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Posted (edited)


Remixer name: Snowy Fox
Real name: Toby Wilkinson
Email address: 
Website: https://foxaudio.co.uk/
UserID: 35303
Name of game arranged: SimCity (SNES)
Name of arrangement: Good Job!
Name of individual song(s) arranged: Dr. Wright, Village

Inspired by ProJared's let's-play series on CimCity. While watching, I had been toying with the idea of making an extended cover of Dr Wright's theme just for fun, then when Jared asked "where's the remix of this?" I just had to fire up Reason. Also threw a little of the village theme in there just to mix things up a little.




Edited by Rexy
  • 3 weeks later...

Straightforward and competent.  The ending repeats more times than I'd like but otherwise this does what it's supposed to do.  I don't have any problems with the sampling, either: it's brief, and it's not from SquareEnix.  If that's actually ProJared's voice, we should get his permission, though.


  • 1 month later...

Oof, ProJared.

What we've learned about ProJared since this submission came in...


Fuck that guy.

Moving on... 

The opening at :18 after the sampled section sounded like a MIDI-rip, so I was waiting for things to get more interpretive, which arrived with :35's melody on top of the backing writing of the original. Back to the theme cover at 1:06, again, VERY straightforward and not meaningfully different in presentation & tone than the original. Changeup at 1:26 to the Village theme, but trying to make it more jaunty like the Dr. Wright theme; the transition at 1:22 seemed pretty sudden and not smooth enough, but we'll live and move on. Good comping-style approach from 1:50-2:07 over the backing writing of the source, but it was short. 2:07 essentially sounded like a cut-and-paste of :51's section, so not much development there beyond a rehash.

I'll be honest, the arrangement doesn't excite me too much, but it's meant to be light and low-key, so I can get behind that. Most of the interpretive value comes from adapting the Village theme to the tone of the Dr. Wright theme.

Back to the Dr. Wright theme at 2:39, and AGAIN it's very cover-ish and super straightforward just like :18 and 1:06. Some light additive comping over the top of the theme from 2:55-3:18; where was that before? :-) Regardless, that was very short as well before going to the sampled audio for the close.

What's holding me back on this is that the Dr. Wright sections are EXTREMELY straightforward and just retain the overall tone, instrumentation, and presentation of the source tune, so those sections just don't do enough to differentiate themselves from the source. Not much coloring outside of the lines there, and the Village sections and sprinkles of additive writing during the Dr. Wright sections don't present enough interpretation to pass the arrangement bar, IMO. It's a decent base, Toby, but even just changing the instrumentation of the Dr. Wright sections would help this stand apart more from the original. Can't get behind this yet.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2018/05/18 - (1Y/1N) Sim City (SNES) 'Great Job!'
  • Liontamer pinned this topic

Putting the sampled BGM and ProJared voice sample aside, this track sounds pretty soothing.  The source is apparent throughout, the village theme getting changed up to the same swing feel as Dr. Wright is a gorgeous touch, and the balance between the instruments sound clean as well.  If there's any nitpick I have on the production side, it's that the track itself is on the quiet side and could've done with some normalization, but it's no big deal here.

However, despite all the additive sections here, most repetitions of the Dr. Wright theme were note-for-note for the original.  The melody itself didn't get played with during other additive segments (0:35-1:07 and 1:51-2:39), and the only part of its interpretation that sounded remotely interesting was that pleasant-sounding e-piano at 2:55, riding on top of the theme.  It would've been nice to hear more subtractive arranging like that in other repetitions before that point, or even slipping in little segments of the melody in the background during those additive parts.

I also have no issues with the instrumentation sounding similar to the original, but when they're the only timbres present, it makes the sound choices feel more exposed.  It's up to you as to whether you'd want to modify the sounds in addition to doing any subtractive changes.

Nevertheless, with an arrangement that isn't substantial enough and relies too much on making the variations too close to the source in timbre as well, I can't pass this as it is.  Reconsider the use of the samples at the beginning and end, go over your Dr. Wright variations and spice them up, then try again.

NO (resubmit)

  • Rexy changed the title to 2018/05/18 - (1Y/2N) Sim City (SNES) 'Great Job!'
  • 4 weeks later...

i like how light and airy this track is. it's simple, and it conveys a free feel that is attractive. i also didn't mind the intro/outro. they don't represent enough of the total track for me to worry about them comprising too much of the mix (although a fifteen-second inaudible tail fading out is way too long!).

from an arrangement perspective, there's nowhere near enough development to consider this more than a cover/medley. rexy and LT did the yeoman's work timestamping what's going on, and there's simply way too little that's actually anything new. keeping the instrumentation so similar to the original really emphasizes how similar this is to the original, as well. while i agree that the instruments do help keep that nice vibe you've got going, there needs to be some updates to both the instrumentation and the part writing to make this more unique.

from a mastering side, most of the track is below -3db, and the middle section is around -9db. way too quiet. projared's voice is really loud compared to the rest of the track and is what's preventing the whole thing from being brought up to a normal volume. i felt the instruments were fairly balanced, though, and the instruments all speak comfortably in their own places without shouting over each other.

the arrangement simply doesn't have enough arrangement on this one. applying some creativity to the part writing and instrumentation, and fix the volume of PJ's voice, and you've got something that's probably got a place on this site.




  • 3 weeks later...

Simple and straightforward but it has charm.  I think this is a clear cut case of not enough interpretation from the artist to really make this remix his own.  If this was an adaptation to a different genre/vibe, I think I could overlook the lack of development a bit more but this retains sorta the same style.  Again, pretty charming but I think you can make this track more of your own expression than what we have here.

Also nothing against the artist or this remix, but ProJared is scum (also, his voice in this is kinda distorted/loud, could be toned down a bit).


  • Rexy changed the title to *NO* Sim City (SNES) 'Great Job!'
  • Rexy unpinned and locked this topic
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