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OCR03740 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 "Ecstatic Heights"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to hear something more going on with the arrangement at 1:41 when the verse repeated, and that thankfully came through towards the end of it with new instrumentation ideas.

At 2:41, there was more meat added into the soundscape via more new instrumentation; would have also like to have heard some other type of rhythmic or tempo change or melodic interpretation there as well, because dynamically things were relatively similar, but that's not to say there was 0 dynamic contrast.

That last little held woodwind note at the very end should have tapered off a little more softly, because it felt like it cut off abruptly, but no big deal.

All in all, a solid, melodically close arrangement that focuses on personalizing the track through lots of well-done instrument changes. The arrangement could have been more dynamic, but what's here still gets it done with enough interpretation.


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2017/09/16 - (1Y) Final Fantasy 6 "Ecstatic Heights"
  • 3 weeks later...

Nice, complex, lush arrangement.  Pretty good balance of clarity and reverb throughout.  There were a few areas that could be tweaked, like :40 glock starts stepping on the lead woodwinds a bit (percussion in general sounds a bit more forward than the rest of the elements).  

Some of the brass articulations had trouble with the quick note changes, especially noticeable when they were exposed at 2:11 & 2:15 - I do recognize the work trying to mitigate this with blending staccato and sustained samples (I've done the same before and it's super hard), so I don't hold it against you at all :).

Initial flute note at 2:48 sounded a bit odd against the backing; same with woodwinds at 3:21.  Somewhat nitpicky I know but thought I'd mention.

Source is all over this and is nicely adapted to the orchestra.  Good stuff.


  • Nutritious changed the title to 2017/09/16 - (2Y) Final Fantasy 6 "Ecstatic Heights"

Just what we've come to expect and love from Rebecca: a conservative arrangement with lush instrumentation.  Could stand to be more adventurous with such a short and repetitive source, but it gets the job done.  I agree that there were a couple of unpleasant harmonies, but they were brief and bearable.  Otherwise, this checks all the boxes and is yet another solid addition to her portfolio.


  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, this checks all the boxes I expect from Rebecca. Lovely arrangement with some subtle personalization throughout. I think Justin in particular has some great critiques on the various instruments that could be nitpicked to be just that much better, but this is certainly above where it needs to be for us. :)


  • Liontamer changed the title to (2017/09/16) *YES* Final Fantasy 6 "Ecstatic Heights"
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