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I'm not happy about the fact that the Wii version lacks a left-handed Link option. I'm left-handed and I love left-handed Link, it helps him stand out.

How do you know it lacks this option?

It is sort of wierd that Link is right-handed in this one, but I guess that makes more sense for right-handed players.

This guy has an early copy of the game, and I quote him... (no spoilers in the quoted text)

Lock-On Type: toggle between holding down Z to lock on, or just tapping Z to lock on.

Camera Control: choose between regular or inverted.

Pointer: have it on or off (didn’t try having it off, but I assume you control the sights with the analogue stick.

Icon Shortcuts: have them on or off.

Pointer Settings: a sensitivity setting, from 1 – 10.

http://forum.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=803717&highlight=#803717/ is the page itself (SPOILERS WARNING).

I don't give a damn about storyline reasons for him being right-handed, it's a matter of principle that Link is left handed. He's left-handed in Brawl, isn't he? It was always something I could connect with in him as a character... I'll deal with right-handedness, I just wish Nintendo had given me an option...

I don't give a damn about storyline reasons for him being right-handed, it's a matter of principle that Link is left handed. He's left-handed in Brawl, isn't he? It was always something I could connect with in him as a character... I'll deal with right-handedness, I just wish Nintendo had given me an option...
Most incarnations of Link are left-handed.

Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good.


I still don't think the right-hand/left-hand thing is a big deal. What a retarded thing to talk about. Even if you swing the remote with your left hand, Link will still attack. It's not like you aren't going to be able to play. Quit whining over such a small and stupid superficial thing.

Link has always been left handed in past games. And he definitely appears to be right-handed in this one.

According to the storyline, there are several Links. Ganon is always Ganon, and good is able to simply stall him for a while by imprisioning him. When he releases himself it might take years, more then a normal human lifespan. That's why everytime Ganon returns, Link and Zelda reincarnate. So far, there is something like 6 Links already, along with 6 Zeldas. It's completely possible that this incarnation is right-handed, since it's a different person.

Reboot storyline. why always trying to connect all those story. i see them as variation of a legend maybe.

Link has always been left handed in past games. And he definitely appears to be right-handed in this one.

According to the storyline, there are several Links. Ganon is always Ganon, and good is able to simply stall him for a while by imprisioning him. When he releases himself it might take years, more then a normal human lifespan. That's why everytime Ganon returns, Link and Zelda reincarnate. So far, there is something like 6 Links already, along with 6 Zeldas. It's completely possible that this incarnation is right-handed, since it's a different person.

Reboot storyline. why always trying to connect all those story. i see them as variation of a legend maybe.

Miyamoto has said that there is a master document that links all the storylines together. Also, Aonuma said that he plans on revealing the connecting points of the storyline in the future. So I guess that when they made the first storyline zelda (A Link to the Past) they wrote a document that acted as a pseudostoryline.

Link has always been left handed in past games. And he definitely appears to be right-handed in this one.

According to the storyline, there are several Links. Ganon is always Ganon, and good is able to simply stall him for a while by imprisioning him. When he releases himself it might take years, more then a normal human lifespan. That's why everytime Ganon returns, Link and Zelda reincarnate. So far, there is something like 6 Links already, along with 6 Zeldas. It's completely possible that this incarnation is right-handed, since it's a different person.

Reboot storyline. why always trying to connect all those story. i see them as variation of a legend maybe.

Miyamoto has said that there is a master document that links all the storylines together. Also, Aonuma said that he plans on revealing the connecting points of the storyline in the future. So I guess that when they made the first storyline zelda (A Link to the Past) they wrote a document that acted as a pseudostoryline.

and then start the inconsistancy.


That's no fun doulifée. I already have several possible storyline scenarios mapped out for Twilight Princess, including the infamous, LINK DIES one. Yay.

That's no fun doulifée. I already have several possible storyline scenarios mapped out for Twilight Princess, including the infamous, LINK DIES one. Yay.

curious to see how you can link all the zelda together.

