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*yawns* this is going nowhere fast...

I hope that you ppl decide to listen to poor 'ol prophet yelling at you and get something done...I would hate to see this project die...from what i can see @ the project site there isnt much done...


Every single time you post in this thread, you do nothing but piss me off. How is trying to put a negative tint on the very little that is public at the forum constructive in any way? You have no idea whats actually going on, and we are making progress. We have several finished recently tracks, several that are almost done/need tweaking.

If you really don't want to see it die, then try being supportive (and not in a "let me hear your songs, i'll criticise" way like you've tried before) instead of putting sarcy stupid comments like *yawns* in this thread. You've not, and haven't been helping whatsoever.

from what i can see @ the project site there isnt much done...
Ya know why you don't see much done?

Because it's a closed forum. You have to be a member of the project to see what's going on. And all the members can see that there's several songs finished and locked, and more on the way. And they can also see what our artist has whipped up for it.

And guess what?

You aren't part of the project. That's why you don't see anything.

Also, a new Pokémon game came out. Do you really think that people that like Pokémon enough to volunteer their free time to remixing its music wouldn't play it when it came out? Come on!

The judges here thought highly enough of Fishy's piece to make it an official ocremix. That alone should tell you what kind of quality to expect.

*yawns* this is going nowhere fast...

I hope that you ppl decide to listen to poor 'ol prophet yelling at you and get something done...I would hate to see this project die...from what i can see @ the project site there isnt much done...

you're a fucking douchebag. go away.

i've deleted alt accounts every single day off of that forum, and most of them trace back to your ip. the only reason i haven't blocked your ip address is because you're immature enough to have your friends spam us.

this kid sent me a pm over a month ago telling me to not think of him as a noob, and how great he was...but he spelled everything wrong, he used terrible grammar, and he sent the DAMN PM TWICE. after i responded promptly, he responded a few days ago and told me just how dumb i was for thinking that made him a noob. after a MONTH! just a stupid idiot.

next time i catch your ip on the site, i'll block your ip. which means you'll not be able to dl the files when the time comes that the project is released, especially if we don't block your ip on the site that we mirror from. just go away. no one cares what you think, and the only section of the site that you CAN see isn't one that's got anything of use - it's just got a few tracks in there for *our* discussion...there's two other wip boards that you CAN'T see when you log in for a little bit. i don't even think you can dl the files anyways without the necessary permissions.

all that said, i wouldn't mind taking the finished tracks and releasing a 15-second-each demo mashup of all the songs. or maybe just the song that damned and i were gonna put together. you know, the psyduck one i wrote but didn't write.


There's a lot of things I wanted to say to DJDarkmaster... too bad all of that is already said now. Why this guy is even getting some serious replies is beyond me. If you don't like the speed go make your own pokemon remixes, and we'll tell you why all of them are shit. Get lost before you get kicked away.

And the psyduck stuff HAS to come through... I mean, it's just too lame to be passed ;)

you're a fucking douchebag. go away.

i've deleted alt accounts every single day off of that forum, and most of them trace back to your ip. the only reason i haven't blocked your ip address is because you're immature enough to have your friends spam us.

this kid sent me a pm over a month ago telling me to not think of him as a noob, and how great he was...but he spelled everything wrong, he used terrible grammar, and he sent the DAMN PM TWICE. after i responded promptly, he responded a few days ago and told me just how dumb i was for thinking that made him a noob. after a MONTH! just a stupid idiot.

next time i catch your ip on the site, i'll block your ip. which means you'll not be able to dl the files when the time comes that the project is released, especially if we don't block your ip on the site that we mirror from. just go away. no one cares what you think, and the only section of the site that you CAN see isn't one that's got anything of use - it's just got a few tracks in there for *our* discussion...there's two other wip boards that you CAN'T see when you log in for a little bit. i don't even think you can dl the files anyways without the necessary permissions.

all that said, i wouldn't mind taking the finished tracks and releasing a 15-second-each demo mashup of all the songs. or maybe just the song that damned and i were gonna put together. you know, the psyduck one i wrote but didn't write.

Heh...To be perfectly honest I have only visited your site twice. I have never registered any accounts and have only looked at what I could see. I havent told any of my friends to bug you in any way either...Besides It would be useless to ban my ip anyhow...I can and will use Jap to bypass it...

In all honesty, You, have been a complete asshole to me from the start...besides...there are 2 Ip addresses I have used to visit your site...once at my school and once at my home computer...oh and quit trying to make me look n00bish by saying I cant spell or lack proper grammar. Cool your jets people. I only reason I 'put negative tint' on what was going on is because of the fact that there didnt seem to be much going on...I was making an obsevation based upon what the guests could see at the project site and all of the calling for mixes to be finished...I even looked at the first post to see which mixes were done...It seemed like the project had stalled.

