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I can't say there are any truly impossible Bosses, and I haven't played enough games to find any that cause me a major problem. I am more likely to give up on a game because an area is particularly long and contains puzzles which get nowhere (I haven't actually completed Final Fantasy X because of a maze which I found irritating). Anyways, my list of a few problematic Bosses which I eventually beat:

Mr X [streets of Rage 1 Syndicate Boss on Hardest]

where one 'whack' of his machinegun butt (irritatingly hard to dodge whilst being mugged by white haired punks) left only a couple millimeters of your life intact (seriously)

Shao Kahn [Mortal Kombat Trilogy Boss]

Charged at you repeatedly, bombarding you with a barrage of attacks - Had to jump over until he used fireball, then jump over fireball and use a combo attack up close (Liu Kang kick combo worked best)

Gross [second from last Boss in Last Battle AKA Hokuto No Ken 2]

My life would be drained from previous fights and would often not withstand his onslaught. Was 'random' enough for me to never have figured a pattern out. Could fly at you while delivering about 10 rapid punches draining your life. Everytime I beat him, I had only the smallest increment of life left.

One game I did not complete because of an unfair continue system and murderous bosses:

Bosses of stages 5 and 6 [from Sol-Feace/Sol-Deace (R-type-like space shooter)]

Boss 5 would have you dodging between small gaps to avoid bullets from multiple moving 'bullet dispensers' and one huge laser attached to the same frame, and you were forced to stay at the bottom left of the screen while having to initially destry a ship making mini bots which float around waiting to collide with you. Normally if you died on a level you would continue at the start of that level, but if you got to level 6 or 7 and died, youd be taken to Level 5 again!

Boss 6 was a nightmare, firing a ring of bullets physically impossible to dodge, homing 'lines' which would trap you in such acute angles that you couldnt escape, and 2 *dreaded* yellow beams which would follow you around the screen and were so long, you barely had room to stop colliding into them.

[Yet the funny thing was, after the aforementioned murderous onslaught, you would have to get to the last level, face 2 bosses in a row which were also darn tough (I found this by using level select to check out the later Bosses), only to be faced with your last enemies - A wall where pieces fly off (possibly attempting to damage you) which was easy to dodge, then when the wall gave away - the final Boss appeared...

...and all you had to do was stay near the back of the screen, and do nothing, it couldnt get you! Make a cup of coffee, by the time youve drank it, the boss automatically wouldve blown up itself because you were taking so long - thus the easiest enemy in the game!]

There you go, and the moral of the story is: Never make games where Bosses get easier in later levels, it just sucks!

And they should have more chicks for Bosses - The closest I know of is when Trish is trying to zap you to death in DMC, but even then she wasnt a central Boss (she just backed up Nightmare), AND she joined Dante in the end!

Update: Just played Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. The Forgotten One is a pansy, but Death is almost as hard as he was in the original CV...almost.

Death in the original CV:


The only boss in that game I haven't beaten without being touched is Dracula. Also, he's one of the few bosses that won't get owned by holy water.


Wait, is this that SAME hardest boss thread? Oh God, it is! Why's it still here?

<sigh> Calm down, I know about the holy water's legendary cheapness. I was referring to Death without the holy water (I try to avoid using it if I can). As for Dracula, he gets owned by the whip, which is sad, and he just gets sadder with every incarnation. Notice he hasn't even been in the past couple of CV games. Poor guy probably can't handle the bad publicity of being a pansy. :wink:


Whomever mentioned the final three bosses from Ninja Gaiden (Nes) was pretty much dead on.

First you had to fight your father by killing an orb in the middle of the room.....this was easy and could be done without getting hit.

Then you had to fight the uber bitch- the JAQUIO! This bastard hovered back and forth shooting homing fireballs that did a piss load of damage if you hit either them or JAQ himself.

Then it gets worse....you need to fight a HUGE FRICKIN' DEMON summoned by the Jaquio who uses two statues to bring forth this bloody thing. Not only is it a demon, but the FRICKIN' HEAD of the thing falls off and runs you over halfway through.

All this in one life, mind you.....if you die (which you will) you start halfway through the pain in the arse last level.


Golgo 13 (NES) was a pain to beat as well.....those mazes it had...blech. If you somehow made it to the end with your 99 lives you fought a brain in a bubble and....giant floating skulls that kept respawning....spooky.


