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Yeah, time surely flies by, and what a great start for ReunionStudio.org to already have 16 tracks! I would like to add that something new will happen on the site soon, as you can tell by the sticky post in the news section. One more thing. I have made a newyears promise, I will have a Reunion release ready for the 1:st February :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Haroon Piracha (FFmusc Dj) is releasing for Reunion. a second time

This track is called Recovery and it's available here:


The weird thing about Recovery is the disharmony..

At first i found it disturbing and weird. but after i listened to it few times i got a grip of the whole thing and i really thing that it does rock..

Disharmony can be beautiful :

What do you think?


Hey, I like this latest track quite a bit.

It's quite a step away from what GaMeBoX has done before, and that's great. Still, even with the laid back style you can hear his distinctive solos in there. Excellent track.

I submitted one of my own, just for the hell of it.


Thats right. I held my promise to release at 1st Feb. Im really happy with the results, and as a response to the info section at reunion, yes, the solos are, as always (and as most of everything in my songs) live recorded.. All controllers is hooked up to the pitchstick. So i have a setup of Left: -2 semitones, Right: +2 semitones, Up: Wah-wah/Filter cuttoff Depending on wich sound. The first one is a cool moster lead type, with wahwah. The second one is a smooth moog-like sound. Enyoy :)

  • 2 weeks later...

1: We're searching for a Torrenthost aswell as seeders.

- Contact GaMeBoX for more info.

2: I've updated 013 - Sublunar - Entrance (Platonist's Bootleg Remix)

- Please update by downloading the new version!


PS. OverCoat DS. I live in Sweden as you might know .. If you read this. Get online on MSN in the morning, that's when our evening is .. ;) i think we're 10 hours ahead or so.. DS.


i dont like to release more than one file .. and the EP was made in

one .IT file and also the EP is made to sound like ONE track even though it's 3 different tracks.

remember . this is not a recordlabel, this is a netlabel. I think you guys are confusing these things.

why would i seperate 3 tunes that blend into each other to become one?

don't tell me how to do my work..

Not really. A lot of netlabels do packs of music as their main releases. But as you say it's basically one continuous song, so this doesn't really matter.

ahwell. maybe thats true, but we're not any of those.. i do this 1990-style .. before all the new ones came out .. it's the way im raised with netlabels ..

Edit : and why doesn't my freaking Last.fm thing change ?? thats last weeks chart

Edit : yay ! (it changed)

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