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This is an acoustic driven remix of the Bambles theme from Donkey Kong Country 2. It also features clean electric guitar. The end solo is not finished yet. I plan to get this finished before the new year.

I want to know what it would take to get this mix OCR'd by the judges. I will take any critique, comments, feedback, ect.

Much appreciated.


Yeah, excellent. This really speaks to me. Great job catching the essence of the original track so well, and bringing such fresh, improvised tunes into it. It never sounds boring or forced, just awesome to listen to all the way.


I saw this while browsing the VGmix forums about a week ago. I've listened to it quite a few times since then and I'll be keeping this one whether it makes it to the site or not. Good work so far and if you make any changes, I look forward to hearing them.


It's relaxing, but the background repeats infinitely. I don't know if it would ruin the mood for no reason, but maybe the background during the first half of the song could go to different chords besides the same one over and over.


Very interesting, relaxing and enjoying mix - but I have to agree Audity - try changing the chords a bit more, maybe give it a four chord progression like most songs. Also, I highly recommend somewhere before the conclusion of the song that you put in a bridge where you change the key and rewrite the melody somewhat differently and makes that the high point in the song.

Also, it needs more cowbell.

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