Zelda II (NES) Thunderbird/Dark Link combo= pain.


OZMA (or Osma?) FF9- A big spinning ball that could randomly kill your entire party whenever it felt like it.


JAWS- (Jaws, NES) Yeah...you killed him....good job. Now do it again. :(


Final Emperor Ghaleon (Lunar, Sega CD) Very, VERY tough.


Kid Chameleon- the whole game without a game genie.


Omega Weapon- (FFVIII) More pain. If you want to be cheap and use hero drinks go ahead...other than that.....good luck. You even get a certificate of badassocity of you kill Omega.


Oh yes....forgot to mention-

THE JAQUIO! (Again) from Ninja Gaiden II! He is the same bastard he was in the original, only now instead of flying directly back and forth at the top of the screen he ZIG ZAGS around in a big infinity-like formation and has fireballs that have even BETTER homing capacity......ARGH!


Kid Chameleon- the whole game without a game genie.

yeah i know what you mean. i can get through most of the first 1/3 of the game without dying(thanks to that special ability that increases your max hp), but once you get to those insanely hard levels where you have that big wall of drills coming at you from the left, its all over.

my brother actually managed to beat the game, but he only did it once. and it was on the real genesis, not an emulator with save states. kind of a dissapointing ending for all the work he had to put into it though.


I hear ya.

There were like.....100 levels in that game. (In fact, I'm pretty sure it was 100 even)

All you got at the end was like...a big arcadish- screen that said game over.


More boss shout outs:

The BLOB in the 100 level maze from Lufia 2. (Snes) The Blob himself wasn't that tough, but you need to consider you've gone through ONE HUNDRED BLASTED LEVELS of hell, and are low on health/items etc.

Dracula-Castlevania 1, and ONLY Castlevania 1 (Nes) If you killed his normal form, you got to fight the bloody demon thing he changes in to. The PSX Castlevania is a toughy as well, they did a good job keeping the psx difficulty on par with the original game....for the most part. They took out the Frankenstein boss fight...now he's just a brief cameo pansy. :?

The BRAIN from Contra III on hard, because you beat him once...then he turns into a big grey bastard who fights you with a shit load of tentacleknife thingies as you escape on the chopper.

Update: Just played Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. The Forgotten One is a pansy, but Death is almost as hard as he was in the original CV...almost.

Death in the original CV:


The only boss in that game I haven't beaten without being touched is Dracula. Also, he's one of the few bosses that won't get owned by holy water.


Wait, is this that SAME hardest boss thread? Oh God, it is! Why's it still here?

<sigh> Calm down, I know about the holy water's legendary cheapness. I was referring to Death without the holy water (I try to avoid using it if I can). As for Dracula, he gets owned by the whip, which is sad, and he just gets sadder with every incarnation. Notice he hasn't even been in the past couple of CV games. Poor guy probably can't handle the bad publicity of being a pansy. :wink:


Are you talking about death in the first CV game? Cuz the only weapon that's ever been worth a damn against him is a Boomerang with a "III" icon. He never comes low enough for the Holy Water to him when I've fought him.

Now Dracula in CV II... HE'S pathetically suseptable to Holy Water and the whip at the end (five seconds and he's dead). But Death in CV I?


kid chameleon wasnt hard, it just took 5 hours without stopping to beat.

the smith-diablo2 with a level 7 paladin

mr. x was a bitch cuz if you said yes to joining the syndacate you were dropped to zone 5 again (x is on zone 7 or 8)

i jus beat metroid fusion and none of the bosses were too hard, jus bash em w/ mistles with no regard to health.

the big headless 4 armed boss from eternal darkness was quite hard till you learned the pattern


There is one Boss which is impossible (that is, invincible) because it is supposed to not let the game end. Play the beta version of Bare Knuckle 2 (known in UK and US as Streets of Rage 2) and try to defeat the Boss in the back alley at the end of the stage (named Barbon). He respawns continuously and will not die.

This doesnt qualify for hardest Boss though, because it isnt even supposed to be defeated, being a beta version enemy and all.

The proper version of Barbon is a walkover in the final version (even on Mania difficulty with 4x Life Bars, he's no big deal).

  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody still have a 32X in their house? How many of you have the game Shadow Squadron? Okay. Your three listen up, as you know of what I speak.