That's no fun doulifée. I already have several possible storyline scenarios mapped out for Twilight Princess, including the infamous, LINK DIES one. Yay.

curious to see how you can link all the zelda together.

Get it link... Hahaha... ehhh...

That's no fun doulifée. I already have several possible storyline scenarios mapped out for Twilight Princess, including the infamous, LINK DIES one. Yay.

curious to see how you can link all the zelda together.

Well, it's not that tough! Naw I'm joking. As of now, it's not set in stone, and the fanbase is still debating it, but my personal look on it is:

The first game of the series, storyline-wise is The Ocarina of Time. This proven by the fact that Ganondorf still doesn't have the Triforce. Right next to it is Majora's Mask, which features the same Link. Next up it's most likely the Oracle games, but this fit pretty much everywhere. Personally, I think Link and Zelda are new, but since there are some charactres from Oot, I'd say it's right after Majora's Mask.

After the Oracles it's probably Twilight Princess. If in the end of the game Hyrule is flooded, or something leads to the flooding of Hyrule, then it's proven that Twilight Princess is before Wind Waker. Alternativly, if this is not the case, either there's another Zelda between TP and WW or the timeline at Oot splits off into two points. In one of them Link returns to his childhood at the end of Oot and then grows up to be TP Link. In the other he carries on as adult Link and eventually something leads to the flooding of Hyrule after Ganon's return prior to his death. I think it's Oot-TP-WW, but some would disagree.

Confirmed, directly after Wind Waker is The Phantom Hourglass, and it's the same Link.

As far as The Four Swords, Four Swords Adventure and The Minish Cap, these are probably in the timespace between The Phantom Hourglass and Link to the Past, in that order. After Link to the Past is Link's Awakening, it's the same Link.

Finally, the last two ones are The Legend of Zelda and Link's Adventure. It's the same Link. At the end of Link's Adventure, Zelda is asleep, and it is unknown what happened to her since, leading me to believe this is the final game so far.

The creators maintain that the series has a set timeline, but due to the poor translation protocols in the 1990s and debate over what counts as "canonical" material, the available information continues to be disputed. Aonuma has since promised he will do his best to patch it all up and reveal the timeline someday, and Miyamoto stated in a 2003 interview that there is a master document containing the timeline, but this document has not been seen publicly.

So yeah.

Yes, by that I meant, Wind Waker was the most recent up until now. I remember them saying that Wind Waker was to be the most recent game in the timeline when it was being released.

No, no, storyline-wise, The Wind Waker is not by far the most recent one. Remember those Deku guys that wanted to spread the Deku Tree's seeds? They succeeded and the roots of the Deku Tree spawned all the land of Hyrule replacing the Great Sea. But Phantom Hourglass happens before this unification happens.


At Nintendo World it was confirmed that TP takes place before Windwaker, and after Ocarina (but that's a given, as Ocarina started it all, narrative-wise speaking)

So, Hourglass still most recent one, and after that Windwaker.

Er...doesn't Wind Waker take place after Ocarina and Twilight Princess? I read up on the timeline on Wikipedia and it says all games (except maybe LoZ and AoL) all take place before Wind Waker.

Dude, my hueg storyline post is right up there!

Taking home console Zeldas into consideration only:


Most of the handheld ones are pretty vague as to where they are, but we know for sure that Link's Awakening is after LTTP and that The Phantom Hourglass is after WW. The Minish Cap and both Four Swords games are between WW and LTTP and after The Phantom Hourglass (unconfirmed). Finally, the oracle games are after MM and before TP (unconfirmed).


Hmm...I wouldn't even know if that's right or not. All I remember is hearing Wind Waker was supposed to be the most recent, but that was way back when it was coming out.

Either way, the timeline is entirely too confusing to me. I just want to kill stuff.

Most incarnations of Link are left-handed.

Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good.

Doesn't Links shield in "Link to the Past" always face Death Mountain? Think i read that years ago. If so the case, then surely hed have to wield his sword on the right arm at one point.



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