Gario Posted February 11, 2019 Posted February 11, 2019 Note: If this passes, will likely need a name change, just so it doesn't have the same name as the source. - Gario Remixer: Chimpazilla Name of Game: Crypt of the Necrodancer Name of Arrangement: Mausoleum Mash Name of Source: Mausoleum Mash I remixed three tracks for this album, and it was very hard to decide which one to submit. The entire album is amazing! I was honored to have been invited to the project by Danny B. and Flexstyle, and the tracks were a joy to write. Mausoleum Mash is probably the closest to my heart since it is the first of the three sources I remixed, and of my three this one is probably heard the most in the actual game. Congrats to all ReMixers for the album winning Best Fan-Arranged Album 2017 on VGM Online! Thanks again to Danny and Flexstyle for including me in the team!
MindWanderer Posted February 26, 2019 Posted February 26, 2019 A perfectly serviceable reinterpretation of the original. A more full arrangement, almost a sound upgrade except much more involved. Considering the intent that this be able to be swapped into the game and used as the playing soundtrack, it's a good fit. Quality stuff. YES
Sir_NutS Posted March 5, 2019 Posted March 5, 2019 Pretty close to the original, but that's by design due to the original album's restriction. Even then, that shouldn't be a valid excuse to get past the panel, but I'm happy that this excuse isn't really needed because Chimpazilla does more with the arrangement, textures and even structure to separate itself from the original, where this one feels different enough to stand on its own. Hell this is definitely more than what I managed to do with my track. Sadly those restrictions carried over to the ending, which is underwhelming, to say the least, but one of the few gripes I have with this. Production is good, great energy carried over from the original. Good stuff. YES
Chimpazilla Posted March 7, 2019 Posted March 7, 2019 How about Sepulchre Soiree? I'm open to more suggestions.
Liontamer Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 For titles, "Sepulchre Soirée" sounds awesome. I'm really glad Kris submitted this, and I'm also proud of the job Mike/Flexstyle did in marshaling this effort; the VGMO award was well-deserved, and we're always in it to pair up the OCR community with composers and developers. OCR being an integral part of Danny B's start as a musician and his emergence as a modern legend among VG composers is part of what makes the community a special place. Onto the track, it's a small thing, but the 90s "WHOO!" at 1:52 sounded incredible, because the effects on the trail-off seamlessly blended into the instrumentation, and the sound seemingly lasts all the way until 2:05, maybe even longer! Such a sweet touch. For all of the arrangements on CotND: OverClocked, there's the unique challenge of holding fast to the tempo and skeleton of the source tune while presenting your own personalized version. Changing up the instrumentation and more importantly the textures and dynamics of the piece was the main avenue Chimpa had available to her to stand apart from Danny B's version, e.g. the stutter steps of the original vs. the dropoff with padding for 1:02's section, and the more steady percussion patterns in the original vs. more variations in Chimpa's take. I'm not at all surprised she was able to do this so effectively, and her work on this soundtrack was an important reason why I roped her in for an arranged piece for the soundtrack to A Hat in Time when OCR was asked to contribute to it. Give this lady some more pro VG gigs, she'd knock 'em out of the park. YES
prophetik music Posted July 1, 2019 Posted July 1, 2019 this track is a superlative example of taking significant restrictions on style, tempo, and instrumentation in stride to make something really special because of those restrictions. there's so many little nuances that make this track clearly different from the original despite sharing so much with it. for an example, 1:20 is so good. what a great reinterpretation of the original's melody without sounding out of place or trying too hard. and the half-time section that followed it was so fitting and well-timed without feeling like it dragged or lost energy. this is the easiest vote i'll have all year. YES
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