djpretzel Posted June 26, 2016 Posted June 26, 2016 Remix: GROAN ver.T7 Source(s): Groan [Gouki theme type-2] and Akuma Theme SSFII Remixer Name:Rukunetsu Email Addy: Website: User ID: 39313 Game: Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 3 (Arcade/Console) Name of Arrangement: Groan ver.T7 (Gouki/Akuma Concept) Name of Original Song: Groan Original Composer(s): akayuki Iwai, Yuki Iwai, Isao Abe, Hideki Okugawa, & Tetsuya Shibata A remix of Groan done in a style that would fit within the Tekken world, being that 'ol Gouki's making an appearance in Fated Retribution. Tried to retain that ominous feel of the original but add more an electronic/updated sound to it...while mixing in just a TOUCH of his original theme from SSFII.
Gario Posted July 13, 2016 Posted July 13, 2016 Atmosphere galore! Those cluster chords in the pads, the sparse (yet effective) textures, the gating effects... This has a whole lot going for it. The snare that utilizes the heavy reverb sounds a little too heavy on the reverb. I know the effect is intentional, but it still sounds a bit overwhelming. I really don't have much else to say about it, I think it did just what it's supposed to do, source is clearly there, production is pretty clean. I think it's a solid track, great work. YES
MindWanderer Posted January 11, 2017 Posted January 11, 2017 Interesting soundscape. That grungy synth combined with those crisp wood blocks and the heavily reverbed synths that come in later create a truly layered effect. Usually the discrepant effects would be cause for criticism, but here it's effective in creating a unique feel. There's a little bit of repetition, especially 0:48-1:10 and 1:48-2:10, which other than a key change sound identical. Mostly each repetition of a section has some significantly different treatment that keeps it fresh. Yeah, not a whole lot more to say here. It's a bit strange, but it accomplishes exactly what it's meant to. Nice job. YES
DragonAvenger Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 That opening synth is intense! I'd say it's on the cusp of being too much, but I think overall it gets the job done pretty nicely. Overall the textures are pretty neat in combination, as the other judges have mentioned, and the mix is pretty neat overall. I can see why MW mentioned that things get a touch repetitive, but I also agree that there's enough little changes that keep things moving and interesting. I do think a little break from the heavy synth might have made for a little more contrast, but that's just a nitpick. YES
Liontamer Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 This meandered some and was somewhat cramped, but otherwise I didn't have anything else to criticize. Congrats on giving a theme like "Groan" very different sound design that set it apart from the original, and the original Akuma theme usage fit comfortably here as well. Keep 'em coming, Ruku!YES
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