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OCR04396 - *YES* Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"

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Hi all,
I've been encouraged by DarkFlameWolf to submit my track from Mizar Attacks! to be featured on the main OCR blog. I didn't realise this was a thing, so here it is:
Remixer: GlacialSpoon (Rob Kemp)
Social: https://www.facebook.com/GlacialMusic, @SaladGlacial
Forum id: 30320
Game: Jet Force Gemini
Original Track Name: Spawnship
Remixed Track Name: Dance of the Ant Spawn
This was made back in 2019 so my memory of what influenced it is a bit fuzzy now. I'd been listening to a bit of "trendy wine bar house" (the Klaus Veen tracks from Lethal League Blaze spring to mind) and was after a bit of chord practice. Chords are generally a bit of a weak point for me, mostly relying on painstakingly tweaking each note over knowing any good theory but I think it worked out here. The source is fairly sparse so there's loads of room to interpret and throw ideas around.
Hope you enjoy and many thanks as always.
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This is a lot of fun and sounds great, but I'm going to need some help with identifying source material.  I saw that it passed album eval with flying colors, so hopefully one of the judges who weighed in on that thread will be able to help out on that front.

Edit 11/02: I'll trust proph's breakdown, so this isn't a tough one.  I really enjoyed the variety of textures, but it never sounds like a mess.  Just entertaining throughout.


Edited by MindWanderer
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

some real weird sfx off the bat that coalesce into something resembling a beat and some funky stuff, settling into something more recognizable at 0:34. the synth usage, filter usage, and consistent attention to variety of effects and a moving/shifting lead instrument is great. there is just a ton of variety going on throughout the track, although a few parts do get mostly reused (1:05 and 1:49 for example). the track also sounds good - there's a ton going on all the time and i never feel like something's being buried. i wouldn't have minded a bit more bass presence but don't mind the agile feel that less bass focus provides to the track.

quick breakdown below.

0:35-0:50 - descending bass line in bass synth
0:50-1:19 - i think this is supposed to be 0:22 or 1:10 in the source, but the chords aren't 1:1 although they sound adjacent.
1:19-1:34 - descending bass line again
1:34-2:03  - the adjacent section to 1:10 again, similar layout but with some variations
2:03-2:18 - similar to above, drastically different voicings
2:18-2:48 - sounds like 1:27 in the original, or at least inspired by it
2:48-3:18 - stutters in original around 2:10ish are influencing this i think
3:18-3:46 - more of the same chord progression and similar burbles from like 2:00 of original
3:46-4:17 - chords and vibe from 2:46 of original
4:17 - the rising and falling synth is from a few places in the original, and then it ends

there appears to be a preponderance of source so no issues there, although many of the correlations are tenuous or based on one instrument.

this is a lot of fun to listen to. nice work.




Edited by prophetik music
  • prophetik music changed the title to 2021/08/20 - (1Y) Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"
Posted (edited)

Gonna cheat a little bit and repeat my analysis from the album review, with some minor tweaking. I considered it postable back then, so it's pretty much a given, for me.

As far as the arrangement goes, damn this one's got some energy in it. I'm feeling the direction this one took with the source, taking those themes and the like and funkifying them to 11 (... that made  sense in my head, don't judge me). It does a great job using the space, as well, changing up the textures often enough to never sound static or boring. Thanks to Prophetik for the source breakdown, I won't argue with his results.

Production is solid, the mixing is good throughout. The instruments that need to pop out are put in the front when they need to be, and are brought to the back of the mix when more interesting things are happening.

Lovin' it, it does a great job putting a fun, fresh face on the source material.



Edited by Gario
  • Gario changed the title to 2021/08/20 - (2Y) Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"
  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2021/08/20 - (3Y) Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"

Well, isn't this a jam? I wasn't sure what to expect from the intro - some of the filtering sounded a little strange - but once things kick off I was bopping my head all the way through. That bass sound that comes in at 0:35 is awesome - although again there's some sort of filter on it that makes it sound like I'm listening through a didgeridoo. Not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but certainly some interesting sound design, and the filter's lifted and the bass mixed up throughout so it doesn't become a nagging issue.

This track's got all the staples of a classic electro-house track. Those synth organ sounds particularly fit the genre well, and of course the sidechaining and swung beats give it a monstrous groove.

It's not the staples that set this track apart for me, though - it's the detail. The sounds do evolve as the track progresses, there are lots of automated effects at play here, and there's tasteful use of glitching. Love the effects at 3:17 for example - some bitcrushing and filtering from the sounds of things, combined with dropping out the bass for a bar, serves as a nice 'electro-fill'.

Source is there if you look for it, at proph has already laid out.

Hugely enjoyable track, thanks for submitting!



  • DarkSim changed the title to 2021/08/20 - (4Y) Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04396 - *YES* Jet Force Gemini "Dance of the Ant Spawn"
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