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OCR03573 - *YES* Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 3 "Gotta Start from Somewhere" *PROJECT*

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This track is going to be part of the Speeding Towards Adventures: Sonic the Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Album (http://ocremix.org/community/topic/38162-speeding-towards-adventures-sonic-the-hedgehog-25th-anniversary-album-recruiting/)
Remixer name: Jorito
Real name: Jorrith Schaap
Userid: 3899
Remixer name: Trev
Real Name: Trev Wignall
Userid: 32157
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/trevwignallmusic
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/trevwignallmusic
Bandcamp: http://trevwignall.bandcamp.com/
Website: http://trevwignall.com
ReMixer name: HankTheSpankTankJankerson
Real name: Aaron Christopher Schmitt
forum id: 33166
ReMixer name: TheNikanoru
Real name: Mike Postans
forum id: 33729
Submission information:
Name of Game(s) Remixed: Sonic The Hedgehog (GEN), Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Name of Arrangement: Gotta Start From Somewhere

Names of songs arranged: Sonic 1 Title, Sonic 1 Invincibility, Sonic 3 Title
Link to the remix: 
Comments about the mix:
Jorito: Black_Doom wanted an opening track for the Sonic Speeding Towards Adventures album, in the same spirit as previous OCR Sonic albums. He asked me to create a remix of the iconic Sonic the Hedgehog title theme that started the series, and how could I refuse? Unfortunately my ambition got the better of me and I didn’t want to settle for a short opening remix for the album. In stead I opted for a full length track, but that proved to be quite a challenge, since the source tune is only 11 seconds long. So I cheated a bit and blended in the Sonic 1 invincibility theme as well as the Sonic 3 title theme as well as some EDM style builds and drops. And of course no Sonic opening track would be complete without a ‘Sega’ opening choir, so I recorded myself and got some help from TheNikanoru (vocals) to welcome you to the album.

At the time I started on this track, I was mesmerized by the track "Caravan Bowser" by Flexstyle and XPRTNovice, and I thought it’d be interesting to try that style for the title remix. I dove into the Electro Swing genre and tried to create a vibe similar to the band Caravan Palace. I’m not sure I succeeded in exactly that, but I think the overall track is very enjoyable and it’s definitely helped by the awesome performances by Trev (violin) and Aaron (clarinet, sax). It also was a good excuse to grab ye olde accordion and record some parts myself. I really dig the solo part where Trev and Aaron shred out and hype you up for the rest of the album adventure to come!

Trev: Once again Jorrith asked me to play some violin and I just had to oblige! His Sonic title remix was so much fun to play and shred on, and I had a blast. It was a great change of pace to bust out a fiddle solo over an upbeat EDM style remix too!




I loved this in the album eval and I still love it now.  It gets tons of mileage out of very little source, and the arrangement is incredibly creative.  Voice clips are classic Sonic goodness, used tastefully.  Great musicianship and a fantastic start to the album!

The one big beef I have is that there are some squeaks in the violin playing: one each at 1:08 and 1:52, and three from 1:58-2:01.  It's a fairly minor issue in the grand scope of the piece, but it's extremely grating and it really has to go.  Do some surgical excising on this and this will be a solid pass.

YES-CONDITIONAL (on removing violin squeaks)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2016/11/19 - (1C) Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 3 'Gotta Start from Somewhere'
  • 3 weeks later...

This was not what I was expecting at all, and I am pleasantly surprised by it! I'm also find it awesome that one OCR artist is inspiring another. Warms the cockles of my heart and all that :P

Squeaks didn't bother me that much, but I could see it being more of an issue with headphones. Arrangement is energetic and fun, and the soundscape is unexpected but works nicely together. Adding in the other sources defintiley was the right call here, as the arrangement is expansive and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Nice work overall!



Oh, I haven't given this my vote yet? Damn, that's some low hanging fruit, here.

I listen to this song a lot, and I love it through and through. The squeaks, while not perfect are certainly not a conditional fix considering either a re-record or some VERY careful precision EQ'ing would be involved. It's either a deal breaker RESUB or not, and I'm going to lean on it not being a deal breaker.

The production is otherwise spot on, the arrangement is slick and the energy is just... yeah. Great stuff, here!


  • 2 weeks later...

Ah electro swing, a genre I listen to quite a bit (I love the likes of caravan palace, tape five, swing republic, etc.).  I think this one could've stand to be more swingy, and the harmony layering, although mesmerizing at moments, it does get quite busy at some spots enough to get slightly confusing.  Nevertheless, this is an incredibly deep rearrangement of a very simple source that expands it considerably, while keeping the connection to the source alive and noticeable for the most part, and to top that off, explores a niche genre and executes it fairly well.


  • Sir_NutS changed the title to 2016/11/19 - (3Y/1C) Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 3 'Gotta Start from Somewhere'

The track was 3:10-long, so I needed to hear source usage for at least 95 seconds of the track for the the VGM usage to dominate the arrangement.

:00-:07.25, :23.25-:28.5, :34.5-:49.5, 1:06.75-1:47.5, 2:19.75-2:22.5, 2:23.75-2:56 = 104.25 seconds or 54.86% overt source usage

This was actually undercounting it, but there were some more fleeting or liberal references I didn't want to go to the trouble of timing out if I didn't have to, which I didn't. Laziness! :-)

The soundscape gained some noticeable clutter when those thumping kicks started at :30, so consider re-EQing them. Sir_NutS was right on this getting busy in places.

MindWanderer's also right about the squeaks in Trev's performance being an issue, BUT... it's not a conditional-level issue, even for me on headphones. The squeaks are indeed there, but so fleeting and couched within a busy soundscape, so they didn't really scream out "Whoa, WTF happened?" If there was 0 way we could get a revision, would that YES turn into a NO? That's basically what a conditional YES amounts to. To me, it's definitely not something dealbreaking. 

Agreed with the others on this getting some huge arrangement mileage out of the "Invincibility" theme. Great work from Jorrith and crew. Loved it!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR03573 - *YES* Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 3 "Gotta Start from Somewhere"
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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