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Post your Mii (making wallpaper, collecting...)

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Hello everybody,

I really wonder why nobody else thought about this until now...

We definitely need a thread to post our Miis!

So here it is:

The quite official "Post your Mii" thread!

For a start, what I would like to see here is the following:

  • your Mii (obviously)
  • some reference photo
  • perhaps some "celebrity Mii"

If more than just some people are interested in it, we could also make a massive Wallpaper from all the Miis in this thread, something like the "official OC Remix UnMod Wallpaper" (for those who remember...)

So, I will make the first step:

My Mii:_______________________The real Mii:


I think I've gotten it quite right... :wink:

So, what does your Mii look like?

Time to show off!


I created some submission guidelines for the wallpaper!

These are as follows:

  • Any kind of Mii is allowed. This includes your personal avatars, celebrity Miis, fantasy creations and everything else.
  • Please submit only your own art! Everybody submitting not his own creations will be completely banned from the wallpaper!
  • Make the pictures of the Miis as large as possible. The bigger the better!
  • Your whole Mii should be viewable, with body.
  • (optional) Cut out the Mii from the background and submit it in a gif-file with transparent background. This way I don't have to do it... :wink:
  • Post the image(s) you would like to submit in this thread. I will collect them and show you the progress of the wallpaper from time to time...

Only thing I don't know yet:

Which resolution should the final image have?

I myself have the desktop running at 1028x1024 pixels. Should I make it this size or are more people using other resolutions?


Which does bring me to an interesting point - how do you take screenshots of a Mii, besides whipping out a digital camera and pointing it at your TV? Can you email a picture to yourself or something?

I don't think my roommate has wireless internet at his parent's house, so I probably couldn't get him to send me a picture if I wanted him to, tragically.


I connected the Wii to my TV card in my computer...

It's a bitch to control since my PC faces away from my TV, so aiming with the WiiMote is really difficult...

Picture quality is... meh... stupid interlaced TV signal just doesn't look good on TFTs...

As I have written in the original Wii thread, a "Screenshot-function" in the Wii's Home menu is desperately needed!

Anyone knows where to tell Nintendo?


Just finished my very first celebritiy Mii!

Can you guess who this is?


Just finished my very first celebritiy Mii!

Can you guess who this is?


Looks like the one 'celebrity' I made a few weeks ago, and that I think Youkai made when he won Wii.


Sorry, all you got is your personal "15 minutes of fame"... in this thread

I could offer you a nice, manly hug, albeit virtually...

And I will tell all my friends - both of them - how great you are! And when replaying ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS I shall name the character after you!

Is that a price or what?!


Those Miis look good... :lol:

I really hope Nintendo has some "Mii online" planned. Something like... idk... a forum with "players" represented as their Miis...

btw, you guys have the Wii? Like it?

Sorry, all you got is your personal "15 minutes of fame"... in this thread

I could offer you a nice, manly hug, albeit virtually...

And I will tell all my friends - both of them - how great you are! And when replaying ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS I shall name the character after you!

Is that a price or what?!

:lol: That last part is just creepy.

I agree...

His name IS Link, the abilty to change it is just... blasphemy... YEAH, BLASPHEMY!

Completely offtopic, but my brother in law always names him "Cow"(that's his internet handle). It looks weird.

When my sisters and I were kids, we would play LttP. For the longest time we named the character Zelda because we thought that was his name(we hadn't heard of Zelda 1 or 2). It was pretty funny.

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