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OCR03427 - *YES* Sonic Colors "Misty Night" *RESUB*

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Previous Decision (Resub #1)

Original Decision

Remixer Name: Faseeh

Real Name: Faseehudeen
Email address: 
User ID: 30380
Game arranged: Sonic Colors (Wii)
Name of arrangement: Misty Night
Name of individual song: Planet Wisp - Act 1
Oh my, been a year since the first resubmit. The comments of the judges came in very handy and the time that has passed has really helped me improve this track. Hope the judges give it the Yes now!

Imagine Planet Wisp, in all its beauty with the dew on the leaves and you among the mist, sky all purple and lost in the serenity. I wanted to keep the track somewhat true to the original source and yet give it a new musical dimension. I hope you enjoy this chill remix.

This remix has really taught me so much and I'll always look back to it fondly. Hope you enjoy this remix as much as I did as I produced it. And oh, there are two small other Sonic track references, let's see if anybody catches them. Thank you so much!

I think this one's finally hit the mark, and I'm so glad Faseeh was patient with the panel's feedback here! The end result here is so much stronger than the previous 2 submissions. 

The core concept here has always been tight, doing an excellent job of simmering down the Planet Wisp source into something more serene, evoking some beautiful late-afternoon vibes. The bassline and the funky guitar really drive home that french-house vibe. Your end result feels very Daft Punk-esque - a combination of the pounding beats of Discovery, and the disco-throwback instrumentation of Random Access Memories. I totally dig it.

Production and arrangement are much tighter this time around. Faseeh did a good job of trimming the excess fat while still fully exploring his concept. I'm happy to say this one is finally over the bar in my eyes! 



Mmm, the soundscape on this one is very tasty. Those drums just have a whole lot of meat on them, and the complimentary instruments really do compliment one another. Great use of that funk guitar at 1:45, too - I am a real sucker for that.

The lead synth you use throughout could use a softer attack, so there's less 'pop' on the attack for every note strike. It doesn't sound objectively bad, but due to the style you have (the more serene sound of the synth) it doesn't sound intentional, either. Not that this will affect my vote (as there isn't anything wrong with the synth, technically), but if you ever want a synth with the same amount of lead time but without that hard strike, just set the attack on the synth about two notches above zero - this will have the same lead time, but the attack will sound much softer. Just thought I'd point that one out.

The instrument introduced at 0:46 is difficult to pull from the rest of the track. It would've ideally been put closer to the front of the mix. I'm not really feeling the ending on this one, either - it sort of dies down after repeating what it's been doing prior. A better ending would've done a lot of good, for this track.

Honestly, there isn't more to say on this, though, as the rest of this is pretty slick. I'm digging this, overall, and I'm glad you stuck with it for as long as you have. Great work!



I don't remember the original so I'm coming in fresh. Nice contrast of instruments here. I like how the lead focus is shared between different instruments. The bloopy lead synth gets a little repetitive over time, which is mostly alleviated by this round robin of leads. You add some nice complementary riffs to the original tune which are appreciated. Your drums are quite samey through the course of the track, but they didn't detract too much from the overall experience. Production quality is solid, and while some parts (like the chimes) were mixed too loud, most parts were about right and sat nicely in the mix.

A few minor nitpicks:

  • Your mix doesn't stray too much from the original style wise, playing things quite safe.
  • I would've liked to see this evolve a bit more over time - you do change up sections and have the occasional breakdown, but these tend not to feel as significant as they should because everything stays in the same gear/pace.
  • The duration is a bit long for what is presented here. Everything sounds nice and tight but as the track went on I felt I was listening to slight variations of earlier elements.

None of these is large enough of a problem to hold the track back for but I did find it noteworthy.

You have some good vibes going on here, and everything is nicely glued together and progresses well enough.



Very happy to seal the deal on this one.  Faseeh was very receptive of feedback on this one and it was for the better, the song sounds tighter now, and has a better flow and structure.  I would have liked to hear move evolution in the way the track progresses, but what we have is not bad.  The bass sequencing and the selection of textures contribute to the chill vibes, even with a solid beat behind them.  My only big nitpick left with this track is the ending, which wasn't developed enough and just stops, but I don't think that should stop this from a pass.


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