Schwaltzvald Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 yeah I recently lost a rokh so I've been just biding my time to get another one rebuilt. Quote
Power Smoothie Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 Well, I took a break for a week or so, but I'm getting back on track now, despite completely fucking up the career funnel by alienating the business tutorial agent. Go figure Incidentally, has anyone seen the Clear Skies series? It has some of the finest attention to detail I've ever seen in a fan movie. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 yeah I recently lost a rokh I'm gonna get a rokh one... year. With fucking tech 2 blasters, YEAH right now though I'm working on getting one of these motherfuckers Clear Skies is the video with HL2 characters right? That was an excellent movie. Also: get ready for lulz: Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 I'm gonna get a rokh one... year. With fucking tech 2 blasters, YEAH Beware being webbed/scrammed/jammed as if that happenes ur screwed. Plus I'd recommend making sure u maxed out the Caldari BS skill as well as all shield related skills; not to mention navigation skills so you can maximize your flight speed via MWD as well as punish those that dare to stick around. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Yeah trust me I've got it covered my Rokh plan is 145 days long :V Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Yeah trust me I've got it covered my Rokh plan is 145 days long :V lmao, I've yet to meet a successful blasterokh pilot so.. trying being the first eh? Quote
OverCoat Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 I just got my drake today too, fitted it out with shield rigs and man it is tanking nice. With me in the Drake, and my buddies in a Dominix, an Armageddon, and another Drake, it was like... meh, level 4 Rednecks are movin' up in the world! Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 wait till you hit the lvl 5s then the sleepers in the worm holes Quote
Admiral_C Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 Don't wait to hit the Sleepers. Their loot is insane right now, and it'll only get less lucrative as more people delve into wormholes... Quote
The Author Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Lots of changes in my part of the world. My friends and I decided to leave TCF. Quite frankly, we did not know what was the point of controlling an extremely rich section of 0.0 if all we could do was lose ships in battles the goons did not feel like fighting. So the Caribou wing left for new horizons. That was around 2 weeks ago, we decided to start a new corporation intended for the three of us, as fate would have it, a friend and his acquaintances left their own corporation and joined us, so our little corporation now has 10 members. If you see us, we're quite friendly, the corp name is Exotic Trade and Exploration Association [ETEA] we hang around Verge Vendor and Sinq Liaison and we keep a low profile. As for me, I'm back flying a Sleipnir, which makes L1 and L2 missions a breeze... I managed to get in some action against thieves, and almost croaked to an Armageddon (I was warp jamed but close enough to a jumpbridge to manage to leave. My middle rack was almost all burned out from the overheating, but luckily, my AB died when I was on the bridge, and my Shield booster survived the ordeal.) I actually had a friendly chat with the armageddon pilot afterwards, and I learned that he burned out his guns trying to kill me as I was leaving. Also, I am almost able to fly an hulk, which means that I am gonna suck the roids dry. Sadly I'll only be sucking on Omber, but life is life. With any luck, I'll make enough money off of rocks to purchase a nice stealth bomber. So yeah, Zayinn Chan no longer has ambitions of being a billionaire, but frankly, the game just got that much more fun. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 You weren't with the OWN Alliance guys that got booted out of Deklein were ya..? Lately all I've been doing had been doing demolition ops along with the basic ratting moments. Quote
The Author Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Nah, we were part of TCF itself, Defcon 1. I wonder why Own got booted out... can't remember if they were allies or enemies. Quote
OverCoat Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I'm still with the rednecks we joined the Machi Mischief Alliance lately and those guys are a lot of fun. We've been sabotaging wormholes, farmer missions, and there was a nice T1 frig/cruiser roam they all did on saturday but I had to work and I swear one of the brits on Teamspeak is Alan Rickman. Also me being a huge faggot am going Minmatar, so I've been trying out the stabber and should be able to fly a rupture in... a few hours. Whee! Still working towards the jag, still prefer rifter for PVP last night I tackled a megathron and lived. I feel proud of myself Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I understand almost nothing in this thread but for some reason it makes me want to play this game anyway. Maybe I'll give the free trial a whirl once I'm off work for the summer and don't have anything better to do. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 NJ if ya do actually become engrossed into it as OC and I have, just look us up. Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 We'll see what happens. I may really enjoy it and not pick it up anyway because I hate subscription fees. (Hell, I almost decided against signing up for Gamefly, and that's basically any two games I want for around $20/month. Most MMO subscriptions seem to run around $10-15/month, and that's just for one game that you're stuck with!) I'll totally look you dudes up so you can provide me with phat lewtz, though. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Not sure about OC's financial status but I think I can at least pimp you out on a decent frigate with best named weapons & modules. I will give you this warning though.... STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE EC-P8R GATE. TRUST ME... When you're in a system with the fond description of "GET THE POD GET THE POD!!!" you know you're fucked. Unless of course you are in the same alliance as I am or Author was, in which case its a 50%/50% that you'll be greated by friendly corpmates and alliance members watching over u as you pass on through; or get obliterated back to the stone age. :lol: What makes the EC-P8R Warp Gate so interesting is that it's one of the few gates (that I know of) that dramatically jumps from the "Space of Law and Concord Protection" to "Who ever is currently camping the gate is the law of the system. There's no gradual "High Security Space" to Low Sec then to 0.0 . Low Sec is technically the wastelands as no one truly controls low sec except for roaming bands of pirates and extortioners that squelch on any deals. Null sec basically is what it is, empty space unless who ever have sovereignty over the space; be they TCF, Defy, Triumvirate, Kenzoku, The Red Alliance ect. At least in those spaces, if you're a member of their corps, you can fly to a POS (player owned station) and find safety in the shield it provides. This is something not available in low sec at all. Quote
The Author Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 This game don't quite work that way, phat lewts are worth nothing if you can't fit them on your ship. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 This game don't quite work that way, phat lewts are worth nothing if you can't fit them on your ship. not to mention even if you were, you're be hardpressed to ever really use them in 0.0 space without becoming a very juicy irresistable target. Like this one guy who brought a Gallente Fleet issues Megathron into one of our ops. OH MAN WAS HE EVER PRIMARIED INSTANTLY Quote
The Author Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Ouch... Well, I do still want to see a fleet of Macariels... Anyway, stay away from low sec for the first 3 months of gameplay, and away from 0.0 until you are in a corp installed there, that's my advice. Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 This game don't quite work that way, phat lewts are worth nothing if you can't fit them on your ship. not to mention even if you were, you're be hardpressed to ever really use them in 0.0 space without becoming a very juicy irresistable target. Then instead I'll have to become a tactical genius, and pwnzor bitches MacGuyver style, with nothing but a toothbrush, a ball of twine, and a copy of "A Brief History of Time". I can learn to do that in ten days or whatever the free trial period is, right? Quote
The Author Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Aww cmon they recently revamped the tutorial so it's more friendlier for noobs, though I can't say much about seeing as I haven't had the need to create a new alt just yet. Still... the learning curve is still quite high up there admittingly as the tutorial (as I recall the original iteration) doesn't tell you about other aspects of EVE O... Here watch this old vid of as some of the info still applies today. One of many lessons that will be learned the easy way or the hard way. Quote
OverCoat Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I am leaving the rednecks for Xeno Tech Corp lol kind of a sudden move and I feel semi-bad about it but my ceo was kinda being an ignorant baby plus I'm not even a redneck what's the point Quote
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