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wow I was about to tell you guys "sorry for some reason I couldn't log on", glad I'm not alone but... yeah it sucks this is happening though

edit: as of now it seems to be okay... Im not experiencing any lag as of now


By the way, anyone who plays from OCR should join the "OCR" channel.

So, about the game, I moved up from my Rifter Frigate up to Destroyer class Trasher. In two days, I should have completed setting up my weapons until I can either upgrade to a bigger ship (quite frankly, while I wanted to remain small and agile, the Trasher has been really fun. I set it up with 3 artillery cannons and I like destroying stuff from about 20 kms away, and if they get under 5000 meters, I can aim 3 (soon to be 4) autocannons.)

I'm starting to like the bigger/better approach, and I may look at upgrading to a stabber (only thing that annoys me is the fact that I have my small projectile turrets skills maxed out, and moving to medium would be like losing about 20% damage. I'll have to compare a medium turret's damage to see if trading up will result in better damage overall. And then there's the whole equipping a ship again. I did the math and my Trasher is worth about 4.5 million isk, which is the estimated value of the stabber.

So I'm wondering, overall which is the most versatile class of ships? I like doing some of the missions for now but I'd like to move to less safe space, so should I stick to small agile and "cheap" ships?


I'd personnaly wait till you can afford to blow alot of cash on the stabber ships as modifications and better weaponry comes around...

I'm playing the waiting game, slowly building up my ISK as well as finding improvements and special mods that would help me later on when I get a better ship. Basically I now have the choice of making my ship faster and agile at the price of a weaker structure as well as some more changes.

Also I'm building my abilities to be able to manufacture ships along with some bio enhancements so that in the long run, my stuff would last me longer than if I just when with a basic npc-sold items.

The only real problem working with me is that you'll need tons of patience, as I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to creating anything. If you can handle long waiting periods, the result of that waiting will be quite rewarding.

Seriously I got a couple of blueprints being copied so I can improve them, the waiting periods for that to finish on average is between 3 to 8 days. What I like though is how I don't have to be on top of it like stink on an ape, so I can focus on other improvements while the researching/copying/manufacturing is being done.


Yeah, with the stabber skills being about 10 days away (quick estimate) and the cashflow that I may get once I stop buying stuff (to be fair, now that I have my 7 gun turrets and 1 launcher set up as well as my medium and low modules as the best I can afford without going tech two, I think the spending will stop) I think I may focus on prepping my funds for the stabber. If I decide to take the time and train my turrets and launchers to the medium level, I may be able to gear up my Stabber and fly it 20 days from now.

After that, the only thing I would have to do is start saving for a Maelstrom and maybe leave safe space.


I'm thinking about giving the trial a whirl soon. However, in the meantime, I just wanted to mention that a friend of mine has just started the trial himself. He goes by the name "Nanofuture." He isn't a part of this forum as of this moment, but I'm hoping he changes that soon. Anyway, if you see him around in the game or in the OCR channel, feel free to strike up a conversation with him. He knows you guys exist. :razz:


Hey, I just joined EVE and this group was recommended to me by GA Jedi Knight. I'm currently in a pretty weak frigate that I've been using to hunt down low level pirates in 0.7 security areas, using the stuff they drop to slowly make the frigate stronger (as of now I've equipped it with 1 of the guns you start the game with, a small rail-gun with ?thorium? charges, and 2 civilian shield boosters). I'm hoping to eventually become a pirate hunter / bounty hunter (maybe a mercenary on the side much later?). Any advice on what skills / ships / weapons I should be working towards would be appreciated (maybe once I get powerful enough I'll be able to return the favor).

By the way, anyone who plays from OCR should join the "OCR" channel.

So, about the game, I moved up from my Rifter Frigate up to Destroyer class Trasher. In two days, I should have completed setting up my weapons until I can either upgrade to a bigger ship (quite frankly, while I wanted to remain small and agile, the Trasher has been really fun. I set it up with 3 artillery cannons and I like destroying stuff from about 20 kms away, and if they get under 5000 meters, I can aim 3 (soon to be 4) autocannons.)

I'm starting to like the bigger/better approach, and I may look at upgrading to a stabber (only thing that annoys me is the fact that I have my small projectile turrets skills maxed out, and moving to medium would be like losing about 20% damage. I'll have to compare a medium turret's damage to see if trading up will result in better damage overall. And then there's the whole equipping a ship again. I did the math and my Trasher is worth about 4.5 million isk, which is the estimated value of the stabber.

No one is in the OCR channel ever when im on :). I'll always be in there if im playing however, feel free to join to. As for losing your damage, don't worry abotu that, you can make up the 20% damage in the next skill in only a few days time. And you'll utilize both types at some point or another. Currently I have t2 small, medium turrets, working on my large atm. But in about another 35-40 days I'll have a full 45% damage in small, medium, and large turrets.


hmm... been a while since I've logged in to play. I've more or less just been updating training since september... but then, I haven't played many games at all recently except for some of the arcades here in Okinawa.

Anyway, I've been playing on and off for a year and a half(account has been training more or less the entire time). Here in a couple of days I'll start my training on Cloaking V. Then I'll be all set to pilot a Manticore(and a Buzzard as well once I get the appropriate EW skills). In case it isn't too obvious, I play Caldari.


