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Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.

Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company.

Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT!

Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter.

Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win.

Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment.

Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. :evil:

Maybe he's the time lord.


The hardest boss I played against was the big head at the end of NARC. We were two trying to kill it but it was pointless. We gave up after half an hour then went outside to get some fresh air if I remember...




Whooped the ugly lardo mexican guy... pistol does it... rifle doesn't seem to for some reason. My only guess as to the reasoning of this (if it wasn't a mistake) is that if it's a true gun duel, you cant use a rifle :P

But he looks the same when you hit him with either, so *that* much, at least, is a mistake in the game.

Yeah, that seemed poorly planned by the game designers.

Next level is a corny pirate level :P


whew after finally reading all these pages and thinking for a very awhile, my hardest bosses foe me were lets see.......well i gotta say the weapons were pretty freaky but i did beat them both twice but the way i beat ruby weapon the first time my God it must have been luck. i had caith sith limit break where if u get 3 caith sith slots(where it forms his face) it would be an instant killer and that thing died rite on the spot i was so happy cuz back then it was one of my great vg accomplishments it almost seemed like fate because when i was using the slots when the last slot landed it seemed like it was forced on there becuz i rember pressing the button and it came up a lil bit late.....really weird.

Anyway continuing i'd have to say omega from ff8 was indeed a son of a bitch. i used my own lil strategy by using rinoa's invincible moon it took a couple game over for it to come up and it worked well. i didnt want to use the stategy of using the gilgamesh card into 10 holy wars i wanted keep all my card. thats how i beat him b4. Anyway i actually managed to get invincible moon when everyone had one hp! which ment the limit break came up almost everytime and invincible moon really lasts.

Ok now about the othe omega weapon from ff5 what the hell is this thing man a freakin robot spider? come on they could do better than that even back then. But dammnit he was the only boss i have not beaten thro all my final fantasies (i'm still workin on ffx and i havent got thro ff1 yet) he had so many damn moves like cutting ur hp in half 4 times in a row and other things that i 4got. i jus couldnt beqat his ass. shinryu on the other hand was pretty easy especially when u got eight dragon lances and everyone with the 2 weapon ability hehe.

now moving on i remember a boss from vagrent story that was a pain. i believe it was ashura(the 6-armed woman) i could barly do any damge to her and my risk went up so high it was getting harder good thing i had those potions that lower ur risk.

i also loved chrono cross. even tho i cant remeber the bosses too well except for the one guy that u fight i believe he had the masamune. something with a D daryl? darian? dario? i 4got. He was crazy especially since u had to have that one girl in ur party, what was her name? She was kinda weak at least for me. Man there so many character they coulda made that game like 10 discs long so there'd be a side quest for like every character. ya kno when kid gets sick an if u don't help her some else does by getting the hydramrsh thingie or whatevr. i heard from a faq/strategy guide that it was norman or at least i think that was his name? he was the blond gaurd dude. anyway how the hell does he kno this? please help out my poor memory. oh and one last thing what was that unanswered question in chrono trigger that was answered in chrono cross.

as i was saying, sigma is the hardest boss

I agree he is a tad difficult. The first time. Then maybe the second time as well. But he has an easily discernable pattern, once that is learned then you have a chance. Just don't get flustered and stay cool. He does one or two moves and they all have huge holes to avoid them. Then he blows up and you save the world.


hehe, the Vampire from Final Fantasy... I mean gawd!!! one hit killed all of my guys... It took me days of leveling up before I could beat that guy... I think my d00ds were at like level 18 before I could beat him... talk about a horribly programmed boss... he just whipped me sensless...

*disclaimer: the preceding was most assuredly a joke. The Vampire in Final Fantasy has to be the easiest boss in any game, or at least one of the easiest bosses of all time. One hit from Fir3 killed him... One hit!! so I guess this belongs in a thread for easiest boss of all time... but I felt like putting it here, so there :P *


I suppose all of this is all based on who is making me rage right now. And that beastie is the Dark Genie in Dark Cloud. If I ever beat him I'm sure I'll look back and think, aw that weren't so tough. But right now I hate the fucker.


