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OCR04540 - *YES* Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"

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Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates
Your real name: Tobaunta Torkelsson & Fredrik Vinterstjärna
Your email address: 

Your website: pixelpirates.nu
Your userid: 37469 

Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy VII
Name of arrangement: Fantasy Fighting
Name of individual song(s) arranged: Those Who Fight 

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: When it was announced that a remake of Final Fantasy VII was in the works I got really hyped and had the fighting music in my head for days and that is how this song was created. Was a hard tune to remix since it can't be done in normal 4x4 but after a lot of work we are happy with the result.

  • 3 weeks later...

very loud intro and overall mastering. there's not really any volume variance here.

the reedy bass instrument is neat, but is quite loud and covers up a lot of some of the fun nuanced background parts. it's actually the loudest thing throughout the entire track. i think that the balance is misprioritized.

there's a break at 1:55 that is welcome, but the bass arp is just as loud as before so it's even more in the forefront. it's a neat synth but isn't saying stuff that's that important. around here i realized just how repetitive the first two-thirds of the track was, as the break was just what was needed.

i am really liking the bosh beat 3+3+2 vibe that this has going on throughout. it's a catchy feel and helps drive the arrangement forward. i also like the various flutey synths and how they're used - they're just very quiet. the lack of an ending is disappointing at best.

i'm sounding pretty critical, but i do enjoy the track and what you've done with it. i think it's over the bar but could have been a much better overall track with some more sensitive mastering and variation in what worked in the last third.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2022/09/04 - (1Y) Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"

Its volume was certainly the first thing I noticed; I had to turn my volume down quite a bit.  But then we get a fun groove driven by that buzzy bass, and some run riffing on the theme.  A bit conservative structurally, but there are more than enough twists on the theme to stay different and interesting.

100% agree with proph on the bass being problematic: it's too loud and it almost never lets up.  It's quite fatiguing.  It really would have been nice to have a different bass from time to time.

That said, the bass being too loud is really the only production issue.  The percussion is great and the other layers work just fine.  Arrangement-wise, even though there isn't any original writing, the pieces of the source material are rearranged into something sufficiently novel.  An ending would have been nice to have, but that isn't a dealbreaker either.

Lots of room for improvement here, but also much stronger work than many of your submissions. I'm happy to give it a


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2022/09/04 - (2Y) Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"
  • 3 weeks later...

Weird instrumentation from the jump. OK, I'm not fully on board but you have my attention.

The beat pattern brought in at :10 is initially interesting, but I did feel it was used too much without enough variation besides dropping them out entirely; employing some different patterns and/or sounds could have been good.

By 1:27, I'm waiting for something else to change-up as the instrumentation is getting fatiguing; in terms of dynamics, the beat did drop out at 1:54, so that's at least something.

The mixing was alright, though it does lack high-end sharpness, and proph was right about the imbalances though I can live with them. Laughing out loud at the juice this arrangement has despite the corniest instrumentation ever. I'm definitely in the camp of hearing how this has flaws in the mixing and repetitive feel but have enough strengths to pull it over the line. Not my cup of tea, but chamomile can be hot in the streets too!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2022/09/04 - (3Y) Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"
  • 2 months later...

This is a tricky one! Getting Streets of Rage vibes here. I think the best part about it is the interesting rhythm, which proph described as 3+3+2, and that seems to be how it feels. The instrumentation is bold, loud, and surprisingly sparse.

The percussion too feels very restrained. I was waiting for it to let rip with some crazy drum fills and double-time tom action, hands flying everywhere in a blur of hickory, but no! I suppose I should admire your restraint there, but the energy level of the piece does seem to remain fairly static throughout, and with the sparse instrumentation, I found myself wanting more from it.

Disappointing ending. The flute just repeats and then stops at the end of the bar, without a resolving note or anything. Would have been cool to use the synth to end on a solo, or have a drum fill, or... anything at all to make it stand out as the end of the track! The arrangement, while feeling repetitive, doesn't overtly copy-paste any given section, but at the same time it doesn't feel like there's a great deal of intent with the progression; it's hard to know where you are in the track if you jump in at any given moment.

I should be clear though, I do like everything that's presented here. I just think that it could use another pass to add the extra details that would push this one over the line. Some more dynamics in terms of energy levels - certainly some more interesting percussion, particularly in the middle/final sections would be great - and a proper ending.

NO (resubmit)

  • DarkSim changed the title to 2022/09/04 - (3Y/1N) Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"
  • DarkSim pinned this topic
  • Liontamer unpinned this topic

My heart agrees with DarkSim on what I wanted this track to do. There's so much potential for this to go absolutely wild with rhythmic ferocity, and for a greater dynamic curve by letting your percussion track ebb and flow more deliberately. However, when I separate my personal wants from what's actually in front of me, there's still a lot of merit to the rhythmic adaptation from the source material, and your harmonizing synths layer together in a really satisfying way. I love that Larry pointed out the "juice" this arrangement has, because I totally agree with that and never would have found the words to express that myself.

It's groovy!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04540 - *YES* Final Fantasy 7 "Fantasy Fighting"
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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