Gario Posted November 10, 2017 Posted November 10, 2017 If this passes I think it's a safe bet that the title should be something other than the name of the game itself. Just sayin'. - Gario link: remixer name: Inrudiment real name: Rustam Bakeev userid: 32551 name of game: Mega Lo Mania name of arrangement: Mega Lo Mania name of individual song arranged: Title Theme composer: Richard Joseph platform: SMD/Genesis original:
Gario Posted November 10, 2017 Author Posted November 10, 2017 Talk about obscure; never heard of this game before even in passing. I swear I thought this was going to be an Undetale remix at first glance, for obvious reasons. As far as this arrangement goes, it's a pretty conservative arrangement. The style is a nice change-up and it very well adapted, but for some time it does go note-for-note (even the drums are the same as the source, for some time!). The final third of the arrangement spices things up with a slick solo to give it some more personality, which helps steer it away from being too conservative for OCR. I'm going to say this is alright, changing the style and writing so it's idiomatic to classic rock and adding a solo at the end, but I could see others being justified in saying it's too conservative, as well. The performances on this are quite good, especially with that solo at the end. The production gets a little crowded toward the end, and the lead guitar is just a little behind in the mix, but I don't think these items alone take this below the bar. I could see this swinging either way based on the combination of minor production issues and overly conservative arrangement, but I think it's over our bar here. Nice work, and best of luck on the rest of the vote. YES
MindWanderer Posted November 28, 2017 Posted November 28, 2017 The arrangement being conservative doesn't bother me quite so much. The original is so simple that simply orchestrating it for guitar, piano, and violin goes a long way, and that final minute does break the mold. I do have more issues with the production, though. It's noticeably clipping at each of the louder moments, and that really needs to be addressed. The timing on the violin is very rigid, most noticeably in 0:32-0:47, although the articulation is nice. This is almost there, I think, but not quite. The real issue is the clipping. It's very nearly a CONDITIONAL in my book, but eliminating this kind of distortion often introduces other issues, so I'm not 100% confident it can be fixed in one pass. I definitely want to see it back here, though (with an actual title, of course). NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted February 16, 2018 Posted February 16, 2018 I'm not hearing any clipping, though the guitar has a lot of distortion. It does get to be a bit much at times, though I'm not too thrown off by it. The arrangement is straightforward as the others mentioned, with some stronger interpretation at the end. I would have liked things to get to the really cool part sooner in the mix, but I think the first half has its place. Aside from the violin being really stiff, the performances are on point. Definitely not a source that I would have expected much from, but you worked some good magic here. YES
Liontamer Posted March 15, 2018 Posted March 15, 2018 Even though the U.S. name of this game is Tyrants: Fight Through Time, we'll indeed need a new mix title if this passes, since Mega-Lo-Mania is the European title. Around :13, the bowed strings got buried under the other instruments, but it was brief. At 1:02, the drums did seem to distort briefly, so I see a little bit about what MindWanderer is saying, but I didn't think anything was a dealbreaker. I love the adaptation to these instruments, which really fleshed out the track compared to the original; I thought it was a valid, expansive arrangement approach. The added guitar soloing from 2:34 was a nice touch as well. Cool overlooked source tune choice, Rustam, and you did a nice job expanding the instrumentation and personalizing the sound to stand apart enough from the original track. Welcome aboard! YES
Jivemaster Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 A great adaption of the original. The instrumentation here works well, the sparkly and distorted guitars have a nice tone. When the bass drops in just after the one minute mark, the full soundscape features a good mix of instruments, with some decent mixing. The individual parts do sometimes get drowned out though, especially in the solo section starting at 2:33. This is where the mix loses some points due to ineffective (crowded) mixing. I think some of the parts here weren't needed, and the section would've still retained the same impact if the unessential layers were dialled back in volume or completely removed. The rest of the track is mostly well done, although the drums do feel somewhat muffled. The arrangement while slow, progresses relatively well. There was a little too much build-up before the mix actually got going, but these portions were still interesting in their own way. YES
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