I never mean any offense to you guys but dont think for one minute that I will tolerate being treated with such disrespect.

Dont blame me for not being able to see the true progress of this project. You are the ones hiding all of the progress.

You got all pissed off when I did offer to help...and you openly flame me whenever I do reply.

Whatever happened to polite disagreement and arguing the points? Seriously guys! You need to take a chill pill!


we don't care what you think and we don't care about how much you wanted to see our progress. we don't care if we've been assholes, we don't care what you tolerate or not.

you DO use terrible grammar and spelling, which makes you look like you're twelve. you ARE a hindrance to the project because you get everyone pissed off. we probably WILL be releasing later because people like me and damned have spent so much time deleting your accounts from our site and writing annoyed responses to you rather than mixing.

go away, for goodness sake.

You got all pissed off when I did offer to help...and you openly flame me whenever I do reply.

Whatever happened to polite disagreement and arguing the points? Seriously guys! You need to take a chill pill!

You offered to do something we didn't want, so we politely told you no. You came back AGAIN and asked to do the same thing a few months further in to which we AGAIN politely said no, and noted you'd tried it before. And to top that you've repeatedly annoyed us with comments about our progress without fully knowing whats going on. You say you've check the first post, and yet if you had, you'd be able to tell me when we upddated that first post. How much could have changed in that time?

You've proven you don't have the capacity to be polite to us, and then you have the nerve to try and act like we're being unreasonable. Did you ever stop to think "Oh wait, 10 people disagree with me, is there any chance i might be wrong?".

And to top it off, comments like "Besides It would be useless to ban my ip anyhow...I can and will use Jap to bypass it..." really don't help your case for not being an asshole. Just seriously, if you want the project when its done, fine, download it, we made it for people to listen to, but just don't post in this thread ever again, not even to respond, because you're doing nothing but making yourself an even bigger asshole and pissing us off. Post a review if you want, but I don't value your opinion whatsoever.


Well, at least you're decent now and make an honest reply. You have to understand, we do our best to get this finished and maybe it's just us, but you just hit a nerve every time.

You acted - on purpose or not - like you could do anything, see anything, interfere with anything. That pissed most of us off. Keep asking for a release doesn't help.

I believe that maybe your intentions weren't like this at all, but if you look back at your posts you can't really be saying that you weren't arrogant whatsoever. Just be patient and wish us the best (results), instead of (seemingly) complain about the slow speed of the project in your eyes.


As perhaps a form of encouragement, particularly after negative remarks have been made, I just wanted to say that I for one and really really really excited about this project and the progress it has made, and cannot wait for the official release of the album.

I've been lurking for months and months, and years ago when I first found this site wondered why there was no Pokemon music. I'm excited that there finally will be, and soon at that.

I've been to the project board and listened to what was available for lurkers. The clip from Fishy's Gym Leader Battle rework is amazing. I have it saved and listen to those 45 seconds or so on occasion. It's great and I can't wait for the rest of the track.

Keep up all the good work and hard work and whatever other work is being done, and I really look forward to the release. I'm sure there are tons of other lurkers like myself who just haven't bothered to register, and I personally can't wait to spread your album around the internet and get it as many downloads as possible.


I've been to the project board and listened to what was available for lurkers. The clip from Fishy's Gym Leader Battle rework is amazing. I have it saved and listen to those 45 seconds or so on occasion. It's great and I can't wait for the rest of the track.

Ah man, that clip sucks, just wait til you hear the real thing :D. You'll love it.

[...]I just wanted to say that I for one and really really really excited about this project and the progress it has made [...]

Who are you?

oh and quit trying to make me look n00bish by saying I cant spell or lack proper grammar.

Protip: When trying to state that you can spell and use proper grammar, don't use "leet" spellings. Last I checked, there were no zeros in the proper shortening of the word newbie.

I only reason I 'put negative tint' [...]

"I only reason"?

I hope that you ppl decide to listen to poor 'ol prophet yelling at you and get something done...

"ppl" is proper spelling?

I never mean any offense to you guys but dont think for one minute that I will tolerate being treated with such disrespect.

What will you do? How will you respond to being treated with such disrespect?

Dont blame me for not being able to see the true progress of this project. You are the ones hiding all of the progress.

Right here you admit to ignorance of the true progress of the project, which makes the purpose of your earlier post seem to be annoyance rather than a question, or even motivation and encouragement to help the group.

Seriously guys! You need to take a chill pill!

Ah, the pinnacle of maturity regarding the end of arguments... I mean, you really got us with that one. Chill pills will be consumed... Tool

Who are you?

Like I said, just a lurker. I'm not really into the entire video game music scene or anything, I just like Pokemon and Pokemon music.

Ah man, that clip sucks, just wait til you hear the real thing :D. You'll love it.

Haha, I'm sure. Hurry up and get everything released and I'll let you know for sure! :wink:

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