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*NO* Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 'Cheryl's Illusions'


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Wow... here's something you don't hear every day. I really liked this, curious on panel feedback but the creativity is there, it's transformative as hell, it develops, and production is pretty solid, so... I mean, I almost think we need to post this just to have "Fuchs Waltervohn" as a ReMixer, because how badass is that name? :) - djp


ReMixer name : Fuchs Waltervohn
email adress : 
websites : https://soundcloud.com/fuchs-waltervohn , https://www.facebook.com/fuchs.waltervohn
Name of game arranged : Silent Hill : Shattered Memories
Name of arrangement : Cheryl's Illusions
Name of individual song arranged : Acceptance
Composer of the original soundtrack : Akira Yamaoka
Link to the original soundtrack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPUy_Im5dss

My comments about the mix : The original soundtrack is something like a song with a 3/4 rythm, so I decided to remix it into a creepy carnival song, or a sad waltz or an abandoned amusement parc song, trying to embody the ambiguous situation between reality and nightmares from Silent Hill, and between Harry Mason's shattered memories and Cheryl's life.



Edited by Liontamer
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Honky tonky, and a little bit wonky. Taking such a dark, flavorful source and turning it into festival fair is amazing. Great arrangement of the source, here.

The instruments are fairly disappointing, though. There is little humanization on the instruments present - no volume envelops to simulate how a performed would phrase their music, no tweaking the strikes of the notes (particularly the strings), and no vibrato on your accordion leads. This makes your instruments sound artificial.

Really fun arrangement, but the mechanical instruments is a bit much. As much as I'd like to pass this, I'm afraid the instruments are going to need some more humanization before I can pass this. Good luck, and great work on this arrangement.


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  • 1 month later...

Why's the panning so wide? Everything's pushed far towards the right, which made 0 sense for how people hear music, especially on headphones.

I enjoyed the arrangement, but like Gario said, the sequencing was very mechanical. At :46, I really liked the metallic clangs, but the piano handling the melody was pushed too far down in the soundscape; watch the balance/volume issues there. At least the plucked string lead at 1:06 was more upfront, but both that and the piano were very mechanical-sounding.

At 1:48, there should have been even more pronounced dynamic contrast in the arrangement; the added bowed strings did provide that in a limited way, but because the tempo, rhythms, and overall energy level are so similar throughout the piece, it didn't feel like the piece evolved enough overall.

Perhaps some other different instrumentation ideas could help as well to provide variety, Fuchs, but the main issues were the rigid timing/sequencing, the repetitive structure, and the panning being needlessly wide. Good arrangement concept, and I like your instrument choices, but you need more compositional dynamics and/or instrumentation variety, and this needs more particular attention on the sample articulations. Try our Workshop forums to ask production questions and get further feedback on your tracks.


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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/03/04 - (2N) Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 'Cheryl's Illusions'

What an awesome idea, I'm in love with this idea!  It is a tad repetitive, but things are added as the arrangement goes along, and the concept is fun enough that it doesn't bother me.

The instrument volumes are mostly balanced well, although I agree the piano can be brought forward more.  Reverbs are tasteful, and the overall volume is just right.  The mixing is pretty tight too (other than the aforementioned piano), although hard panning (one instrument playing right, another left) isn't my favorite, and it can be disorienting on headphones, as it clearly was for Larry.  Make sure if you're hard panning that it isn't too severe (do 20% right instead of 75%).

The dealbreaker here is unfortunately the humanization.  You are using instruments that absolutely have to be humanized to sound good.  The strings, piano and especially the lead accordion MUST be humanized.  I agree with Gario that the accordion lead needs some automated vibrato, not too extreme and not all hitting at the same point, it will need to be hand automated to sound like a real person played it.  

On the long strings what is mostly needed here is volume swells, CC11 expression is the best thing to automate.  The long notes should rise and fade in volume gently and naturally, and again they can't all sound the same, gotta be done by hand one at a time.  Otherwise it just doesn't sound natural.  The staccato bass is fine I think.  The drumming is also rigid, but it fits the style; a couple more subtle crashes here or there would add a little bit more interest to the drums.

The backing accordion needs some velocity variation between the notes, you'll need to go in and randomize them so they don't all sound the same, and don't just do one bar and copy/paste the randomization pattern.  The piano will need the same treatment as will the harpsichord and the quick string notes.

This kind of automation isn't always easy to do and there's a lot of it needed here, but in this case will be worth the effort.  I hope you do it and send this back because I love it!

NO (resubmit)

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  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2016/03/04 - (3N) Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 'Cheryl's Illusions'
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