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What about that last boss in Vagrant Story? If you don't follow the same sequence of attack and weapon restoration with magic barriers, you're screwed. And it's not exactly a short battle either.


I think that the the last mission fight with Marduk in the game Sacrifice was quite a challenge. (Did anyone else play Sacrifice? Great game, but it did very very poorly at market.)

Yunalesca from FFX...She just wouldn't die. He first for is kinda hard, but then she has a second. And she turns you all into zombies, so it's hard to heal. Then when you get you people healed, she casts Mega-Death. Instantly kills everyone who isn't a Zombie. Then when you think she's dead. Ta-da! Another form! Oh joy! This one is even harder than the last ones. Plus stronger.

Another one would have to be Seymour Flux (third form). He's turn you to a Zombie, use full cure on the now Zombied person, and then Cleave (-2500 HP) the other two people. I had a hard time even touching him. Thank god for Summons...

There's no such thing as a diffcult FFX boss. It just doesn't happen.


greater shpere was pretty hard and so was that gigantic flan adn nega elemental . alll the ones that reacted with ultima . i beat them but didnt; have any extra life jsut the normal 9999


Geese Howard from Capcom vs SNK. M. Bison in that game is a complete puss. But Geese Howard is a complete prick. On anything but easy, he knocks you out of the air when you try and jump in, he keeps throwing shit to keep you back and when you try a projectile attack, he jumps over it.

Somehow, Capcom made him even more of a dick than SNK did.


You must be kidding Ace! sure FFX had some hard bosses, Nemesis (Omega Gold) was one of them. However, the hardest boss that I've ever faced hands down was Ozma from FFIX. That spinning orb kicked my ass ultra hard. In fact, he was so good that he scared me and my party into killing ourselves just so he wouldn't have too. To this day I've yet to beat Ozma and I am on the verge of givining up, I sincerely hope Square doesn't include someone as hard as him in FFXI.

Yunalesca from FFX...She just wouldn't die. He first for is kinda hard, but then she has a second. And she turns you all into zombies, so it's hard to heal. Then when you get you people healed, she casts Mega-Death. Instantly kills everyone who isn't a Zombie. Then when you think she's dead. Ta-da! Another form! Oh joy! This one is even harder than the last ones. Plus stronger.

Another one would have to be Seymour Flux (third form). He's turn you to a Zombie, use full cure on the now Zombied person, and then Cleave (-2500 HP) the other two people. I had a hard time even touching him. Thank god for Summons...

There's no such thing as a diffcult FFX boss. It just doesn't happen.

I thought that boss was pretty easy.. you dont even need to unzombify (is that a word) your characters. All you have to do is cast reflect on every one, her counter attacks and cure spells get reflected back to her and her only physical attack (the hellbitter ) only takes of about 200-400 damage. .. and when in zombie mode, mega death has no effect.


I agree with ndstrukt. Ozma its the hardest boss that I have yet to face in all my RPG endeavors, and I have had many. I have beaten every thing in FFIX save for the little stupid orb and it's driving me insane!!!!!!! Every week or so ill go back and put in FFIX and give it a shot but the little thing just won't die! Im forced to get pissed off and turn off my psx for another week. To quote the simpsons: "there is no emoticon for what I am feeling!"


no way i just heard soem one say nemisis was hard. nemisis was a wuss. i had no extended life or any thign and i kicked his ass easyly. all it takes is every one knowing quick hit 3 final weapons and a whole lot of aeons being sacrificail lambs hahaha. nemisis was a major disapoint ment after all that work i did to unlock him. coem to think of it omega dosen;t even deserve the name omega cause he was a wuss too.


After getting my copy of King of Fighters 2000 for the Dreamcast, I came across yet another boss that deserves to be here. I don't know his name (it's in Japanese), but he's the new final boss for the series. He is, in short, a dick.

He's definitely going to be keeping Rugal company, as this new guy is nasty. Even on "Normal" (3 in the settings), he knocks you out of the air, keeps you at bay with long range attacks, is able to attack you EXTREMELY fast, and can do some nasty damage with his Special moves and his Super attacks.

I waited for this game for what seemed like forever, and it's KICKING MY ASS!

I love it :)


I'm finding Street Fighter Alpha 3's M. Bison to be the toughest boss I've yet encountered. He can throw you from sweep range, but you have to be practically INSIDE him to throw him. Even though X-Ism chars. can't air block he can. He's Chun-Li's size with Sagat's reach. A full-screen Super that does about 75-80% damage unblocked, and can ONLY be blocked on the ground; AND near-perfect timing (even on diff. 3? WTF?!) for launching it so that when he does throw it, you're doing something else and CAN'T block. Or worse: he does it after you start to whoop his ass then he gets mad and you know the Psycho Crusher's coming but you try to push your luck and press him but then he Psycho Crushes you and you feel like a RETARD because you KNEW IT WAS COMING... SONOFABITCHIHATEYOUDIE!!!!!


Well, I finally beat him with DAN HIBIKI, eroding my left thumb nearly to the bone in the process. I was to the point of trying to get Bison to throw his Psycho crusher for the sole purpose of me blocking it.

I tore him a new one with Chun-Li though. In fact, she's the only one I've beaten the game with so far and had a 6-figure score (from beating Bison in one match.) For some reason, I'm apparently extremely lucky with her... She was the first character I beat any Street Fighter game with, and the only character I could beat my roommate with (who eats diff. 8 Street Fighter 3 for breakfast).

Beat him with with Karin too (I got bored... soon I'm gonna have to learn how to use "charge" characters). I actually managed to lock him up with her... one good way to beat a cheap fighter is to be a little cheaper.


Here's a fun one...

The final boss in Weapon Lord. Some of the characters are semi easy, but the final boss, Zarak, is a complete and total tool. On anything but easy, he beats you into a corner and basically keeps you there. You jump, you're hit. You attack, you're hit. You block, he just keeps hitting you with supers that do a little damage at a time until you either die or run out of time.

Cool game, but damn man....


hahaha that omega has been mentioned so many times. i only went against him twice. first time i instaltly died( damn level 100 they shoudl leave it at 99) second time i got murdered adn i havent tried since haha. personally the first time i found ruby had and heck even emeradl before i figured him out lol. ever notice thoguh that the final bosses for final fantasy are gettign dumber and dumber


Wow, this thread is still alive and kicking? How cool is that! I haven't encountered any new hard bosses lately, but we find a new game everyday.


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet (there's 27 pages of posts. I'm not gonna read them all) but in FFX International, there are dark aeon bosses who can have nearly something like 35mil hp and Omega Gold who has like 70mil hp.


It took about 2 hours but i read all of the 27 pages of this post! Cant believe i made it out alive! lol

Some of the toughest bosses I fought were the Navis in Megaman Battle Networks 2. They are already hard but if you want HubStyle (which is a pain to get and when you have it you dont care anymore cause there is nothing else todo) you have to beat them with a Rank S! Thank you for savestates!

On a similar note, Rockman Zero inHARD Mode is quite impossible. The first boss was easy the first time around but now he destroys you inless than 20 seconds. Help!

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