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*NO* Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix" *PRIORITY*


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this track was made by me in Renoise, using:
* Samples From Mars
* Rave Generator
* Mario Maker 2 samples

contact information
* remixer name: jneen-collective
* real name: Jeanine Adkisson
* email address: 
* website: https://jneen-collective.bandcamp.com/
* forum user id: 38527

submission information
* game: Super Mario Maker 2 for Nintendo Switch
* arrangement name: Mario Maker - Banned Wagon Mix
* track remixed: Title Theme

additional game information:
Mario Maker 2 music was composed by:
    Atsuko Asahi
    Toru Minegishi
    Sayako Doi
soundtrack posted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acH4EM0TyO8

this mix was originally made as a theme for the Banned Wagon Team, but we eventually decided to use a different track. it came out really well though, so i wanted to polish it up and send it in. bass parts are all original, the breakbeat is custom sliced, and i added a lot of space to the harmonic rhythm to let the d&b elements and a couple melodic flairs shine through. mastered to approximately -14 lufs, peaking momentarily around -11, but i can render the unmastered version on request. hope you enjoy!

- jneen

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Oh shoot, what do we have here, some breakbeats? Alright, let's see where this goes. I like getting Super Mario 64 title theme vibes from this energy. Lots of silly SFX and voice samples in here to prove this isn't taking itself too seriously. 

I felt like there could have been some more overt contrast moments or changes with the breakbeats, but this goes for more subtle textural/instrumentation changes with the breakbeats at the foundation, so that's fine with me. 2:22 had a (slightly overdue) change in the textures and style, referencing the arrangement's opening sans breakbeats, for a cool close. Fadeout came about 3 notes too quickly, but we'll live.

I dig it; very creative and interpretive approach, Jeanine! Definitely don't make this your only sub; keep the hits coming!


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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/02/18 - (1Y) Super Mario Maker 2 "Mario Maker - Banned Wagon Mix"

I follow CarlSagan42's SMM videos religiously, so I know the context here.  Less wacky than what I was expecting, but there's plenty of randomness in there still.

It does stick to one palette pretty closely for a long time.  The drums bother me more than the leads, since they're on autopilot from 0:10 to 2:22 — basically the whole thing except intro and outtro.  More importantly, there's a lengthy loop: 0:09-1:10 is repeated in 1:20-2:21.  There are additions to the second loop: mostly SFX, but 1:51-2:21 does have some extra instrumentation.

For me, the repetition is too much.  Yes, only 31 seconds is strictly copy-pasta'ed (with SFX added), but another 30 seconds hews really closely to the first loop as well.  It's over a third of the entire arrangement, and the non-intro/outtro is entirely two loops of the same thing at heart.  I think we need to ask for some more variety and development than what we're seeing here.


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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/02/18 - (1Y/1N) Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix"

never heard this original, it's a neat idea.

there's a lot of fun pieces to this one. the bass has a nice squelchiness to it that shows up sometimes, and it's playing fun stuff. the honky horn synths are a really neat tone, and i like what they're playing. i usually hate sfx in remixes, and the uses of these are both rhythmically appropriate and add rather than detract from the remix. the drums are fast-paced and fun initially, too. ultimately, though, this is as MW says - it's a ton of copy/paste, and a lot of it feels on auto-pilot. beyond that, i thought that nothing really felt like it was in the same place. the bass, percussion, drums, lead synth, sfx, and honky horn synth all feel like they're in totally different places in the mix. they're not balanced and verbed and EQ'd such that they feel cohesive.

there is a really neat tech demo here. i think it'd be really positive to spend some time making a more cohesive whole, with drums that are less looped and have more fills and blurbs to help them feel less repetitive, and less copy/paste overall.




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  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/02/18 - (1Y/2N) Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix"

I also haven't heard the original but it's very cool!  I love this idea for a remix too, and there are many excellent ideas presented.  I agree with Larry, it has that silly Mario 64 feel which is really fun.  I happen to love sfx in a remix and I like how they are used here.  Unfortunately I agree with MW and prophetik that the repetition is just too much.  The drums are the biggest offender.  The breakbeat is super cool but there needs to be a break from the pattern sooner than 2:22, after which there is just a simple fadeout of the mix.  Changing the lead timbres at some point would also break up the repetitive feel nicely. The production is good.  The mastering is on the gentle side, but works well enough and everything is punchy and audible.  I don't think it will take too much to get this arrangement firing on all cylinders, really a breakdown section with slower drums, somewhere in the middle, would do it for me, although an additional countermelody or a swapping of the lead sound for something new halfway through would be appreciated too.

NO (borderline, please resubmit)

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  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2023/02/18 - (1Y/3N) Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix"

You know, I played a decent amount of Mario Maker 2, and I don't think I ever listened to the title music! I love the approach here. Larry's right about it sounding like the SM64 title theme, with that fast breakbeat, and I love the 'Yoshi bongos' underneath. Although, perhaps a missed opportunity to add some Yoshi SFX before introducing the bongos? Also I'm curious if the crackling at 0:08-09 is baked into the bongo sample or if it's some kind of effect? Either way, it's not a big deal, as whatever it is is masked once the other elements of the piece come in.

The original bassline is doing some really fun stuff, and I like the warm synth you've chosen for that. It's very up-front in the mix, and could stand to sit back somewhat. The whole mix sounded a bit odd to my ears, spatially speaking. It's like I was in a tunnel, and the bass was next to me, then the breakbeat a little further ahead, then other things further down the tunnel. Tweaking the mix to make things sound closer together would be nice, although not a dealbreaker on its own.

The breakbeats sound great, and drive the mix along at a frenetic pace. You can have too much of a good thing though, and there's a natural point for a break/switchup at 1:12, which would be welcomed. As it is, they're playing for everything except the intro and outro, which keeps the energy levels pretty static throughout. Adding more dynamics to the track would be a big plus.

SFX are OK, but what's going on at 1:29? Is Toad censoring an expletive? It's pretty funny, but the sample at 1:29 is so dry that it sticks right out of the mix - although, with what I think it's saying, maybe that's intentional!

Tough one for me to call here. It's super close, but it feels like it needs that extra push just to bring everything together and make things click. The ideas are all there, but I think there's some great feedback here that, if taken on board, could elevate this one way above the bar instead of just scraping over it. There's nothing major holding this one back for me, so I hope to hear it again soon!

NO (resubmit)


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  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix" *PRIORITY*
  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Super Mario Maker 2 "Banned Wagon Mix"
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