.

3) 4-2-1 base scoring, with 6-3-1 if your team wins the round.

No bonus or a small bonus if your team draws the round.

A lot of these ideas are running around in my head. I'd actually really like to see #3, just for the sheer high scores that would result - but it would be debiliatatingly high for the smaller teams in the competition - which is part of the intent. Unfortunately, since we don't have an old tournament of this style to work with, we really couldn't tell what the scorelines are gonna be like.


Tonight I will contact the team captains (while I do a stupid paper - someone remind me to get that done), and we'll start scheduling for week one, which will likely begin Monday or Tuesday.

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