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OCR03500 - *YES* Super Mario RPG "The Usurper Queen"

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All this executive privilege being employed currently has left a bad taste in my mouth, so I'll sub to the queue!! -djp


  • Game: Super Mario RPG
  • Artist: I AM DJPRETZEL. You do not hang up on Mustin.
  • Source: Valentina's Castle / Margarie Margarita -
  • Comments: Symphonic trap, mastered aggressively... the dominant concept I attempted to convey was sadism; this arrangement re-envisions the very proper & classical harpsichord original as something narcissistic & malevolent, no qualms about it. The source is basically a bunch of overlapping motifs; difficult to arrange without just doing a cover, which I don't like doing. My solution was to extend each motif out, in some cases extending descending progressions further downward as well. If source is an issue, I can provide a breakdown.

*real vote*

Some really nice use of details, like fading and velocities which add a ton of flavor (1:08ish being the first example that comes to mind). Definitely an in-your-face type of arrangement, was half expecting some sort of sick rhyming flow to come in eventually. I do like that the motifs were stretched out rather than jumping back and forth through them. Curious how Larry would timestamp it, but I have no issues.

Nitpick for me is that the kick feels a little...hollow? In no way a dealbreaker, but I felt at times it didn't totally fit the soundscape. Might even chalk up to personal preference.

Ending is also a touch abrupt. Something slightly more definitive, maybe accenting the last chord could have helped. No big deal in the long run, as well.



It's cool that even while you're familiar with the genre, you understood right away that trap is all about them hat triplets+rolls and the correct usage of he 808 kick as your sub.  I think regarding the kick you could've extended the release as a proper trap song would to cover most of the measures, without the pauses, and boost its overall presence more.  So in that sense I think I agree with Deia on the kick not being quite there, but since this isn't straight-up trap, it works alright.  I love me some harpsichord and this mix doesn't disappoint.  The glitching towards the end keeps things interesting.

I didn't find the song to be that in-your-face until the glitching and distorted sections, felt more like a slow groove that you can, uh, djp to.

Production is solid, but the ending was abrupt.  Overall nothing should really hold back this one from the frontpage, so up it goes!



Great soundscape set up right away.  I hear cool effects, some hints of wubs that I wish I could hear better but they are buried.  The lowest of the low end could use a bit more control.  Harpsichord is a bit loud/dry/in-your-face.  Trap hats are sequenced well, could be louder and possibly a bit wider.  I do love the combination of the orchestral elements with the trap (I did a song like that too awhile back, it is still in the inbox atm).  Love the transition at 1:58.  Agreed with the other two Js that the kick could be used in a more traplike manner, but this works well enough. Great glitching and fx here.  Arrangement is cool, awesome creepy vibe, enjoyable track overall.  Ending is a bit of a dropoff and I would prefer some closure.  



You son of a - I thought you were above us plebs on the panel!


Anyhoo, it was certainly a very ecclectic arrangement on the album, and one I enjoyed. The good ol' harpsichord against the chips and trap beats mix in a way that makes it so the listener really can't turn away.

The production is pretty solid (save for a moment or two where things come in all at once and get cluttered, like 0:23), from what I can hear, and the arrangement certainly has enough source (and very much has its own personality), though the ending leaves me hanging as it just sort of... ends. I'm not 100% sold on the mixing of this, as the harpsichord really pops to the front too much in comparison to the rest of the arrangement, making it almost sound piercing in comparison. It's not a crushing dealbreaker, but it IS something that just stands out throughout the mix in a less-than-positive way.

Otherwise, it seems to be like a great future post for the front page.


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