BOSS STRATS! [part 1 of ...??]

im a little behind here BUT to beat shinryuu in 1 and 1/2 turns (yes) its easy...

steal about 6 hiryuu lances from crystal dragons

make everyone use the job 'dragoon'

equip duel hiryuu lances...


make everyone jump... he's a goner... 1 and a 1/2 turns


After playing dozens of RPG's, RTS's, and FPS's, I can safely say that the 2 hardest bosses I ever fought were off of Xenogears. THe first would have to be Id on foot (prolly 'cuz I was using Rico the "I can't hit jack" mongoloid :D ) and the second would have to be Deus without killing his little orb things (he killed a gear a round... :evil: ). Other tough bosses would include Death (name/spelling?) off of FFV and Chaos off of FF1.


Chaos is the easiest boss if you know what your doing, 2 turns for me and hes gone

anyways, cast fast or something on your black belt if you have one, and attack - my black belt, er karate master guy, he does 2000+ and like 20+ hits.. chaos dies in 1 hit.


Lets face it ppl, Mr.Big from Narc was the cheapest and damn near hardest boss ever created. Beating him without a game genie is impossible. Even with the help of the genie and all his wishes that he granted me, I was still unable to beat Mr.Big in under 3 hours. The man kept on going even after I destroyed his eyes, his head, his neck and the notches in his spine. Till this day I have never gotten to a boss so impossible to beat without the aid of the game genie. If someone knows of a boss harder than Mr.Big I would definately like to hear it, but I doubt anyone will find one seeing as though game designers have begun to wise up and make their games beatable.


I have a few to add. How about the final boss in Smash T.V.? If it weren't for unlimited continues in the Genesis version, I'd still be trying to get to the game's end.

I'm suprized at how few, if any, bosses from arcade games have been mentioned. Well, here's the first... I think.

The final boss from the game Hippodrome. A big, nasty bastard that simply DOES NOT FALL! There isn't enough money in the world to beat this prick. The game never came to a home system, so I'll probably never get to see that games ending.

Now that I think about it, the last four or five characters in that game are nasty. Going from, in order, "Nasty", to "Really Nasty", to "Unfairly Nasty", to "Frustratingly Nasty", to ""FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU SON OF A --" nasty" (that one's the final boss :D ).

In case you think I'm making this game up...


... it was a simplistic fighter, but it was cool for its day (some cool character designs).


Some arcade games weren't meant to be beaten, games like Narc, Smash TV and Hippodrome were a few of them. If you want to see what their endings are like I would suggest finding a rom and playing them on a MAME emulator. That way you can get some satisfaction from all your hours of finger tapping.


Ah Mr. Big. The perfect Arcade boss. Why? Well the reasons have already been mentioned. He's damn near impossible. He goes through countless phases before he's finally dead. Add that up to an already frustrating (yet highly enjoyable) game and you have money making potential. If you can convince the player that he or she is doing well enough at a certain point in the game then said player will continue to pump quarters in. Especially when one reaches Mr. Big. It's the end, you know it's the end, your not going to give up now. And there's a quarter machine right over there! Victory is in your sights! And the people who created NARC made a mint.

The End.


Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson's Punch Out.... but the last boss from Breath of Fire 2 gave me some trouble (more than it should have) and the boss from Arc the Lad 2 was a real pain....... some people say it was easy, but i dont see how..... well.... without having extremly high levels. how high can you get in that game..... well over 200, i know that.

but... yeah.. Tyson is the one.


You'd like that Mike Tyson's Punch Out remix here by Game Over then, SolarAsthma, if you haven't heard it already :P (you prolly have, but can that remix ever be mentioned too much?)


I have to say that the hardest boss was the one on a genesis game called target earth. It was extremely difficult to beat because of the sub-boss before it. And thats just to say if you can survive to the last level or even the 5th level for that matter. I have yet to ever beat that game with no cheats. Anyone who never played this game I warn you...

...no lives 8O !

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