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dude i saw a guy at work today that looks like a 40 year old version of you. it was weird. i saw an "old JM" too. I think my place of residence is where old unmodder lookalikes come to retire.

PFS: Ginch Gonch?

Fenrir: You look like that stereotypical snooty British guy in any campy college sex-romp movie. The one you love to hate.

Oh good. I look British.


Yeah buddy

You look like a stoned idiot, and your date has obnoxiously large teeth. Like a fuckin' beaver or something.

Also, tell her to try BRUSHING them once in awhile. Or get some Crest Whitestrips or something. Good god man.



Me "whooping up" skating.

Half off entrance fee and free skate rental at the local rink ifyou were in pajamas during finals week. Me and some friends went out when we were done.

I can skate surprisingly well for growing up in Florida.

A side note: I shaved my head that night. To the skin.

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