Rexy Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 ReMixer name - Mak Eightman real name- Max V. Kravchenko email address- userid: 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Probe" Name of game arranged - Megaman X3, Megaman X5 System: No idea Name of individual song arranged - Tunnel Rhino/Cyber Maze Core Link to the original soundtrack - Hello! I made it for Megaman competition long time ago. I was representing «Zero tolerance» team. Great team, I failed them.. If I recall correctly. Two sources I never heard before, two games I never played. Can’t say anything «inspiring» about it. Ok. I had one or two weeks(don’t remember) to make this track, so I had nothing in my mind. I just took guitar and recorded, then added some synth stuff. Fun fact, that I really had nothing in my head, I just played. So the track sounds weird but fun. I don’t think it’ll pass the panel, but I still enjoy the overall soundscape I’ve created here. Gtrs sounds «soft» and heavy, drums are live. Well, this sounding is the best I made so far i guess. Pleas leave the link to Remix if it’s possible. Thanks! SFME!
Gario Posted May 2, 2021 Posted May 2, 2021 No idea why you're being so hard on yourself - overall the arrangement is a pretty solid blend of sources, and the production quality is really quite good. There's a few notes that didn't gel with me (such as at 1:53 and 2:01), but a few iffy notes isn't enough to ruin an entire remix, for me. The lead could've been more pronounced throughout the arrangement, as well, as the textures & bass are more in the front than is idea. But to be honest, these issues don't take enough away from what is otherwise a great rockin' track. Hopefully my YES vote inspires some more confidence in yourself, my dude. And don't worry - I didn't do so hot in that round either, if I recall, the competition was just pretty solid. YES
prophetik music Posted May 6, 2021 Posted May 6, 2021 yeah, the "this is terrible!1" line from you doesn't fly, mak =D this sounds pretty fun. the full band sound isn't my favorite (the synth over top is kinda grating to me) but the arrangement is fine. drums sound great tbh. there's indeed a few notes that are modally correct but aren't set up so they sound real weird where gario mentioned, but i also agree that they aren't game-breakers. one thing i will complain about is the lack of a real break anywhere. this is 3:20 of all-out, and it gets tiring after a little while. some more balance in the instrumentation and a short break in the middle would have been nice, but i get that you didn't have form on your mind when you were playing. there's some ending that needs to be trimmed. this isn't perfect overall but it's over the bar, i think. if i had my druthers, i'd want the form to be more intentional, and for the balance overall to be modified a little to make the background synths a little clearer. YES
DragonAvenger Posted October 3, 2021 Posted October 3, 2021 Definitely a very in your face mix right from the start! I think there's a ton of energy here, and the track really melds the two tracks pretty well. I do agree that the track does get tiring towards the end on the ears, and I think some sort of break in the middle would have been nice. Similarly, the track does meander a bit, but overall a solid take on two sources, and they transition pretty well back and forth. Couple tiny flubs but they don't sound egregiously bad in the long run. Really nice use of drums overall, they do a lot to support the arrangement and have lots of nice fills. YES
Liontamer Posted October 5, 2021 Posted October 5, 2021 Not my cup of tea, but this is definitely well-made. DragonAvenger nailed it on the need for this to let up at some point, but I'm in her camp where you recognize that but can still look beyond it at the overall arrangement and presentation. No need to be so negative on yourself, Mak. I'm glad you didn't let your own POV on this piece prevent you from submitting it. YES
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