zircon Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Janeway was as consistent as she could be about following the prime directive given the circumstances. Remember seasons 1 and 2, she repeatedly avoided giving tech to the Kazon even though it would have been much easier for everyone if she did. Quote
Moguta Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Favorite episode? The Inner Light. Love that tune Picard plays. Got the mp3 and listened to it over and over and over again.Mind posting a link? That's a great episode. Also, I like flutes (I think it stems from whistling a lot, and Ocarina of Time...). I think I still have that episode on tape somewhere... Mouser X out. Orchestral Suite from The Inner Light It has a soft blip in there due to a scratch that couldn't get CD-doctored away. But I didn't even notice it until a few listens. Ah, the wonder of public libraries having music... And I agree with those who claim Voyager really wasn't bad. The only Star Treks that I really don't like are TOS ( sorry, it's just too cheesy for meh D: ) and Enterprise. TNG, DS9, and Voy were for the most part well-produced and thoughtful. Quote
Mouser X Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Awesome! Thanks. I'm getting it right now. As for the opinions about various Star Trek series, I'd have to say that the only one I've seen the most of is TNG. I didn't see much of DS9. I would have watched more of Voyager, but I could never find it on TV (I don't get the TV guide, and I didn't know about TV listings on the internet). The ones I did see though, I really enjoyed. I should see if I can find some of the Trek stuff somewhere... (I like µTorrent...) Though, I can't say I've heard much good for Enterprise. As such, I don't feel strongly inclined to seek that one out. Some of the others though, I think I may have to keep an eye open for. Mouser X out. Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 That was a nice tune. Eh. I'm a fan of Voyager, though I noticed a disturbing trend towards recycling the plots of TNG and OS almost exactly, especially towards the third and fourth seasons. Other than that, though, I was initially dismayed by what seemed like a bunch of generic ass crew members, but through some solid writing on the part of the staff, managed to develop into interesting, and perhaps more important, likable characters. I think I may be in the minority for disliking DS9. My main problem; it's called Star Trek, people. Not Star Sit the Hell Around on our Space Station. I know they pretty much changed that up with the Dominion wars, which were pretty cool, but they always felt somewhat gimicky. For whatever reason, DS9 stands in my mind as having some of the best characters and episodes, and yet doing the least with them. Maybe I should go back and watch some more, but my overwhelming memory of the series is that of being completely underwhelmed. Also, are we perhaps a little off topic? Quote
The Coop Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 That was a nice tune. Eh. I'm a fan of Voyager, though I noticed a disturbing trend towards recycling the plots of TNG and OS almost exactly, especially towards the third and fourth seasons. Other than that, though, I was initially dismayed by what seemed like a bunch of generic ass crew members, but through some solid writing on the part of the staff, managed to develop into interesting, and perhaps more important, likable characters. I think I may be in the minority for disliking DS9. My main problem; it's called Star Trek, people. Not Star Sit the Hell Around on our Space Station. I know they pretty much changed that up with the Dominion wars, which were pretty cool, but they always felt somewhat gimicky. For whatever reason, DS9 stands in my mind as having some of the best characters and episodes, and yet doing the least with them. Maybe I should go back and watch some more, but my overwhelming memory of the series is that of being completely underwhelmed. Also, are we perhaps a little off topic? Only for the last three pages Quote
suzumebachi Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 In the spirit of continuing the off-topicness: I've never really watched much of the original series (a few episodes on G4 here and there-- can't stand that Star Trek 2.0 shit though), but I've seen all the movies. Spock is the man. TNG was the shit. My favorite star trek series thus far (here's to hoping they make new ones some day). Wesley was annoying, agreed. Also, I can't place my finger on why, exactly, but I don't much care for Deanna Troi either. I think it's mostly because Marina Sirtis is a terrible actress (ogod, in the pilot episode she makes me cringe), and that accent just aggravates the hell out of me. DS9 was an overrated bore-fest. It was like a soap opera in space. zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. The ferengis and their regular antics were the best part of this series, and even that got old in the end. Sisko was a good character though, but the rest of the cast was pretty so-so (with the exception of Worf, solely because we remember his badass-edness from TNG). I liked Voyager. Belanna was annoying as hell though. In fact the one episode where she gets split into a pure human and a pure klingon, I seriously hoped the klingon would eat the human for breakfast. But nooo, they made friends and all the magical fairy children danced around and sung magical happy songs in the magical forest of magical happyness until the magical happy phage came and magically killed all the fairy children in the face. Otherwise it was pretty good. And I don't get the Enterprise hate. I thought it was great. I still watch the reruns on HDNet (mmmm HD Star Trek). Quote
Lotd2242 Posted December 21, 2006 Posted December 21, 2006 Speaking of Voyager, Spike's doing an all day marathon every day this week it seems. Today the "Year of Hell" was on, which was an awesome set of episodes. Quote
Raenok Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I've never understood the orgin of the Borg. Just when, where, and how were they created? My guess is some satillite that Earth dumped and forgot went beserk and went "F**K YOU" to everyone and infected some unlucky host as a collective, thus creating the Borg. But then again, I may be completely off. Quote
The Coop Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I've never understood the orgin of the Borg. Just when, where, and how were they created?My guess is some satillite that Earth dumped and forgot went beserk and went "F**K YOU" to everyone and infected some unlucky host as a collective, thus creating the Borg. But then again, I may be completely off. Why not. It worked for the first movie. Quote
StarZander Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I've never understood the orgin of the Borg. Just when, where, and how were they created?My guess is some satillite that Earth dumped and forgot went beserk and went "F**K YOU" to everyone and infected some unlucky host as a collective, thus creating the Borg. But then again, I may be completely off. I have a hardcore trekkie friend, whom I've asked about Star Trek numeruos times, and he always has the answer. I've asked him this aswell, and here's what he told me: The Borg was originally just one species that wanted to improve themselves, so they did so with technology. They wanted to reach perfection, which is still their main goal, and they then started to assimilate other species and their traits, using their new technological abilities, so that they can combine them all, and get closer to perfection, leaving out the bad parts of each species. You could say that this original species was, well, Species 1. This can really be assumed by anyone, but I trust my friend deeply when it comes to Star Trek. Quote
The Author Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 The fact that they are up to species 8472 shows they only assimilate sentient beings and ignore/elimininate other species. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 I've never understood the orgin of the Borg. Just when, where, and how were they created?My guess is some satillite that Earth dumped and forgot went beserk and went "F**K YOU" to everyone and infected some unlucky host as a collective, thus creating the Borg. But then again, I may be completely off. Shatner's novel The Return which takes place right after Generations maintains that the Borg were a result of the whole V'Ger incident from the first movie. Unfortunately, First Contact kills that theory since the Borg attempt to contact other Borg quite a ways before Kirk & Co. run into our rogue satellite. However, given nobody ever finds out what the race was that gave V'Ger intelligence and some kind of ship and sent it back home, it's plausible that the Borg were that race. The Borg's origins have always been left mysterious. It's part of their character. Quote
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