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C:\Documents and Settings\Kayla\My Documents\My Pictures\FinalFantasy48.jpg

So you wanted it kind of like that? Except like without the extra stuff? Or bolder border?


Uhm, you can't link to images stored on your own computer. You have to upload them to a website such as imageshack in order to let other people view them.

In response to the topic starter: Your best bet would be seeking out a good tattoo artist that works in the style you want, and ask them for help making a design. There's a lot of work that would have to be done on that image depending on how you want it, and it'll be costly to get done at a size where the details remain(Not to mention the shading and color work, if you want it in color)

It would also help if you indicate where you want it.

Make sure to check the artist's portfolio beforehand, so you know you're getting something nice. It'll be on there permanently, so don't go cheap on it.


ok. i'll send ya a random thought or something lol and thank you Smoke. i'll check into things around here. and as to where the tattoo will be, it will be on my thigh. only good spot i can think of casue all the others are going to be taken for other tattoos lol

....a bit extreme for a fan. You sure you want this? This is something in the future you may be regretting. Not just because it is an ff7 tat, but also because it is rather large....

Agreed. Not to criticize, but that is one hell of a complicated picture, and if your tattoo artist screws up(ie they aren't very good at making insanely complicated, unorthodox tattoos) it's not going to be pretty.

As long as you don't regret it later...like your future wife thinking you are wierd, or a job going "ZOMG" at the tats.

As long as the tattoo artist can pull that off and nothing stretches, that'd be a really badass tattoo. I don't see why any woman wouldn't at least find it tolerable.


Yeah, tattoos are one of those things that you want to be positive you won't regret later. They can get removed, but it's an expensive and painful procedure. And if you're absolutely positive you want it, make sure you get it done right.


lol i'm a female and for jobs all my tats will be covered so nothin to worry about there. i will not regret it at all. it's been something i've been planning since 6th grade. so i thought of it for a long time. only thing that is stoping me is no money lol

lol i'm a female and for jobs all my tats will be covered so nothin to worry about there. i will not regret it at all. it's been something i've been planning since 6th grade. so i thought of it for a long time. only thing that is stoping me is no money lol

Many guys just had an erection finding out that it was a chick wanting zomg gaming tats.

Anyhow, reverse gender for what I said and pretty much same statement. You sure your job won't give a shit with these?


na most jobs dont care. just as long its nothing like for example people doing it on your arm or something. but as i said all my tats will be covered up. no one will see em unless they ask me if i can show em. otherwise then that i can go to work and be fine lol

Many guys just had an erection finding out that it was a chick wanting zomg gaming tats.

Anyhow, reverse gender for what I said and pretty much same statement. You sure your job won't give a shit with these?

I've actually been thinking about getting a Zelda tat on my upper shoulders. Not Link or anything, but the Zelda eagle or whatever it's called.

I'll have to consult with my brother in law about it though. He got a tattoo on his back as well(designed by his wife). It's pretty cool.


I dunno, VG character tattoos always seemed like a bad idea to me, since they really won't have any relevance 20 or 30 years down the road. Then you'll be an old saggy lady with some character from one of those old-fashioned "vidja games" that nobody knows on your back (that's where I assume you're putting this). If you like that picture so much, I'd suggest having it printed on a shirt instead. Then you can actually show it to people without having to take off your clothes, and without the risk of regretting a permanent decision. Not to mention, wow that looks like an awful lot of ink.

That said, I think the logo on the right would actually make a cool tattoo...still video-game related, but it's nice enough of a design to stand on its own. Also, it can almost double as devil wings, which in my opinion is pretty awesome. :D

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