I'm usually on when I play, what times are you on Derelict? Right now I'm at work and won't be on till later tonight either at 6pm or 7pm. Also if anybody needs some ammo... I can make some small charges along with missiles like bloodclaws, I'd sell them for a fair price ;)


So I did the math and money wise, I would need between 13 and 15 million isks for my upgrade. I don't know exactly how long it will take, but I expect that by the end of June, I will be flying a Stabber with the cheap versions of the equipment I wish to put it. And it seems perfect for shield tanking, which is good because it was what I planned to do, armor tanking is just so stressful if you ask me.


I can only see armor tanking as a better option if you're often facing forces using physically affective weaponry; as there are mods/equipment that can improve the recharge rate of your shield (not strength); Not to mention slower ships could benefit the padding since they are practically sitting ducks in space.

For fast/light ships, shields would be a better choice since speed is a necessity for small fries like frigates.

I can only see armor tanking as a better option if you're often facing forces using physically affective weaponry; as there are mods/equipment that can improve the recharge rate of your shield (not strength); Not to mention slower ships could benefit the padding since they are practically sitting ducks in space.

For fast/light ships, shields would be a better choice since speed is a necessity for small fries like frigates.

My biggest problem with shield tanking is the capacitor need. However, using projectile weapons means I don't use the capacitor to fire my weapons. I just need to get so more ranks in my shield systems to increase the regen rate. The extra low slot for the Stabber might go to something to increase my capacitor output. The problem is that I keep overtaxing my powergrid (kinda like now where my 8th turret cannot be activated because of a minimal .30 missing.). I know I'm currently rather weak when faced with EMP weapons, so I may have to figure a way to counter that weakness.

My biggest problem with shield tanking is the capacitor need. However, using projectile weapons means I don't use the capacitor to fire my weapons. I just need to get so more ranks in my shield systems to increase the regen rate. The extra low slot for the Stabber might go to something to increase my capacitor output. The problem is that I keep overtaxing my powergrid (kinda like now where my 8th turret cannot be activated because of a minimal .30 missing.). I know I'm currently rather weak when faced with EMP weapons, so I may have to figure a way to counter that weakness.

Unfortunately, EM weapons (especially Amarr beams) are pretty much designed to rip shields in two.

If it really bothers you, you could train up "Tactical Shield Manipulation" and slap a Photon Field on there, which won't drag on your ships capabilities, but can be activated to give a 50% boost to your shield's EM resistance. It's not the best solution (as you could still be crippled by a surprise alpha before you have time to harden up, not to mention it's taking up a slot that could be used for other things) but it's certainly a surprise when someone thinks they have your weakness pinpointed and the tables turn.


If you can get me a copy of the bloodclaw blue print I should be able to make different varieties of them. The problem is getting whatever extra materials that are required of inventing the newer versions of the bloodclaw. (think isogen which I have very little of)

Also note I said "COPY" not original. The reason is I can't alter original prints, only copied versions. Notice that if u try to get a copy, it could take days before you'd get one and they have limited runs so if we want to make the manufacturing worth while, I'm gonna try to make well over 10k or more if possible to make full use.

Again I may need more than just the raw materials to make the missles, (like data cores or rarer raw materials)

and of course, for a fair price ;)


If you ever get the chance ellywu2, look us up! :D

Finally got myself a Destroyer, and I like how I have one BFG (not the actual DOOM variety, just a big gun) and two smaller versions in the front, with the laser charges on the sides as back up and one missle launcher for extra punch lol...

I can't wait to build a supped up version of my destroyer when I have th ematerials/skills.

If you ever get the chance ellywu2, look us up! :D

Finally got myself a Destroyer, and I like how I have one BFG (not the actual DOOM variety, just a big gun) and two smaller versions in the front, with the laser charges on the sides as back up and one missle launcher for extra punch lol...

I can't wait to build a supped up version of my destroyer when I have th ematerials/skills.

Schwaltzvald, i'm not sure I completely understood your current setup. But I'll give you some advice if I'm right. You want to avoid mixing different weapon types, the basics being Missles, Projectile, Laser, and Hybrid. Use the weapon type that the ship gets bonus's for, otherwise you are losing out on a lot of extra potential strength, and it DOES make a difference. An example is i wouldn't use lasers on any other ship type except ammar, as ammar ships have bonus's for laser weapons, including damage, range, less capacitor use. Their ships are designed to be best utilized with lasers, as caldari are missles, minmatar are projectile, and gallente are hybrid/drone. Even on the gallente ships I pilot, the ship itself has high slot hardpoints for both missle and hybrid weapons, but even then I do not put missle launchers on their respective hardpoint, as it's damage potential cannot be fully realized without bonus's. Instead I throw something more useful to me in that high slot like NOS, or drone links.


I have to ask then, as a Minmatar, what would I set up my stabber with?

The 4 turrets are already planned (2 autocannons and 2 artillery cannons) but for my two launcher slots, I was thinking of going with heavy missiles. I am not much in the area of electronic warfare and when I started I used missiles as my long range option before I got artillery cannons involved. I already have good skills in launchers (I added some more range, but overall I started with good launcher training due to my soldier background, I also lack the science for electronic warfare, and I am not drone based)

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