The final Stage in the game is basically one long boss battle. You star out far away from the core, when two sets of rings comes away from the core. One ring moves out quicker than the other. There's 8 pieces in each ring, and in the middle of these pieces is a spot you have to shoot repeatedly to make that part of the ring explode. While you're doing this, any piece of the ring that you're in front of if firing bursts of four shots at you. When you destroy the outer ring, you have to do the same thing to the inner ring. Once both rings are gone, you have to hit several spots on the core that were activiated by the destruction of the inner ring. These spots also fire at you. Add to all this, that you're trying to do it quickly with a thurst meter that runs out after a short amount of time and you have to wait for it to recharge.

OH YEAH! I forgot something. You have a set amount of time to blow all this up, or the core fires one big mother of a shot and your game is over right there. I believe it's 6-8 minutes. So you gotta move fast, not get the living piss shot out of you and hope that when you get to the final level you got full shields... cuz you only get so much shield recharge between levels.

Oh yeah. It's a challenge.


Sigma in Mega Man 4... I went through the trouble of beating the rest of the game just so I could get my ass kicked 20 times against this bastard. There's like these robotic faces thawt move around and then like Sigma... with a... laser... ugh.

I eventually gave up because I HATE memorizing boss patterns. I haven't played much of any MM, however, so I'm sure the rest of them would suffice for bosses. In fact, any freakin' Capcom boss will suffice.

Damn Capcom and it's "our final bosses take a trillion hits and have easily recognizable patterns but you have to manage to fight him for 15 minutes straight and only make a maximum of 5 mistakes or you'll have to do the whole thing over again and again and again!"

In short, I hate Capcom :)


Two more to go... next I'll say the Chapter 4 Boss from Ikaruga. It wasn't too bad in Easy but once you played on Normal, the game's main difficuly, things got really tough with this boss. You might even consider it harder than any of the final chapter bosses.

The strategy is to open one of the tunnels, enter it, and then feed all the laser energy without being shoved out or hitting a wall. It's hard to explain, but it's hard. Trust me.


And finally, the Nasty Gatekeeper from Dynamite Headdy for the Sega Genesis. I could probably beat that boss with relative ease now, but when I was a kid, he was very hard. His attacks were rapid and a little unpredictable. Also, Headdy starts you with no continues and you only gain 2 or 3 throughout the course of the game, so this guy can really drain your chances.


Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company.

Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT!

Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter.


I had the same problem. I even called a hintline to see what the hell the secret was. Eventually I got frustrated and sold it to a friend for 10 bucks. A few weeks later I was at his house and played it, got to Capitan Desperado, and after about a minute or so of shooting he just blew up into a bunch of little pieces. I was numb. Then of course, the next level was in some space age with laser-gun-toting soldiers who killed me within seconds. I snorted disgustedly.

For my money, the toughest game boss title goes either to Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden or the end guy from Ikari Warriors.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can't remember which game it's from, but in one of the Serious Sam games, there's a boss in there that belongs in the list of bosses posted in here.

As you battle your way through one of the stages, you eventually get locked in a large open arena. What forms in front of you, is a small, blood red whirlwind-like monster. Now he's not alone, because other monsters from the game get formed along with him, and no matter how many of them you kill, more are transported in so that you never run out of other things besides the boss to fight.

Now, even that's not so bad. What gets bad is the little whirlwinds this boss makes. They can throw you WAY into the air, and the longer you last in this fight, the higher they can throw you and the more often you'll get whipped around by these things. Needless to say, when you hit the ground, you take damage, so that's always nice. Now, as the boss is making these little whirlwinds, he slowly gets bigger and bigger as you damage him... making him take up more and more of the arena and making it harder for you to dodge your way around him, the small whirlwinds and the other monsters that are being fed via a steady stream into this arena.

I lost so many times on that boss... even more so than the final bosses of the series.


Top 3

3. Emerald Weapon from FF7.

2. The Ancient Cave's Slime Boss (Lufia Rise of the Sinistrels),


1. The Utterly Ridiculous Boss at the end of Ninja Gaiden II.

'Gang of Field Mice', did you ever actually beat that guy?


But I believe that THE hardest boss I ever met was that secret boss from final fantasy in Super Mario RPG, you know the one with the four crystals... I catually finished the game, used my last available save, did some level up above what I was to beat the last boss, and still got my ass kicked.

I agree, its either him (his name is Culex) or Jinx from Super Mario RPG

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